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  1. Thanks Blanca! That's reassuring. I may have been worrying for nothing, as I know there is a difference between people telling me they are coming and actually booking the trip. Hearing that the maximum capacity is 120 makes myself and my FI feel better though.
  2. After getting response back from my guest list I am beginning to get a little worried I will have more than 80 guests coming. We invited 162 thinking no more than half would come, but it seems we may be getting close to 100. I know las caletas is smaller and really only suited for up to 80 guests. I'm starting to think I may have to change venues, which I don't want to do as we had our hearts set on las caletas. I am wondering if any past brides on here have had more than 80 and how it worked out?
  3. Just got the confirmation that my wedding date is booked for Nov.12, 2014 at Las Caletas! Could not be any more excited. Just want to thank everyone for their input on this site, it's what made me choose this location.
  4. I am tentatively planning my wedding at Las Caletas for Nov. 2014. Super excited! Just a question for any brides who had the grooms come out early for pictures. What type of boat did they bring them on? It took me a while to convince my FI to come early with his groomsmen so that we can get some pictures before the ceremony as there will be no light after that time of year. However, I am worried that if they bring them in on a not very nice panga, it will ruin the "specialness" of the day for him. I want him to feel special on the day too. He asked about renting a private charter for them to take them out, but I have a feeling vallarta adventures are not going to allow this. Any input on this would be helpful. Thank you.
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