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Everything posted by SammyAnna

  1. I love I LOVE this song! I wasn't going to use it because it wasn't a traditional choice, but now someone else is having it, I feel so much better. This describes me & FI to a tee! Thanks
  2. Great song choices! Now I'm rethinking my choice lol scatterbrained, I am
  3. Mine is only 2 hours as well. It's a bummer, but at $500/hr rental fee, we can choose to keep the party going down at the beach, that way the older guests don't feel obligated to stay late & kids can get to bed
  4. Oh yeah, BTW... Would you mind sharing the printing costs? I am trying to get a handle on how much my welcome magazine will cost to print. Thanks
  5. Yes Tonia, I had the same issue. You pretty much have to wait at least 1 year-10 mths prior to travel to get accurate pricing. It sux because brides are so excited to get the ball rolling lol best of luck
  6. Wow I never even considered that! Very useful to know if any others had problems at customs
  7. Really cool Jenny2014! I can't open the attachment yet, what software did you use?
  8. I can't wait to do mine. All the pics I have seen, the ladies look like models, so beautiful. It may be my only chance to play dress up lol
  9. My FI was against the idea of marrying at home first (it's his first marriage, my 2nd). He felt our REAL wedding would be then & not down south. Once I explained that it was no different than getting the marriage licence-no kiss, rings, just sign papers & go home; he felt so much better about it. It is saving us alot of $ and headaches in paperwork/translations, etc. We aren't telling anyone and we are treating that day as as just another to-do appt.
  10. I will be giving them out at the welcome dinner. Except for the Bubba's, that is for the bridal party & they will get them before we leave. They are just to much for us to carry all of them.
  11. Will the sand in Punta Cana in March be too hot for my feet? I love the barefoot sandals, but I don't want to hop down the aisle like a bunny lol...I have never been to a sandy beach before, so I don't know what to expect...
  12. I can't wait to get my 150 so I can download this. Thanks for sharing
  13. sounds like an interesting way to lose weight. Wish there was one nearby
  14. sounds like a great thing to try!
  15. I didn't do alot of pampering/makeup/girly stuff before the engagement, but I'm now being bombarded by people selling makeup, skin regimes, weight loss plans, etc. I have never felt so insecure about my looks before & I refuse to feel that way now. I guess they did get me a little bit cuz now I am trying to lose about 10 lbs, even my skin tone and practice my "smile" lol problem is now I have no idea what I am doing so its all trial & error *yikes!* Gonna have to visit the Merle Norman counter for free makeover to learn about this stuff! lmao
  16. I cant wait to get my 150 posts so I can download this
  17. First I have heard of this. Sounds very strange but intriguing. Not sure if I would trust it. Would love to hear more reviews though
  18. oh yeah, also My Fitness Pal is a great way to track what you eat. It educated me on what foods were bad. I was surprised at how many "diet" foods I was eating that was actually sabotaging me.
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