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Posts posted by thurberwedding

  1. We have most of it all packed in one very large suitcase. Just a thing or two left that will be put in one of our carry ons. I didn't put together everything in the bags yet, which makes it a lot easier to fit things in the suitcase. If the stuff is in the OOT bags, then it has kind of an odd shape and will be much harder to pack. 

    We pre-put some of it together, but we have all the big bags flat and many of the things that go inside are in separate boxes/zip lock bags. It took a while, but we got it worked out pretty good.


    One thing to keep in mind is to not have too much money worth of stuff in a single bag either. Each person coming into the country can only have $300 or less in non personal items before getting taxed on it. 

    I worked hard after finding this out to dig out and print receipts.... still missing some, like for all the crap we got from the dollar store, but I've got receipts ready for the bigger items :)

  2. Your guests seem to be around the same ages as our guests. We are expecting less than 30 people too.


    Are you having a DJ? As of now we are doing a simple "First Family Dinner" with no dancing. Our parents and grandparents won't be cutting any rugs so we're thinking it would be a waste of money.


    As for the younger crowd, I was thinking we could go to the club onsite to hang out or use our ocean front suite as a hang out. There would be around 10 of us.



    You could really go either way with a smaller group and especially smaller population of young adults....


    We are doing the full reception with DJ, even extending it to a 4th hour. It could end up being money not wisely spent, but at the same time if we are having a great time and it ends prematurely I'll regret not doing it. It's our wedding, something I only plan on doing once (knock on wood, lol) so I don't want to leave anything to chance. I'll spend the money and see what happens. 


    Completely can't fault you for wanting to do it the way you mentioned either though. I could definitely see a scenario where the dj is pumping the music out to a small handful of people. My hope is that with the smaller group (and enough liquor) people who normally wouldn't dance much at larger weddings in front of more strangers will let loose and get out on the floor.... we will see though!


    The wedding is coming in a week and a half, so I'll gladly report back to you with my results!

    • Like 1
  3. Hi,

    We are from Philadelphia and we are getting married on May 4th.  We have 54 people attending our wedding and we'll be there from the 2nd to the 9th!  Most of us are in our 30's also and we're planning on having a great deal of fun!  I'm sure it's going to be a blast!! Don't stress!!


    From Michigan here. We are getting married the 6th and we'll be there the 3rd to the 10th. I'm sure we'll all cross paths at some point. There will be lots of people there wanting to have fun. We have 27 of us, though most are family in their 40s and 50s we've still got a group of about 8 of us that are younger (late 20s and early 30s) 

    • Like 2
  4. I have a question regarding tipping. Who is everyone tipping and how much? Wedding coordinators? DJ? Staff? Outside photographer?

    We will be tipping the wedding planner, not sure how much, probably $100-$200


    We will also tip the DJ and photographers.


    Beyond that, I'm not sure... The servers at the wedding reception I think have money included in the cost. (for instance I added the extra hour and was charged the cost plus tax plus service. That service part I'm assuming is for the workers required to run it) so I'm not sure it is necessary to tip them?


    I will also probably tip the guitar player and the bartenders that work our cocktail hour.

  5. Hi ladies, 


    For those of you giving your guests an option of entrees in advance, how are you going to denote who is getting what (fish, beef, etc?). 

    Trying to figure out a nice way of letting the servers know.


    Also, for those in the bamboo room are you going with round or rectangle tables? I can't decide 

    Rectangular table for the head table and the rest of the tables round tables.

    We are also making a seating chart.

  6. Aaaah!! We are all starting to get stressed! May weddings are coming up FAST! We sent our paperwork to the coordinator last week, and now I am wondering if we took the right decisions, if we chose the appropriate hors d'oeuvres and meals etc etc. Too late, the form is sent! :P  We need to work on our playlist, as we did not hire a DJ...

    We didn't send our paperwork yet. I have it pretty much filled out, though. I should have it in to them within the next week. We did hire the DJ but as of now we still haven't figured out our mother/son and father/daughter dances.... ugh too many decisions to make!

  7. This is what we did for our wedding - one long table.  We had a wedding party of 5, and I had the Maid of Honor and Best Man set next to my husband and I and then their partners beside them.  I had each member of the wedding party sit beside their significant other.  I also had our parents sit directly across form us, with our dads seated beside each other.  It worked out perfectly, no one felt left out or separated.

    That's what I thought to do originally, but our MOH is single, so we'd have an odd number (5 ppl) at the table.... hmm 

    Having a sweetheart table is a chance for you and you new husband to pause and spend time with one another. Since the party is so small (mine is the same size as yours) take that moment for you.

    My wife :) I'm a guy.... (rare on here, I know)

    but yeah I get what you're saying, still on the fence for what to decide... I think there's a good argument to be made either way

  8. We are having a wedding party of only two... just our maid of honor and best man. I'm interested in opinions from everyone else. Do you think we should have a table of 4 for us or just do the sweetheart table? 


    I keep going back and forth on it. My best man we would love to have with us at the table, but then his wife will be seated with people she doesn't know all by herself (or has met within the past day or so) Not the end of the world, but I assume she'd be happier with her husband. 


    Then again, I was in their wedding, and my fiancee was out at a table far away with my mother while I was at the wedding party table up front most of the night and she survived..... ahhhhhh..... decisions, decisions



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