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MrsCtoB last won the day on August 2 2015

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About MrsCtoB

Profile Information

  • Location
    Boston, MA

Wedding Information

  • Wedding Date
    March 13, 2015
  • Wedding Location
    Valentin Imperial Maya

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  1. Congrats! That is so exciting!! The VIM is wonderful. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Happy planning!
  2. Beautiful photos!! Can't wait to see more. SO happy we got to meet...just sad that our trips didn't overlap all too much. I felt like I had known you for awhile though (hence the showing of the blood shot eye and horror flight story) . So happy for you and Doug. I'll be checking in to hear more soon xo
  3. Glad to hear some details...sounds like a beautiful day! Uh oh...what happened?!!! So sorry to hear of a screw up. I hope it wasn't something huge. I thought you might like the options for pictures. There are some breath taking areas. Excited to be on our way soon. I hope the weather holds out for the rest of your trip (and mine lol)
  4. It's your big day!! Hope it was perfect. I heard from a few contacts at the resort that it was the first sunny day in a bit... so happy it turned around for you!
  5. Safe travels! I'm so excited for you. Enjoy every minute. All of the rooms there are very nice...you can't lose either way. I'll keep an eye out for ya! ❤️ Congrats!!! xo
  6. Sorry to hear about your son You look amazing in your dress! And so happy!!! It's perfect. Although you experienced a bump in the road with your son, soon you will be in paradise relaxing and preparing to say I do again to your love! It will be amazing. Are you still staying in the Silver suites?
  7. Yes! Still arriving on the 24th. I can't wait. You are almost leaving...that is sooo exciting! We should be arriving mid day so we can definitely figure something out between the remainder of the day on the 24th or before you go on the 25th!
  8. Yesssss! You are getting very very close now! How exciting! The rings look great. What day are you flying out again?
  9. I saw this on Facebook recently and chuckled. Weddings really do bring out the worst in some people! That's incredibly tacky and not worth the time, in my opinion. My husband laughs at me because I have this saying that I always use in situations like this but it's so true... too many people focus on the wedding, instead of the marriage. Meaning too many of us women get told that our wedding day is OUR day and fairy tale this and princess that. I think it warps people perceptions on whats really important. The wedding is absolutely one of THE MOST important days of our lives BUT what I think gets missed in the process is that this day is representative of a MARRIAGE! To me, vowing to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and starting that journey together with family was too special to tarnish with bills or talk of who paid what and who didn't. Not to say we are perfect but I don't get how some completely miss how special and sacred the day is and focus just on logistics. Sorry for the rant. Gets me so flustered!
  10. @ I wish I realized how talented you were before my wedding! Those menus are ❤️❤️❤️!
  11. Loving all the details! and the new dress... WOW! ❤️❤️❤️ LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
  12. Love Sophia Tolli! One of her dresses was my runner up...gorgeous dresses! Can't wait to see what you picked!!
  13. Vegas is ridiculous! We always stock up on goodies from Walgreens! They also have the "yard" type cups that you can mix a drink in (alcoholic or non) and walk the strip with. Will last you a good portion of the day!
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