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Everything posted by kcouette

  1. Ruthehk: I have a similar situation as you, but a little different. My Mom and Dad had both planned to come to the wedding. We have 2 1/2 months until the wedding date and they have just told me now that they do not have enough money to send both of them, so my Dad will not be coming. It has caused a very uncomfortable situation with my family as we have never taken a trip together in my life and this was supposed to be our opportunity to do that. Also, I asked them twice in the last year if they would have any trouble paying the trip costs and they said it would be fine. My mom says she would walk me down the isle, but I told her my Dad should be the one to do it and since he isn't coming I'll be walking by myself. I think since your situation hasn't caused much trouble in your family that having your Mom walk you is an option. But don't forget you can also walk yourself
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