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Everything posted by Chawny

  1. Can you tell me what currency is the best to have at resort and around DR......I am from Canada I was thinking US $ probably best but I know sometimes it is worth getting local $ ??
  2. I feel so silly I have seen a few threads with reference to seeing Jellyfish not sure what people are referring too? Also I was I thought a room was set aside for Brides to get ready before the wedding and that was included with wedding packages but I have also observed references to having to reserve and pay $150 for a room? Any insight on this would be helpful thanks
  3. Congratulations glad to hear everything went great over all how was the whole experience at the hotel and with wedding are you happy with your choice in the end. I do have WBA booked for my photos and I am a little worried :/ given the review congrates again and thanks for the input
  4. Ksassy1115- I am pretty sure they would us ipod docking system for wedding included in basic wedding pkg not sure you will need to bring anything to actually play. Are you just going to one of the restaurants for your dinner or have you got a separate reception area booked. your wedding is almost a month before mine are you getting excited? I have been debating bring my own tulle for the gazebo what are you doing?
  5. I'm getting Married December 16th at the NOW Larimar in Punta Cana it is quickly approaching now getting excited!! Still trying to figure out if any Bides have brought there own fabric for the Gazebo because the resort wants a ridiculous amount to use theirs.
  6. I have my Wedding date booked for Dec 16th 2013 4pm at the Fountain we were just planning to have the dinner at one of the restaurant has anyone else gone this low key and have advice or experience to share. This date is quickly approaching I finally had a chance to sit down and read a lot of these posts which has been very comforting..... It is a very small group going just 12 of us including the Bride & Groom, 1 MOH and 1 BM because we paid for 6 of these guests I am really struggling with spending money on separate reception with just us and 2 small kids and the mom's. I feel like in some way I will miss out on the one dance with my husband but seems almost silly for me to spend the money just to have the dance. Any thoughts or advice from anyone who has been there. Also they want to charge $450 for the fabric to go on the gazebo at the fountain any cheaper ideas on this front?
  7. Can anyone that has already gone through this process tell me what the Fountain location was like vs. the beach I really dont want to pay extra for the Gazebo as I am going there with a very small group only 10 of us very small intimate group. I would also love to hear from anyone that also had a very mall group to tell me what the best restaurant would be to sit and have reception dinner as there are not enough people in my group to justify a seperate booked off area Thanks in advance Congrates to all the brides out there Chantel
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