Hello All, I'm new to this site, just signed up today! I saw this thread and how helpful it has been for so many of you who are getting married at the RIU in Ochos, so I had to join in;) Here are some questions I've been pondering...any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!! 1. Do they have a steaming service available for the Wedding Dress/Bridesmaid Dresses/Tuxedos and is it chargeable or complimentary? 2. Does anyone have a pricing list of the group excursions that are available through the resort? And can we book ahead? 3. Did anyone use the on-site photographer/videographer? If so, do you happen to have info on the pkgs/pricing avail? If not, can you recommend any outside photographers? 4. Is or has anyone done the poolside reception? And can you tell me if there is a good amount of space for dancing? (I would hate for myself or a guest to end up in the pool due to a mis-step! lol) My wedding day is booked for Nov 18th/2013 and is set for 5pm (I thought a wedding at sunset would be pretty and romantic!). My "tentative" wedding party is approx. 30-40 people. I got a group rate quoted to me in the amount of $1438.00...I'm told this is actually a pretty decent rate. I'm waivering on if I should grab it or take a chance and wait to see if it drops even more:/ ****CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS GOTTEN MARRIED OR WILL BE GETTING MARRIED SOON!!!***