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Everything posted by ucfjennifer

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!!
  2. I am leaning towards doing fans. Will probably go with one of the fan/program combos.
  3. Congratulations! We are getting married in Cozumel during a cruise. If you have any questions on that, I'd be happy to help! Good luck with your planning!
  4. Wow! Interesting! Going to go check out the bridesmaid dresses!
  5. Hi Kelly! Welcome to the forum! We are sailing Carnival but are going through an outside company for the wedding. I'm sure someone will have the info you need though! Good luck with your planning!
  6. Great post! I didn't even think of this! We aren't due into port until 1pm. Hope my planner likes to text! I usually don't make calls from the ship, but I do text our pet sitter back home several times during a cruise. As long as I'm getting a response, that should help me remain calm.
  7. Yay! Another April bride! I have my fingers crossed for you! I never thought I would be so into the DIY projects, but this site has so many great ideas! I've finished our DIY Mini Passport Save the Dates. They came out better than I expected for a newbie! Most have been mailed out, just need the fiancé to finish his part of the guest list. 11 months out and we already have 7 cabins (17 people) booked!
  8. Oh my goodness!! I'm so with you on thinking this wasn't going to be stressful! Lol! So many things seem to come so easily, but then I get hung up on silly things. Like picking a dining time or going through a PVP or having everyone book on their own. Surprisingly it's the cruise stuff giving me the biggest headache...right now anyway!
  9. I'm using mywedding.com and haven't had any issues. It was easy to setup and update as needed. For some reason, it's not getting the traffic I thought it would. I decided to setup a group on facebook this weekend to get instant updates to everyone and I've gotten a positive response from everyone. Plus friends and family can start to "get to know" one another over the next 11 months. Depending on your guest list this could be an option as well. You can do a "secret" group so only invitees e can view and post on the page.
  10. I came across a few sellers on etsy. Seller anaderoux has some really nice designs. Not sure of the cost because I decided to attempt as a DIY project.
  11. I have a feeling I will be chasing after some, but knowing them, I would have to regardless of what I put as the rsvp deadline. My thought is that most of the group will have already booked by that time and an rsvp isn't really needed since I know they are going. I've asked everyone to send me their booking & cabin numbers and I'm keeping a list. 11 months out and we already have 7 cabins booked! My invites/rsvp will only be sent to those that haven't contacted me at that point. It will have three options...Going and already booked (with space for booking number), Going but waiting for last minute deal (these I will have to follow up on), and Not able to attend.
  12. Welcome to the forum! There are sooo many great and helpful threads! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. I've decided to go with real touch flowers so I can keep my bouquet as a momento.
  14. Congrats! I'm so happy you had your perfect day! And thank you for posting your review! Of all the things to obsess over, dining times is giving me a huge headache! Did you have a set dining time for your group? And did they have you at several tables close together?
  15. Love this thread! Look forward to seeing the rest of your projects!
  16. Money is a tough topic for many couples and I'm no exception. I don't play around when it comes to money! Haha! We have a joint savings but are planning on keeping separate checking accounts for now. We each have particular bills/monthly expenses that we are responsible for and a set percentage that we transfer to savings. This way if I want to buy that new purse or he wants to buy new tires for his truck, we are both free to do so. I have friends that have a set spending limit (anything over they must discuss first) and others that split everything and others that just have one account. You have to pick what works best for your situation. And just because you choose one way now, it doesn't mean you are stuck with it forever.
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