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Everything posted by janellekrista

  1. Hey girls, I have March 3rd, 2014 booked for a ceremony on the beach at 4 pm. I booked the caprice package only because I thought it would satisfy my guests more as I am anticipating 55-70 people. I want a private dinner/reception but I have not yet been able to get ahold of the coordinator. It is helpful to know that anything over 50 is manatory to have a private reception but do you know if they have anything other than a buffet style- as I was really hoping to have a served dinner? Knelson- I agree with you that it is crazy that they are expecting us to pay more and more for food as it is all inculsive. I was hoping that if someone had a private reception if they would be able to answer some of my questions. Where is the private reception: indoors or outdoors? Did you have the option of having buffet or served dinner? What were the additional costs of having a private reception? Has anyone had a private reception on the beach? Any comments or advice would be so greatly appeciated!! -Janelle
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