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Everything posted by kylat

  1. Hi past and future Brides! I'm getting married on January 20th, 2014 and while i know this is in the not too distant future i'm starting to get really frustrated with the response time from Anel and Ramon. I've been their biggest advocate of just give them time to respond because they have so many people they have to deal with on top of doing up to 3 weddings a day. But I have been writing them with the same questions for 2 months now and i'm starting to get a bit pissed off. I've been very patient but have 60 people coming now and need to know things so that i can adjust my budget. So maybe you ladies can help me out! 1) has anyone been waiting this long to hear back from them and has anyone HEARD from them recently? 2) does anyone know how much it is for a kids menu and the age the child needs to qualify for the kids menu? 3) does anyone know the number of guest needed to qualify for the buffet? We want to spend more of our 3 hours dancing than waiting for a plated dinner but need to know whether we need a seating chart because if we qualify for the buffet it will save us the headache of making one up ( divorced families...i don't even want to start thinking of that!) 4) Does anyone know if they have car seats or stollers on the resort that people can use if they want to do a day trip anywhere or do people have to bring their own? On the baby note...does anyone know how people can sterilize bottles while down there? I think thats everything that i can ask to you guys right now that you might be able to help with. I appreciate all the help i can get at this point and i hope they write me back soon!! haha
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsHK Hi there! I'm a newlywed that lives down here in Playa Del Carmen. My friend is a great photographer and has very reasonable rates. (Around $1500 for about 8 hours of shooting) She wasn't our main photographer because we wanted her to enjoy our wedding as a guest and not have to work, but she took a few photos of us casually that turned out amazing! Her name is Susana Hidalgo and her company is called My Adorable Bridal, http://www.myadorablebridal.com. Here's a few of the shots she took at our wedding, you can click them to see the bigger versions: Your pictures are GORGEOUS!!! just a quick question...where did you get your foot things..haha...i don't even know what to call them...decorations? They are stunning and so simple and beautiful...i would love to have something like that as i'm planning on being barefoot for a lot of the day..as most brides on here are i'm sure
  3. Hi!! I wanted to do the same thing and Anel said it was doable! I'm having my ceremony from 1-130, followed by the cocktail reception ( an I think it is) then I wanted to head into Playa del Carmen for photos with my crew. So Anel said it was fine to take the break in between and then have the reception starting between 630 and 7
  4. Thank you so much leigh3124! My only question is about the flowers. Did Anel or Ramon mention anything about not being okay with the loop hole you found of just going outside the gates to bring in the flowers yourself? I wouldn't want to piss off the people setting up the rest of my wedding day
  5. Thanks so much for your review! I'm just wondering about the night life on the resort...is it super quiet? we are lovin the look of the sapphire but would like there to be a good atmosphere for people who want to do stuff later than 10pm...how was the vibe there??
  6. HI! this is my first post on here. I'm trying to decide between 3 resorts: Hard Rock Cancun, Playacar Palace and NOW sapphire. I LOVE the look of the Sapphire and how quiet it is compared to the Hard Rock, but i'm a little nervous about the atmosphere being a little too quiet. We are both musicians and like a bit of atmosphere and i'm just worried that it'll be too quiet at night at the Sapphire. Thoughts? How did you find it when you were there? We don't want spring break or anything but we also don't want people coming down to feel like its bed time at 930. please help!
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