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Everything posted by hortonk

  1. thats good to know about the welcome bags not needing a favor thanks!! I am wondering the same thing as our head table is going to have 12 people at it and then the rest of the tables will be the round ones. Does anyone know if I am going to be able to do that. ALSO, I read somewhere something about if you have a large group they will let you have a buffet meal instead of the plated meal with the Divine pkg. Does anyone know anything about this? I really want to do the buffet as there is no way all 80 people are going to enjoy the same plated meal....
  2. I was kind of thinking the same thing....where is the 350 for centerpeices coming from? Maybe thats for a few?? Can anyone clarify this??
  3. I am in the same boat! I really dont want to be taking a bunch of stuff down with me. I will probably end up using the centrepeices as well...:S I dont think i am going to have chair bows as I want the Pergola to look like the picture that I posted. I dont know what to do for the tables....i might bring down some burlap (i think thats what its called) as table runners maybe...keep it natural! I am going to do welcome bags that I will have dropped in everyone's room with their luggage with some goodies in there. I am also going to have fans on the chairs along with the program! So far i do not have any favors for the dinner....but I think my welcome bag will be good enough as a "favor" thoughts? I am also looking for ideas for the "welcome" table if you will at the reception...I want to do a group photo on one of the first few days that we are there and have the guests sign that instead of doing a guest book. Then we can have it framed in our living room! I also need cute table assignment things lol!
  4. There i did it yay! haha! I cant believe we have so many people booked already either, it is such a surprise we are so overwhelmed and happy! We are just going to use the resort photographer. As for decor ideas i have NO idea. I want simple and beachy haha but i am struggling with all of those details. What about you?!
  5. I TOTALLY agree!! i am such a newbie i dont really know what I am doing half of the time lol!
  6. I do! Jan 09 2014! :) I cannot wait!! I am a newbie and dont know how to make all of that show on my profile....lol!
  7. Glad to hear! it is a beautiful resort and really you are going to run into this problem at almost every resort! I know though, absolutely ridiculous! Happy Planning!!!
  8. Also Beth, i believe adults are considered age 16+ which is why my parents could not be in the same room as my brother and sister....I think it is quite silly as they cant be in a room alone as you have to be 18+ to be in a room....
  9. Hi Beth! I am a travel agent and the Now Jade does NOT allow 4 adults in the same room. Even the family suite must be 2 adults and 2 children you cannot have 4 adults in the family suite. You are not going to be able to find many properties that allow 4 adults in one room as per their fire code restrictions thats just the way it is unfortunately. My mom and dad wanted to be in the same room as my brother and sister (17 and 9) and hotels do not even allow that! They have booked 2 seperate rooms, and when we get down to the resort I am going to see if we can get a family suite if it is not already occupied. Resorts keep these family rooms for larger families who NEED to have their small children in the same room. I hope this helps!
  10. oh my gosh what a great thread this is! I am just starting to look for things to put in my welcome bags! I still have 9 months to go, so I figure if I buy random things once a month the cost wont be such a hard pill to swallow!
  11. I have the same questions! I would really love to see your pricing sheet when you get back!!
  12. I agree, they milk destination weddings. Like why do I have to pay $7 for a different chair?!?! that boggles my mind as it is the exact same set up is it not?! gr some things just annoy me that they charge so much for but i guess you really dont have an option- if you want these things you just have to suck it up and pay for it. wow the dj per hour is quite expensive as well holly! Are you going to just make your own play list and have it playing for the ceremony?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by shannonmarie Centerpieces are giving me a HEADACHE!! It is utterly ridiculous how much they charge! We have at least 8 round tables and for the cheapest centerpieces ($65) we are looking at over $500 before taxes just for centerpieces! It's insane!!! I refuse to drag down suitcases full of vases, etc so we are just going to have to suck it up and pay for them. I could actually care less about centerpieces. I've been to dozens of weddings and can't even remember what their centerpieces were, but i suppose we have to have something on the tables. A suggestion would be to use your bridesmaids bouquets if you can. I would def go that route but I only have 1 maid of honor and 8 tables so that won't quite work! that is such a great idea, i never even thought to use my bridesmaids flowers for the center peices!! Im on the same page as you though, I honestly cannot justify spending that much money on something people arent even going to remember probably but at the same time i do not want to be hauling down vases etc. How many people are in your wedding? I havent started looking at my seating plan, so i dont know how many round tables I am going to need as of yet. Does anyone know if they can do a head table of 12 in the bamboo room? I dont like the idea of the "sweetheart" table, i want all of our wedding party at the table with us!
  14. Thats too bad, I was really hoping that we could swap and exchange things as well! Do you think for larger groups fhat they will be more accomodating to negotiate things? I read somewhere (cant remember where) that someone swaped out the live music included with the Divine package for the dj....? Do people usually negotiate down there or prior to departure?
  15. That is such a great tip thank you so much! Please keep me posted as to what you find out. Also, someone one has said that the flowers on the pergola are included in the Divine Package, that is awesome!!! I am SOOO stuck on the center peices....I really dont want to spend an arm and a leg on them but i also dont want to be bringing EVERYTHING down with me....Any center peice tips and advise would be so appreciated!!
  16. Lol im thinking this is a good sign then :) Even though i am really enjoying being engaged (best feeling in the world) being married can only be that much better! only 276 more days....or something like that lol!
  17. Thank you ladies!! Yes your so right, I am quite a bit shorter as well, however, they said it will be simple to hem the bottom so fingers crossed!! I was so unsure about the bottom...the top SOLD me (the lace and detail is just AMAZING) but the bottom just has SOOOO much to it but im sure it will be a whole lot better when it is the propper length fingers crossed haha!!
  18. Oh my gosh, im so sorry to hear that! That was SO nice of you guys to do all of that! I feel like this whole wedding process shows alot about who people really are...sad but true...!
  19. Oh my gosh, im so sorry to hear that! That was SO nice of you guys to do all of that, I feel like this whole wedding experience definitly shows alot about people...!
  20. Haha that is awesome! That is what i want, but we will see how it actually plays out!! I cant wait to be a married lady <3
  21. I would love to have a budget breakdown for any Now Jade brides who have 80+ guests and are going with the Divine package...PLEASE someone!
  22. Thanks for the info! That will still be better then Decemeber in the dead of winter haha!!
  23. oh man i feel the same way! We had one beautiful day yesterday and woke up to snow this morning! I am SO done with winter!!!
  24. How early can Bachelor parties be?! I am getting marred in January of 2014 but i want my bachelor party to be during the summer as I am from Canada and the winters are COLD! However, I dont want my party to be to early because then really it isnt the same.....What does everyone suggest?!
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