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Everything posted by Meandhim

  1. @@deecol thanks! I know there's nothing anyone can say but I do appreciate your positive thoughts! I will definitely bring whatever I have done so far to the next meet up so you can take a closer look. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. @@calgarybride2015 Thanks for the HUG!I needed it! Wish I could have a drink! I know there is no real advice to give or words of wisdom for this one but I just had to get the feelings out so I don't lose my mind. Your a nurse right? do you mind if I PM you some questions? I am trying to stay positive...I know that a timeline is just that..a guess...and not always correct. I know my Nan can live as long as her spite allows...she's a tough old bird...but I found that after my legal ceremony she started to decline a crazy amount....it's like that's what she was waiting for and now she can go...for her it's all about her spirit...and her spirits are pretty low right now I know she has to go sometime...I just want to be able to be there...and if it happens close to my wedding I can't and I just want my wedding to be a happy time too. Life can just kick you sometimes! But hey...it's all in the future...guess I'll just have to wait and see... As for my FI's Brother...like I said "can't afford" it would be a reasonable acceptable excuse any other time, but if they don't want to be there that's fine too...just say so, don't lie, that's what hurts...we want people to be there because they want to..not out of obligation. But Oh well over and done now...just so disappointing.
  3. @@Wafflesmom sorry Just noticing this...the 21 Day fix is a diet and exercise program by beachbody. They focus on portion control and half hour workouts...here's the link: 21 Day Fix
  4. @@calgarybride2015 I think my diary is open to friends but I'm not sure...
  5. So 90 days to the wedding day and today I am feeling heart broken... Right on queue... just as the deadline to pay in full is just a few days away, bring on the drama...*Sigh* Let’s start with some positive... beside the 4 people that are just waiting on changes to be made by AC, and the 2 people who have cancelled everyone has paid in full before the deadline! Yea! Next the AC drama... Our AC rep is awful...just as we getting down to the wire she is sending my TA the wrong forms, missing payments my TA sent her months ago! And in the middle of all this she then decides to go on vacation without letting us know, or giving us an alternative agent to deal with in her leave, or putting on a out of office reply on email or voice-mail We found out after escalating to her supervisor, so much wasted time! Hopefully it gets straightened out before Monday!...I'm so over AC! Now for the family drama... My FI's Brother and his Husband have decided to cancel. They informed us they could not afford it. Ok....so normally I would consider this a very acceptable reason and I would be ok with this...but not this time and here is why... This is my FI's only brother; he lives just a few mins from us. His oldest Sister passed away last year, and his other sister lives in Australia. So now that his brother has cancelled the only Family my FI has coming to the wedding are his parents. My FI is very hurt L I think they are lying...This may seem wrong of me to say but out all the people going to our wedding they are the people who can most afford it. My FI’s Brother makes more than me and my FI combined and his Partner makes more than that. They usually take 4 trips a year. Since putting down a deposit on our wedding they have gone to Cuba for a week, two days before they told us they would cancel they bought at $2000 Dog. They don’t want to go, they have somewhere else to be...Their trips usually consist of going to “Bear” Events...which are organized events for big burly gay men. Not that there is anything wrong with that BUT two days after they canceled the FI’s Brother In-Law posted on FB (he doesn't think that we can see this) that he was going to a “Bear” event in Fort Lauderdale Florida that happens to be part way through our wedding week. Now for the WORST thing... This is Family but I wouldn’t consider it drama...it’s just really sad and unfortunate...My Nan (my Dad’s Mom) and my Favorite person in the world is dying...The Dr’s have estimated a few days ago she has about 3 months left ...which is pretty much how much time til the wedding. My Dad is really close to his mom so he will forgo my wedding for her funeral especially since my legal wedding is already done and he was there. My Aunts would also do the same and possibly my cousins and brothers too. I totally understand. Nan made me promise that if something would happen I would still go...plus I have friends who have just paid a ton of money to go. The whole reason I wanted a real wedding besides the obvious is to have my Dad walk me down the aisle, give his speech and do the father daughter dance. My Family are also really important to me so I wanted them all there to celebrate with me...almost seems like there is no point if they are not going to be there and I would just want to be at home with them. My Nan was diagnosed with bone cancer last year and so I’ve come to terms that soon she will not be here, she is old and has lived a great life! I’ve taken every opportunity to spend time with her and tried to make it all important and special ... but I didn’t even think that would happen this soon and around my wedding and that I might not be there for her funeral or that my family might not make it to my wedding. I know that this is something that is uncontrollable and may not even happen but I can help but feel incredibly and overwhelmingly sad right now.
  6. @ OMG! most fun ever! lol! I'm dying every class! Dying laughing and dying because I'm out of shape! According to my fitbit I burn about 650cals doing Zumba for an hour! I go to a class in the basement of the rec centre up the street with a bunch of old ladies (more my pace). I have went other Zumba classes and didn't like them as much because the instructor was too fast, too serious, and the other people in the class were too good at it! lol! So if you don't like it the first time you try it, just try it somewhere else.
  7. @@Wafflesmom Hey! Thanks for starting this! To find the group on MFP you go to community then to groups and the Group is called BDW Brides...I've added you to it....I think?! I'm not really sure how it works really...lol there has been no action in that group so far so let hope we can get it going. My name on MFP is Diaryofadillydallier. OK... Hey Everyone! I'm Shavonne I'm 35 and I'm getting married Nov 25th! exactly 90 days and 6 hours from right now! I gained a pile (40lbs!) of weight when I moved to Toronto 8 years ago and haven't been able to shake it since! I've tried Gyms, Personal trainers...but food is my problem...Damn it, it Just tastes so good! I've recently started the 21 Day Fix (no Shakeology) my first round before my Vacation went pretty well and I lost 9lbs and 4 inches. Its a pretty easy program and it does really help with with portion control...it just takes a fair amount of planning sometimes. I don't really have specific weight goal right now...any loss is a win for me My First goal is I want to start another "serious" round of 21 Day Fix next week and continue for 3 rounds in total before the wedding. My second Goal is to actually go to my Zumba class twice a week I love it but I'm just so lazy after work...I need to start forcing myself to get off my ass!
  8. @@calgarybride2015 Me and GoodLife are NOT friends anymore... Long story...but there is s small gym in my building that I use sometimes and I joined the fitness section of the rec Center up the street... My problem is I need a workout partner or a personal trainer... Without the cost of course! Lol I've never tried juicing before... But I don't think a juicing diet is a good idea either... I do sometimes buy juice usually something with greens in it because I don't get nearly enough green veggies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. @@calgarybride2015 It is a with associated with Shakeology...however I didn't get the Shakology....I just got the regular one. Shakology automatically charges your CC for refills and I don't like that. Apparently you lose more and much faster when using the Shakology along with the 21 day fix. I'm also not a big fan of Protien Shakes... Booze is a big one....luckily (or Unlucky) for me I cant really drink so I don't have that one...but the junk food and eating out is a hard one for me too! love wings, bacon, anything deep fired!mmm...getting hungry now...almost super time here...
  10. @@yycbride2016 @@calgarybride2015 Just before my Vacay home I did the 21 Day fix....my first round I lost 9lbs and 4 inches...I was doing the eating plan (loosely) and the exercises. Since I've come back from my Vacation I have yet to start up again...but I did give me a healthy eating habit and I managed not to gain while I was away! I had planned to do another round when I got back but I need to catch up on some wedding things so I could clear my mind!
  11. @@acw271011 Man That Sucks! Sorry to hear about all your DIL trouble...she sounds like a piece of work! Like @@deecol said...this is the spot to unload! we all have done it! and that's what we are here for! The sight of the dollar right now is making me physically ill! I hope something happens soon and it goes back up...although chances of that are unlikely!
  12. @@vancouverpetunia Thanks! I'm pretty sure I stole the general I Spy Idea from here or pinterest..I definitely didn't come up with it on my own!...but I did make up some of my own items to take a picture of @@krystalball I'm sure yours will be way better! There are so many things I would like to do or change but I just don't have the time! Procrastination kills me! @@RivieraBride15 Thanks! You are so close now then!! What resort are you getting married at? Do you have a planning thread? Love to see some of your Ideas...or to do lists
  13. @@dreia85 where are you having your wedding? @@Beachgirl622 I'm having a private reception too... I'm leaning towards el Bohio right now but guess I'll see when I get there @@shevette925 We are SO close now!!! I'm starting to panic!! I have added some of my DIY to my planning thread now... Have more to add soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. @@yycbride2016 I got them printed at vistaprint...they are rack cards...They only do a min of 50 so if you need less I know some of the girls are getting stuff printed at staples.
  15. @@yycbride2016 Those are really cool! but 40 plus shipping is too much if you wanted a cheaper option you could buy these: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/157279019/small-sugar-starfish-2-3-6-pc-starfish?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=starfish&ref=sr_gallery_5 6 for $10 ...spray paint them white and add the bling / sparkle yourself You could use it at both your DW and AHR
  16. @@TinkerSofi I'm so glad to hear that... I'm in the middle of assembling mine right now and I've been wondering if it was worth it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. @@TinkerSofi I'm so glad to hear that... I'm in the middle of assembling mine right now and I've been wondering if it was worth it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. So I just went through your entire thread again...just to catch up on a few things and remind my self of what you were doing...I've missed out on so much I'm just catching up! First of all Congrats!! You are not a Mrs! And soon you will have your new house and be able to start your brand new life together! That's so exciting!! You looked so Pretty and Happy at your Legal Ceremony! and loved how you went to the fields around your new house for pictures. Your Dad did a great job with those. The spa Bridal suit was so pretty! and I think your hair and make up looked beautiful for both the trial and the wedding! I also watched your wedding ceremony on Ustream...BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! You made a Gorgeous Bride! And Juan was pretty handsome. I loved all your guest photos and I cant wait to see the professional ones! The photobooth pictures were pretty funny, I'm glad that it was a suscess and I think you should read the cards now and on your first anniversary like @@calgarybride2015 said. What were your guest reactions to the welcome bags? I'm sure they must of loved them!
  19. @@yycbride2016 Thanks! the starfish I bought are real... I bought 6 painted 2" starfish and they were $20 I also bought 10 natural ones for $15 for my tables... You can buy the natural ones and paint them yourself I think you should have a card box or something even if you only have 24 people...I went to DW once and they didn't have one so the guests kinda just carried the cards around with them all night! I've seen some pretty small ones at the dollaramma, Michael's and homesense Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. @@acw271011 Thanks... Yes I am and yes you can Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. @@sadiekirby93 It would be helpful to have your dress size and height. As well the same for your bridesmaid so people will know if that have something that may fit. Also have you tried the Brides Project on Broadview ave they sell used, as well as new discontinued stock from dress boutiques at a crazy discounted price. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. @@Beachgirl622 I didn't realize that a hair trial was part of any of the packages! What package did you pick?? @@dreia85 I'm curious about the restaurant reservation too... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Ok checked some things of my to do list today .... 1. Punched my door hangers Just look how my holes line up! I'm so proud!! Lol! This is how they hang If the resort has regular door knobs I will just cut a slit on the side to accommodate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk @@acw271011 @ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I also got my I Spy game printed... On the back of the I Spy game is how to share the pics with us I also have my bags...everything was printed at Vistaprint Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I figured out what I am doing with my cake... I get a two tier with my package so it probably won't be this tall but that's ok I ordered the starfish from coconut beach on Esty and I bought the gold ribbon at Micheals...its champagne gold... I found the inspiration pic on Pinterest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I found a box for our cards at homesense ... I bought these round white tags at Micheals along with the glitter stickers letters and the twine...now I just gotta figure out how I'm going to attach it. I think I'm also going to put ribbons on the sides to keep the box from opening all the way Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. @@maybeoneday Thanks @@Wafflesmom Lol! I'm just like your fiancé! I tell my FI that ALL the time!! Gets on his last nerve I think sometimes! You and your FI must make a good match too balances out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. @@veryvalentine I was just saying to my bridesmaid that I feel like I should wear a Bride sash to the airport so I can get some special treatment! lol! @@acw271011 Having the bag definitely helped at the airport! @@vancouverpetunia Thank you! I hope I'm done with the travel trouble for good! @@Wafflesmom Thank you! It's definitely a story! I'm not sure if its the most original...but its mine...maybe the way I retracted is a little abnormal... When uncontrollable things happen you have to move on...try to see the funny side, the Irony, whatever it is that you can use to turn it in to the stories that make up your life...it's always your choice if it is a positive story or a negative story...I'd rather look back and laugh. I will say its not always easy but it's always worth it. I'm generally a calm person...I avoid confrontation like the plague, I find it's just not worth my time...I say god help the person that actually makes me mad enough to confront them! My FI is the hot head...he loses his SH*T over the most random things...so maybe that's why we are a good balance
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