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Everything posted by Canadagoose

  1. I'm considering the Quetzal for my wedding, and I've been reading this post with great interest. 1. What are the wedding venues that are available ? Is it only the beach, or is there a garden venue? 2. What kinds of decorations do they provide with the packages? If I wanted to add my own decorations is there a huge charge for this? 3. What's the difference between the Quetzal and the Toucan? 4. If we wanted a private reception how much extra would that be? What are the venues like? 5. Do the chairs have covers/bows? Is there an extra cost for this? That's all for now. I know I'll have a lot more questions soon.
  2. Thanks for all of the ideas! The hand ceremony sounds beautiful! To honour our parents, my FI and I are hoping to do something a little bit different. We are currently teaching in China, and we are thinking about doing a simplified Chinese Teas Ceremony (even though we are not Chinese). Basically what the tea ceremony is involves the B&G kneeling in front of their relatives (parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc…) 2 or 3 at a time, and serving them tea. In exchange they will receive gifts of gold and red envelopes of money. We were thinking of incorporating this into our wedding, by serving our parents (and only our parents) tea and receiving their blessing in exchange. We thought it would be quite nice way of publicly thanking our parents for everything they have done for us.
  3. We're planning a destination wedding because I'm hoping that it will be the cheapest and easiest way of putting together our wedding. My situation is a little complicated because I'm from Canada, my fiance is from Australia, but we are teaching and living in China. Just the thought of trying to put together a DIY wedding in either country was enough to bring me to tears. This way, everyone gets to travel and have a vacation, and our wedding can take place under the palm trees in a beautiful place.
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