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  1. Hey nic!!! Awww it's so nice to here from you & read about your wedding after we have all been counting down the months together on here! Congratulations!!! so pleased for you that it was such a perfect day. You have made me relax so much hearing that everything went well! Sounds like it was a beautiful location at the grand palladium! I also have a few questions if that's okay I've been stressing lately as its been getting closer so quickly! Did you manage to run through things with the wedding coordinator fairly soon after arriving? Were they okay with bringing your own decorations for the ceremony & reception? I have lots to bring over plus I'm taking my own flowers. Did they charge you extra for this? Your reception sounded amazing, we have also booked the blue lagoon! Did you hire a DJ? If so, who did you use? And are the hotel strict about finishing up at 10pm? What package did you book with true colors? I'm thinking about the 2 or 3 hour package but not sure if this will be long enough. Like your idea about emailing them the list of photo ideas too! Would live to see your photos hope you don't mind me adding you on Facebook. Sophie xxx
  2. Here is my DIY timeline for our wedding day done! Going to get them printed on shimmery card and put one in each of my OOT bags for the guests. Inspiration came from another Bride on here using clker.com to edit and change colours of free images. If anyone would like it I will upload the template on here when I can figure out how to do it
  3. Thank for the info I'm looking at around $900 for 2 hours or $1300 for 3 hours. There portfolio looks good online, but have seen a couple bad reviews on here from past brides experiences. I may check out Courtney Chen also!
  4. Are any brides able to tell me about their experience with True Colors Photography? Or is anyone else planning on booking with them? We are getting married at the Grand Palladium and thinking of booking them to do our photos as they seem to be coming back the most reasonable and include the vendor fee. Considering the 2hour or 3hour package. They don't seem to give a lot of info our over email (this is a little worrying) and I'm not sure if the 2 hour package would be long enough to get enough pictures taken.... this is what I've been trying to find out from them... plus if the ceremony runs late would they count this time as part of the "2 hour package" hmmm I am quite an organised person so have a list of picture combinations I would like i.e. Bride & Groom with brides parents, then best man an bridesmaids etc. So hoping they would take this into consideration too.
  5. Hi Jenny! Welcome! 20th Jan... that is going to come around before you know it! Have you had much contact with the wedding coordinator at the GP? I haven't been assigned a coordinator yet but then our wedding isn't until April. Hmm not sure on the songs, I've been struggling with this for the reception... we are having the steel band for the ceremony but just started making my playlist now . Like the sound of Bruno Mars for your ceremony! You having your ceremony on the beach or Gazebo? Like the idea of the cocktail hour, recon guests will love it! We did think about doing it but things have added up so much that we decided to find someone ourselves for drinks before reception. x x
  6. Thanks so much for sharing the info about the beach bash! This is something we would also be really interested in doing... i'm now thinking of changing my reception from the private area in the blue lagoon to this and having the meal in the a la carte before hand. Does anyone know what beach this is usually set up at? I have read that they have a beach bonfire party night on fridays (my wedding is on a friday) so my only concern is that it may be very busy with others guests at the hotel xx
  7. Aww let me know if you like I can forward you the email that they sent us? at least u know what to expect then. The solicitor has quoted me and brendon £11 each to do birth certificate and passport certification (think this must be a good price!!) ... wonder why Thomson not emailed you it? ... lets just hope that they send them over to Jamaica in time lol! xxx
  8. Hey ladies hows it all going? I'm feeling a little bit more organised now - still have some little things left to sort out like shoes, my hair, and booking the photographer but i'm going to leave that until after christmas... I keep thinking as soon as christmas has been and gone its basically here lol. We had our email from Thomson requesting our certified documents last week so have booked an appointment with the solicter, does anyone one know if a copy of birth certificate would be ok? my partner doesn't have his original. xx
  9. Wow st Lucia! ....Nice!!! You are so lucky to be going for 3 weeks! I think with Thomson you get an allowance of 1 extra bag each to carry on or 5kgs? So would have thought you would be ok, but may be worth phoning the weddings dept to see what they say. We always have the too much luggage problem every time we go away so I know it's going to happen this time lol and my partner ends up stressing telling me I'm taking to many clothes and he ends up trying to sneak things out of the suitcase! I'm really excited for you! I can't believe it has come around so fast. When we all started talking on here it seem liked everyone's wedding was so far away! And now it's your turn eeeekk! Can't wait to hear all about it! Good luck to you both xxx
  10. Hi Nic! Can't believe you go this sat! That has come around so fast!!! Try not to worry about the weather you wont know until the day arrives what it going to be like and even if it does rain its usually a quick shower over there...plus the Spa area looks just as beautiful! Hows the luggage allowance going? Have some of your guests offered to put some items in their cases? I'm hoping mine will or I'm screwed lol! Bet you are so excited! Hope that you have an amazing time... please post up the photos for us when you get home, cant wait to hear all about it! By the way where you going on honeymoon? xxx
  11. They are great! Especially for people that haven't been to jamaica before ( I haven't and we are getting married there eeek) looks amazing
  12. I'm looking for around 20 - 25 plastic tumblers (clear or orange), so if anyone has any left over or some they are looking to sell please let me know??? I'm in the UK and we don't have them over here , I can't find any websites that will ship. I will of course cover any shipping costs on top of the price for the tumblers!
  13. For all of those brides getting married in Jamaica.... I contacted the Jamaica Tourist Board (VisitJamaica) and they sent me a bunch of free booklets and leaflets!!! Completely free, they even paid the shipping! I filled out the contact form on their website explaining that we have a group of people travelling to Jamaica for my wedding & would find any literature you have really useful. Then a lady from their London office contacted me (as I am from the UK) and a few days later all of this arrived through my letterbox....SCORE! I emailed her again to say thanks and she sent further copies of the booklets I liked "The Jamaica Guide" & "Jamaica Attractions & Tours" perfect for my OOT Bags & I have enough to fill each one!!!! I will put a link to the website below. Hope you all find this useful http://www.visitjamaica.com/Forms.aspx?ekfrm=12686&LangType=1033
  14. That would be great to see the photos of you making them! Thank so much! Did you create the "ball shape" of the flowers by using anything in the centre to piece them together?
  15. I found some fans on ebay yay!!! Got them shipped over from the US for a much cheaper price than oriental trading.... they wanted $50 shipping! (The fans were still from oriental trading but someone must have had some left over) very happy!
  16. Your wedding looks amazing! How did you diy the coral kissing balls? I would love to try and make these but don't know where to start!
  17. I love your survival kit template with the little stick men!!!! - be great if you could email me the template [email protected]
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