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Everything posted by HopeToBe

  1. For the girls who have used (or will be using) Rashel Edwards from Chasity Artistry, can you pls advise how much she is charging you, if you don't mind sharing? I am being quoted $270 for air brush make up, lashes, and hair plus her travel. Each bridesmaid is an addition $70... Seems like quite a lot to me! ... Or is it best to just stick with the resort's make up artists/ hair salon? Any feedback on the quality of the job the resort does? ... Rashel's work just seems to be really good from what ive seen/read. Torn!
  2. Hi Is Merrick Cousley part of the resorts photographers? Pls clarify - thanks so much!
  3. Hi Do you have the email address for Rashel Edwards pls? Thanks so much!
  4. Hi There I'm getting married next May. What was the weather like and how windy is it during the day (ceremony) and eve (during dinner)? Is it chilly with the wind? Should I wear my hair up? Should guests bring a light sweater? Any insight into that would be great!
  5. Hi There I'm getting married next May. What was the weather like and how windy is it during the day (ceremony) and eve (during dinner)? Is it chilly with the wind? Should I wear my hair up? Should guests bring a light sweater? Any insight into that would be great!
  6. Hi There, Just to clarify for you, it's $20/pp for two hours or $36/pp for three. I thought it was pp/hour but it's not. Not sure if that helps or not? That was clarified for me from Diandra at the resort.
  7. I have the same question about the sky lanterns. Did you find out at all?
  8. Same here! Good to know about the corkage fee tho. Are you just going to tell your guests to help themselves to drinks then?
  9. Yes. Two different pieces of information, actually. One, I was told that the DJ is NOT included in the rental cost and that I'd have to pay above and beyond. And two, Chandlyn quoted us $16/pp for the bar service, not $20?!? I'm personally starting to get a little frustrated at the different pieces of info they keep telling us. Maybe we should all get on one big conference call so that we all receive the same pieces of info (and use each other as leverage to negotiate! LOL)...
  10. Ah ok got it. The cheap cost for the gazebo /DJ is ONLY if you do the semi-private dinner... Which means you will be eating with the general public. Semi-private is not private at all. Hence the expensive cost of $1700 for your own private, separate, dinner venue...hope everyone is aware of the difference in private vs. semi-private. I personally don't want to be eating my nice, fancy, relatively formal, celebratory dinner with every other guest at the hotel
  11. Hi There! Can you pls advise how you got the dancing area and DJ for only $500?!?! What we've been quoted is $350/ HOUR x 4 hours = $1400! .... This came from the quote on the list of wedding packages directly from the resorts wedding planner. Much appreciated - thanks!
  12. Hi Everyone, In a bit of a Catch22 over here and was hoping to get some insights/feedback regarding DW invitations. On the one hand, sending invites out 12+ months in advance is deemed "too early", but on the other hand, we need to get RSVP's from everyone in the next few weeks since, for those whom RSVP, their deposit will be due this June. Is it tacky / odd to send a Response Card with the Save the Date? OR Is it tacky / odd to send the Save the Date with the formal invite? So confused on the best way to go about this! Pls help!
  13. Hi... Can I ask how much extra you paid for your DJ? Or was it included in the private reception cost?
  14. Hi Everyone, We are considering getting married at this resort next May 2014 but am having trouble first getting estimated costs for all the "extras" that would be required: upgraded wedding package, cost for a private dinner/reception site, cost for a DJ for the private dinner/reception site, if there is a cost for a bit of a customized menu... I'm assuming most of you have upgraded the wedding package and ensured a private venue for your dinner/dancing, so was hoping you might be able to give me a ball park on the extra costs? Also, if you did do a private dinner/reception area, what area/restaurant did you use? I understand their is an open-air garden restaurant we could rent out for the night, or something by the pool or beach? Lastly, did you most of you bring in your own music/decor? Much appreciated if you could pls shed some light!! Thanks!
  15. Hi Everyone, We are considering getting married at this resort next May 2014 but am having trouble first getting estimated costs for all the "extras" that would be required: upgraded wedding package, cost for a private dinner/reception site, cost for a DJ for the private dinner/reception site, if there is a cost for a bit of a customized menu... Has anyone done any of this for their wedding, and if so, was hoping you might be able to give me a ball park on the extra costs? Also, if you did do a private dinner/reception area, what area/restaurant did you use? I understand their is an open-air garden restaurant we could rent out for the night, or something by the pool or beach? Muuuuch appreciated if you could pls shed some light! Thanks!
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