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Everything posted by SharonDi

  1. Ok, so I did a little more research on this thread (it's pretty epic) so I was able to answer the price per person portion...I was surprised it was so expensive per person! I think my friends had a price of about $20 per head at Hacienda Tres Rios and that was only cause she asked for upgrades. Thus why I was a bit surprised, though not completely deterred. I think it is still worth it for the amazing site and inclusions in the set up fee. Do any of you know of lower reception prices at other locations? Not sure if people on this thread will be able to answer that since I'm guessing y'all just have detailed numbers on NOW.
  2. Hi all! I'm new to this thread but since I just reserved the Sapphire for Nov 9, 2013, figured I should join the conversation! I'm doing a site visit in a few weeks with a gf (my fiance doesn't have time off right now) and figured I'd pick your brains ahead of time so I'm ready once I'm on site. So any feedback you have on the below would be most welcome! 1) I think we are going with the Eternity package rather than Devine just based on our needs. Does anyone have any strong opinions on whether it's worth the upgrade? 2) The packages appear to cover reception and dinner for 25. What is the individual cost for both above that number? We will probably have close to 60 guests. 3) we are planning to do both our ceremony and reception on the Tequila Terrace. I had planned to bring my own strings of lights, Oriental lanterns, aisle decorations (which I planned to move over and use on the tables), and table runner. Is it correct that they will set up all your stuff at no fee? We will be using the upgraded bamboo chairs and I saw that there was an additional $2 fee for moving them from ceremony to reception so I wanted to see if there were little costs for this as well. 3) What lighting do they offer on site and at what cost? I saw several photos with globe lights strung across the reception. 4) the packages mentioned centerpieces included. Is that only one centerpiece or if we have two long tables, will they provide several centerpieces? 5) Were there other flower arrangements offered besides the few included in the packet? 6) I've seen mixed reviews about the menus. Are there things you'd recommend we chose or stay away from? 7) we were thinking of having a wedding pinata and wedding themed cornhole (I hate that name) at our reception. We are a crowd who loves games Have any of you done either and do you think there are any issues/fees involved? 8) I saw someone else mentioned that if we make separate wedding lists on our ipod, someone on site will cue them as needed. Can someone confirm that? Sorry for all the questions! I know Anel has a lot on her plate so I didn't want to overwhelm her with all this. Thanks in advance for your help! I'm sure I'll come up with more questions as I go Best, Sharon (& Sven)
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