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Everything posted by Canadagoose

  1. Hi Janet, it's me again, Reception - I managed to get 21 people to come out to my wedding here, and I had been agonizing about the reception for months. I had been told that in order to have a private reception, I needed 30 people, and an extra $990 over and above my gold star package. Then I found out that we could book out the restaurant for four hours if we paid for a total of 30 people. A few of my guests had also indicated that they would feel gypped if we didn't have a private reception. We were still considering this option when I then asked about the sound system, which by the way wasn't included. This would be an extra $50/per hour, as the sound system isn't included for the reception. I was starting to see dollar signs floating away into the upper atmosphere. Finally in complete frustration (this was only last week, I might add) I asked what other people do when they don't have enough people to book out the restaurant for 4 hours. It was only then that I was told that I had two other options. I could throw a second private cocktail party for my guests. It could either be at the disco (8:30 - 10:30, $450 including a DJ & Sound system) or it could be at the beach bar (also 8:30 - 10:30, $7/pp/ph National bar or $10/pp/ph International bar. Sound system - $100) For the number of people I have, the beach bar with the National bar & Sound system came to about the same amount of money as the disco. We decided to do the beach bar because you can't beat the ambiance of being beside the ocean with the waves rolling in. I really wish that they had told me about these options back in July when I was starting to worry about this! I don't know about what happens if you have over 30 people if you absolutely HAVE to book out the restaurant or if the after cocktail party is an option. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Deanne
  2. Hi Janet, I'm at the resort right now, and my wedding is in two days! Yikes! Ceremony music - All you need to do is decide what songs you want, and put them either on an Ipod, USB or give them your computer. Make sure all of the songs are in order. Someone from the hotel will be in charge of playing the music. (My fingers are crossed. Ceremony - As I am doing a renewal of vows, my Mom will actually be performing the ceremony. I put the entire script together from what I found on-line. There's an amazing amount of websites devoted to both religious and non-religious wedding ceremonies. Vows - We wrote our own vows (modeled from what we found on-line, and adapted to fit our own needs. Decorations - If you don't want to pay massive amounts of money, I would try and arrange this well ahead of time. (I'll write more about this later) Alejandra - We met with her yesterday, and I'm definitely starting to feel a lot better about the whole thing. I have found trying to get any advance communication with the resort to be extremely frusterating, especially when dealing with Connie, who doesn't seem to enjoy answering any e-mails. Alejandra is much better. I have also found that they don't volunteer any information what-so-ever unless you ask very specific questions. I definitely have not been very impressed with the advance preparations within the last few months. I'm starting to feel more confident now. I have to run, but I'll write more later when I get a chance. Deanne
  3. We are really unsure about what to do about photographers. Should I ask a family member to take the pictures or hire the resort's photographer? What do you think? Deanne
  4. Come to this forum for pictures. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/18050-iberostar-quetzaltucan/page-21 Past brides have been very helpful.
  5. I've been attempting to deal with Connie as well. I've found the only way to get a response is to actually call her. I can't say that I'm overly impressed so far. The waiting game is the worst. In the meantime I'm trying to lay as much groundwork as I can at the moment. Speaking of which, Does anyone know if we are allowed to mail things to the resort? If so, what is their mailing address? Cheers, Deanne
  6. I've been having trouble getting answers from the resort ever since the beginning of my dealings with them. I have also found that when I send an e-mail it often bounces back to me. It's really frustrating, which is why I've been turning to this thread for answers to my questions.
  7. Does anyone know if the resort will allow us to release sky lanterns? (We are making sure that the ones we get are biodegradable.)
  8. Hi Lisa, I'm really not sure what to make of your comment. My first thought was to be absolutely terrified, as I will be getting married at one of the Iberostar resorts. The thought of a drug shack on the beach? Yikes! I definitely don't want to have anything to do with drugs. What have I gotten myself into?! Maybe I should back out before it's too late. After some careful thought I realized a couple of things... A) That's a very serious claim that you are making, especially without it being your own personal experience. You never specified which Iberostar you were talking about. It only took me a quick Google search to discover that there are at least 7 (possibly more) Iberostars scattered between Mexico and Jamaica alone. C) Although I have traveled extensively through Asia, as well as Southern and Eastern Africa, I have never been to Latin America before. I have also never been to an all-inclusive resort so I really have no idea what to expect. I do, however, have difficulty believing that there would be a drug shack on the beach at one of these fancy hotels. But like I said, as I have no first-hand experience I really have no idea one way or the other. On another note, your wedding sounded beautiful, and I'm glad that it was everything that you wanted it to be. Deanne
  9. Thanks for the advice! In other words, it's easier to ask forgiveness then permission.
  10. They don't like textiles? I guess this means that I'll have to be careful about chair ribbons and table runners!
  11. So if I make them 12 feet / 3.5 meters that should be more than enough. Thanks!
  12. I know that your wedding is in 10 days Jessica. I just want to say good luck! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.
  13. Hi Samantha, Congratulations on your wedding! I'm really glad that everything went well. Your photos are awesome! They really help a lot. I have two completely random questions for you at the moment. (I know that I'll have more later). 1. The sand ceremony - How did you go about organizing that? Did you bring it with you, or did the hotel provide everything? If they did, how much did it cost? 2. The banquet tables - If I wanted to bring a table runner to put on the table, do you have a guess as to how long it should be? Congratulations again! Deanne
  14. Sorry to butt in here. I'm not even close to the 150 posts. Would it be possible to send it to me as well? [email protected] Thank-you so much!!! Deanne
  15. Thanks Trace! That's really helpful. I'm glad to know that the food was really good. What did they serve for dessert?
  16. I have a question for Trace and Sandy, How was the food for your wedding dinner? I've been looking at the menu options that Jessica sent me and it really doesn't sound like there are very many dishes served. I find this especially worrying as neither one of us likes fish or seafood. What do they mean by 'Standard Decoration'? What does that include both for the ceremony and the reception? Are white chair covers included with the price? How much extra do they want for coloured sashes? What do you think is better value: the Gold star package (with the rest being a la carte) or the Dream wedding package with more included, but a significantly higher price? Thanks!!!! Deanne
  17. I agree completely! I don't think I would have even considered the Iberostar if it wasn't for all of you.
  18. It's good to know what to expect from my MOH. Thanks for the post!
  19. I have another question for all of you out there. The dream wedding package says that the marriage license is included with the package. If we do the legal wedding at the Iberostar, will this affect the language of the ceremony? We definitely want our ceremony to be done in English. Also, will that marriage license be recognized outside of Mexico (specifically Canada and Australia)? Thank-you! Deanne
  20. Hi Janet, I'm just about to book for for the Iberostar as well. I'm just waiting on the final quotes from my travel agent. I really hope that I'm making the right decision. I've been having nightmares about it for months. We've been looking absolutely everywhere (Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, I even briefly considered Cambodia before settling on Mexico.) I like the Iberostar for the same reasons as you. One wedding per day, and it's really close to Playa del Carmen (I tend to go stir crazy if I'm in any one spot for too long, and the thought of paying a ton of money in taxi fees really didn't appeal to me.) My wedding date will be in early February 2014. I'm looking forward to chatting with you over the next year.
  21. Hi Jessica, thanks for getting back to me. My real name is Deanne. Connie emailed me their wedding packages (after I finally called her). Do you know what their wedding venues are like? I can find pictures of the beach and chapel. Is there a jungle venue? I'm a little worried about semi naked people getting in the ceremony photos. Also, how is the food? Thanks!
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