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Everything posted by kaleighMCL

  1. Sounds like you have the right attitude! Good luck with the wedding! Thanks for keeping us in the loop with the resort changes
  2. I think it depends where you want to hold your ceremony and reception. There is another thread "offical thread azul sensatori" (or close to that, that lists everything you will need to make your decision!)
  3. Quick question for past brides - Did any of you use the sky deck for your wedding location - if so, what was the video relay like? i haven't really heard much on this other than the sound didn't work? which makes me think its just tapping into a security camera or something? Any experience with this is appreciated!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennkn87 For the girls going the route of no wedding party- Have you thought about things like speeches? Will you still have anyone speak at your dinner? Who will bring the rings? I am still undecided if I want our family (brothers and sisters) to stand up or not. I want to save them money as well...so I'm thinking I wold purchase the attire for them since they are already paying for the trip. Any suggestions on this? I sort of just want to say oh well and just the two of us stand up front, no speeches, totally untraditional, which is fine by me!! Since we planned on only having a MOH and BM (no ring bearer) i bought a ring holder on esty, and i was going to have my FI's Brother hold onto it until right before the ceremony and then put them up on the table where we sign our lives away (hee hee). The speeches were optional, the FI and I were going to do thank you's to the family for coming and the mic would be open for everyone else. For the $$ aspect, i told them i would give them (BM &MOH) 500 bucks to compensate them for the cost of being in the bridal party (or two nights stay on us was how i ended up wording it) i figured with the stags and showers plus attire and travel they would be spending about 500 extra on our wedding...BUT after having both of them bail on us we have to revise the ceremony - i'm not sure how to do the signing of stuff and speeches after. I'm just getting the FI and I in order and the rest is optional for the guests. I'm telling the parents the plan so they know they won't be called upon unless they want to be. We also aren't having a huge dance party (no dj) because none of us are huge dancers so right there we are going a little untraditional... Hope that helps! happy planning!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lins1 Hi ladies!! Can anyone tell me where they got their canvas welcome/oot bags from? I live in Canada so would prefer to go to a store and grab them but online suggestions are good too. Thanks!! I just ordered mine off vista print last night they have a deal expiring tonight - 33% off shipping and the order...i ended up getting my bags for about 7.50 a peice with our monogram on it...You could probably do cheaper at the dollar stores, but here in YYC - our dollar stores don't really have any, and what they do have are very poor quality. I would register for vista print and they will (sometimes in excess) send you emails on deals....
  6. The first couple of months the lack of guidance was really frustrating, but i'm taking it day by day. I'm not to concerned at this point - my opinion might by different come January lol. But there have been so many things happen on my end alone - that i'm very ka-sa-ra-sa-ra about it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by michandwarr Hello all! Just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing any troubles with their Miami wedding planners lately?? I've been planning my wedding since February and have already gone through 3 planners (elizabeth, perla and now Fabio). Fabio doesn't seem to have a sniff so I'm starting to get concerned! Hopefully they hire some more experienced planners before my date!.... I am using Lynda, and I have found it frustrating because she isn't super forth wright with information (ie: its your wedding, you tell me what you want" type response) I am not too sure if that is standard or just me not really knowing what i want but with my wedding in February 2014 - I usually give her 3-5 business days to respond before I follow up (which i haven't had to do yet) and when she does respond, it got enough information for me to get me to my next wall of questions. I'm a little of a type A and want to have everything figured out right away so this has been a process letting go a bit - but this forum is really good at answering a lot of the questions that have given me the most anxiety! Good luck planning!
  8. We fully intended on having a wedding party ... even planned a fake wedding license (legally getting married at home) so guests wouldn't know we weren't actually getting married infront of them (to me the vows make you married, the license gives you the tax benefit). But months after booking the hotel and having guests book, and waiting for my MOH to get a dress to pick my wedding colours - both our BM and MOH (only wedding party) backed out. fast foward to today, and we are a couple months out from the wedding, they are still making noises about coming, and we are scrapping the party in our minds, and deciding when we land in mexico. It saddens me since they were our only friends coming to the wedding, but i'm not marrying them, so as long as my Fiance shows up - i'm happy. Glad to hear i'm not the only one too! It broke my heart when my MOH backed out after so much time had passed.
  9. we did the website, wedding email etc. its radio silence out there. I'm ok with it though - if people miss out, its not for lack of trying on my part! I would love to have everyone there, but we always planned on it being my FI, myself and a witness in MX and anyone else is a generous bonus. Keeps our expectations in line i think, and my anxiety level down!
  10. This is a tricky one for me. My FI and his family are being realllllly difficult. I sent out Save the dates via email back in May thinking that was great. Then I find out a week prior to our room block expiring that his family are basically ignoring the STD’s bc they want to see a paper copy of the invite. ARGH. So I did a rush print job and mailed them out last week. So with our wedding in February I did it 7 months early – and about 2 months prior to when I wanted to do them. We have 23 confirmed booked – but with our room block expired I’m not really sure what to expect now. Everyone is pretty much ignoring me in terms of emails etc. and assuming just because its an all inclusive resort there is no planning required. They also are thinking they can just book for WHEREVER and come day of, which they can’t (in order to stay within the 20% off site that is stated in the contract). Our Bridal party didn’t even book by the deadline (and as far as i am aware, still haven't booked). So needless to say, the fact that we are planning this day with the idea of it just being us and anyone else there is a bonus is a blessing – because I may be bald by now!
  11. I've gotten the invites out (arriving in some mailboxes today) and now i'm getting down to the nitty gritty of what to do for decor. I'm curious, what are people bringing from home and what are they using from the hotel. Lomas is just such an egregious waste of money (i would rather pay the extra luggage fee, i would probably still save hundreds). I'm getting the Pearl package, and am in Canada so i'm finding shipping to be half the cost if not the full cost of some of the 'cheap' items i'm finding online. I've been addicted to Etsy lately - but the shipping costs are making me hesitant. I'm thinking i will have to take centerpieces stuff, chair sashes the whole shabang because I just feel its so over priced through Lomas.
  12. Congrats on your nuptials! We are getting hitched feb. 20 at the azul, having our Wedding on the SKY deck at 4...reception at the zavas plaza (i think that is what its called, the area by the pool). I am stumbling my way through planning my wedding from Canada, unsure what to leave for when i get there, and what to take down with me! this site has been beyond helpful! hopefully you find it helpful as well!
  13. I compiled my guest list by guests in the room. So if there was a known couple i listed them both, and if it was a single person, i factored in a guest for them because i didn't want them to feel like the third wheel if there were a lot of couples(i tried to think about things if i was getting married at home, the singles would have had a plus one) However, i did start loosing control of my guest list finding out guests were trying to get their whole adult family and their significant others to book under our room block (and we really couldn't have that because of the amazing response we were having to our wedding, we were getting low in our block). After much discussion we decided that the extra $$ to keep the drama down in mexico was more than worth it. Not having met/seen these uninvited guests in over a decade was not making me overly eager to accommodate and incur extra costs but we really wanted to keep the peace and realized it wouldn't deter from the fact that we just want to be married at the end of the day. In the end, we got 'lucky' and there was more family drama behind the scenes i wasn't aware of and that led them to book a different vacation in Europe, so the situation became moot. What stressed me out about it, was the assumption that anyone could come because it was an all inclusive resort and i started to panic that this could happen again in multiple. Hope that helps, and good luck!
  14. That does help! I was looking at the privat event banquet kit provided to me by the WC. I was getting really turned around with the whole thing - the pick and choose and the pre-set menu, i spent so long looking through it all, and the FI decided that buffet was his pick! LOL. I'm torn - i like the idea of a structured sit down, but the freedom of choice of the buffet.
  15. Hi Ladies! I am doing a 'rush' order on my invites because i'm slowly loosing control on my guest list (over eager parents). I'm trying to decipher the banquet menu, and I would like to give my guests the options of chicken, beef, or surf and turf - but the menu looks like I pick? Can I just get the numbers from the RSVP cards and submit to the hotel? It looks like a lot of people on the post are just doing the lobster surf and turf. Are any brides out there giving their guests meal options?
  16. My parents divorced when I was very young. Both moving on – my dad with his girlfriend who has one son and my mom 6 years later with her late husband and his two kids. I lived with my mom and my late step-fathers kids were older and out of the house. I did family vacations with my dad and his girlfriend and the weekends here and there that I spent with my dad. Since the age of about 14 I haven’t seen her son much. In the last decade I can count on one hand with fingers left over how many times I have seen him. Now that the save the dates are out, and people are booking for our wedding – my dad’s gf wants her son AND his girlfriend to come. I have had to have the uncomfortable conversation three times now that I cannot accommodate anyone that was not on the guest list, and that he was not invited and cannot book under our room block, and if he comes to any wedding festivities there will be no chair or meal for him and he & his gf are not to take food out of my guests mouths by attending. Each conversation getting more and more frank than the one before. My fiancé and I are paying for the whole wedding ourselves, not asking for money from anyone because of the cost. This is really starting to take a toll because I feel like my dad is going rouge on the guest list and the stress is the exact reason why we chose to leave the country to not have guest list creep. My dads gf is acting weird around me now saying that I’m excluding him. Well I didn’t even know his gf’s name until this situation came up. We made the difficult decision to NOT include my step family because my immediate family is large on its own. Now I find out that he IS booking, but not part of our room block (I’m not border control, I can’t control where he goes on vacation). I guess I’m wondering – has anyone else encountered this problem? Did you end up with wedding crashers?
  17. I had the same experience with the Bridal Centre. My MOH and I were shopping for her dress, and weren't aware you needed an appointment for MOH dresses as well. The receptionist acted totally inconvenienced by the fact we were there without an appointment, we explained we were just browsing and she just huffed and pointed us around the corner. After not finding anything worth even booking an appointment for (which we would have done before trying to get her into anything) we went to thank them for letting us walk around, and to ask about booking an appointment for bridal gowns and they ignored us, the two girls up front just kept chatting, so I interjected and thanked them for helping me eliminate a store from my decision making process, and they didn't even get what I was saying. I ended up at Jessica Bridal, I was the only bride in there and spent 3 hours going between the same 4 dresses. My consultant was so patient and they were great - better yet, after we found my dress, my MOH started trying things on and got hers as well. The prices were great, and the service is great. I wasn't looking for the 'experience' of getting the dress, like you see on TLC so Jessica Bridal fit my bill!
  18. I'm in the process of booking our rooms - i'm curious what other people have done. My Fiance wants the top floor ocean view that we have been seeing in all the photos, but I want to make sure I have room for everyone when i'm getting ready day of. What rooms classifications are the majority of people going with?
  19. We are February 20!! We spent a couple days straight (felt like it anyway) going from blog to blog and emailing various vendors, we stumbled across Sarani Photography, and I think this will be our choice pending approval from the Sensatori! The Reviews on this site seem warm and postive, plus getting the wedding video was an added perk that we didn't think we could afford.
  20. We are February 20!! We spent a couple days straight (felt like it anyway) going from blog to blog and emailing various vendors, we stumbled across Sarani Photography, and I think this will be our choice pending approval from the Sensatori! The Reviews on this site seem warm and postive, plus getting the wedding video was an added perk that we didn't think we could afford.
  21. I am a confirmed February 2014 Bride for the Azul Sensatori! Beyond excited for it!! I'm trying to find a photographer. I fell in LOVE with Elizabeth Medina, but looking over our budget, I am starting to fear that she just exceeds what our budget can allow. I'm having a hard time deciding about bringing a photographer with me from Calgary, Canada - or hiring someone in Mexico. What are other brides doing in terms of photography?
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