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Everything posted by Dragan108

  1. Dear all, could you be so kind to help me to take my dear wife to trip to Istanbul for 6 days period. I know its funny request but as we are from Serbia any savings in money is like huge financial support. All you have to do is to follow this link which is leading you to radio web sight http://indexradio.com/Vesti/196/7-dana-u-istambulu . When you scroll down you will se pictures of newly married maidens and grooms and if you could just click on button GLASAJ which actually means to vote. Picture of my wife and me is one were six persons are holding maiden in their hands. You can vote once a day and competition is lasting until Friday. Thank you all, From opened and grateful hart, Dragan
  2. Dear all, could you be so kind to help me to take my dear wife to trip to Istanbul for 6 days period. I know its funny request but as we are from Serbia any savings in money is like huge financial support. All you have to do is to follow this link which is leading you to radio web sight http://indexradio.com/Vesti/196/7-dana-u-istambulu . When you scroll down you will se pictures of newly married maidens and grooms and if you could just click on button GLASAJ which actually means to vote. Picture of my wife and me is one were six persons are holding maiden in their hands. You can vote once a day and competition is lasting until Friday. Thank you all, From opened and grateful hart, Dragan
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