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Everything posted by BellaWright

  1. Hi and many congrats Stef!! When is your wedding in April!? I cannot wait to hear all about it!!! I did look at the map and the gazebo/chapel (have not confirmed which I will get) seems to be near the sunrise section but I am not sure how long that is actually walking etc. I will probably end up asking my wedco to make it as close as possible because I do have some elderly guests. How big is your wedding? I will have 40 or less but it is still overwhelming to me. I read a lot of the information on the 2012 thread, so much is on there! That is where I got idea to bring my own reception decorations for the most part, because it is all adding up!! Are you doing anything special at your reception? I read about fire dancers and am seriously considering it! Sorry I have so many questions, my wedco has me pumped! Would love to hear all about your planning if u have time
  2. Thank you for these lovely photos and for the congrats!! Getting more excited about our big day seeing these
  3. Hi Ladies I am new to the site. I have read 100's of reviews and this website is amazing, as are all of the ladies who contribute to it!! I have been sent a lot of information by my on site wedding coordinator, which is surprising since I read a lot of people don't hear from theirs until a month before the wedding!! Long story short, I am having a hard time choosing everything and could use any advice from brides who have done site visits or already had their weddings and know the lay of the land! I am trying to find out where I should have our welcome cocktail hour and our ceremony. My guests and I are staying in the Sunrise block, and I wanted the welcome cocktail to be somewhere around there. Right now it is down as Fragata Terrace, but I have no clue where that is in relation to our rooms! I want to have my wedding in the chapel, but it looks like I have been scheduled for the gazebo. I hate sending my wedding coordinator 10 emails a day but I have sooooooo many questions! Please help!! I need a MP mentor!! Or five.
  4. Hi Charlene, I spoke with a representative at Moon Palace and my travel agent recently did a site visit as well and both have verified there are swim up suites. The Grand Section has swim up suites but they are not private pools, based on what I was told by both my travel agent and a representative at Moon Palace. My fiance and I booked a swim up suite in the sunrise section which I hear will not be available until May but is supposed to be really nice! I can post the room description on here if that is helpful! -Bella
  5. I barely know how to use this site so apologies on the repost ladies! Jen so happy for you! Wish I could be there Thanks to you I chose the Moon Palace, you have to tell me how everything goes!!!
  6. J!! I just joined the site because you told me about it yesterday! Yay so excited for you honey!!
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