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Posts posted by ucfjennifer

  1. Congrats! I'm so happy you had your perfect day! And thank you for posting your review! Of all the things to obsess over, dining times is giving me a huge headache! Did you have a set dining time for your group? And did they have you at several tables close together?

  2. Money is a tough topic for many couples and I'm no exception. I don't play around when it comes to money! Haha! We have a joint savings but are planning on keeping separate checking accounts for now. We each have particular bills/monthly expenses that we are responsible for and a set percentage that we transfer to savings. This way if I want to buy that new purse or he wants to buy new tires for his truck, we are both free to do so. I have friends that have a set spending limit (anything over they must discuss first) and others that split everything and others that just have one account. You have to pick what works best for your situation. And just because you choose one way now, it doesn't mean you are stuck with it forever.

  3. We are getting married while on a cruise so a little different. We've chosen to have the ceremony and a 2 hour cocktail/hors d'ouvres reception at a beach club in Cozumel. We will then head back to the ship in time for our dining time and then finish the night at a bar or club. I decided to have a shorter reception rather than paying for a full dinner in Cozumel when we could eat for free on the ship.

  4. To answer your questions... -I'm so happy that we chose a cruise/Mexico wedding. It is definitely "us" and something very different for our family/friends. I'm excited/anxious/nervous (all at the same time) for bringing everyone along with us. I've always wanted to take a large family vacation, I just hope everyone behaves! Lol! -I've gotten a few comments on choosing Carnival, but nothing too bad. My stepfather keeps making sarcastic comments, but he doesn't have a choice, he's going! Lol! -We are on a short cruise, so no steakhouse for us. We are having cocktails and hors d'ouvres at the beach club in Cozumel, then dinner in the dining room onboard after.

  5. I am using the final payment date for the cruise as my rsvp deadline, so 60 days out. Hoping that gives me time to follow-up with those that haven't responded and solidify the details with the planner by 30 days out.

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  6. CAKnight - I just saw your post! my notifications definitely aren't working! Go UCF! :) We decided to book late dining and all of the bookings will be linked so they will seat us together at nearby tables. We are going to have the ceremony and cocktail/hors doeuvres reception while in Cozumel, then get everyone back to the ship in time for dinner. Or they can choose to skip dinner and continue the party, which we may do! :)

  7. We are still discussing, but we may have a guy on my side and girl on the groom's side.  I feel that it is our day so we can do it the way we want to.  Our best friends have been in our lives for years and it would mean a lot to us (and them) to have them stand up with us and be a part of our day.  Since we are all really good friends, I would invite her to the bridal shower/bachelorette party and him to the bachelor party.  As far as wedding attire, I would have him dress the same as the guys (and her the same as the girls) with a different colored flower. 

  8. I'm torn on this one! How many rings do they send? I like letting her have input for sure, but popping the big question and having to pick a ring right then would be a bit much for me. On the other hand, if he wants it to be a surprise, that is an excellent option! When we started talking marriage, my fiancé was determined to pick out my ring on his own. He felt the whole thing should be a surprise, but I don't wear much jewelry, so I really wanted to go with him to pick it out and see what felt natural for me. We researched online and I picked what I thought I liked. We decided to go to the jeweler and we each got to pick our favorites and also veto ones we didn't like. Surprisingly, none of the selected options were the style we liked online. He went back later and selected the one he liked best and it ended up being one he originally selected and I now love!

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