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Posts posted by ucfjennifer

  1. Hi! Welcome to the forum! I'm getting married in Cozumel while on a cruise, so I don't have any first-hand experience with choosing a resort. I remember a thread (can't remember which one) where someone suggested to keep the search going until you find a deal you are comfortable with. Also, as far as site visits, I think there are other options...search this forum for reviews from past brides, check out tripadvisor for reviews and reviewer photos and search Google images. Good luck and happy planning!

  2. Hi ladies!! Excellent thread idea, Miss J!! I try to post at least 10 times a day and it does get easier!! It's almost a game at my house now. My fiancé was ready to go somewhere one day and I told him I just needed 3 more posts before we could leave. He thought I was nuts, but now he asks how many I have left. It's become a nightly ritual/game. After each post I announce 8 more, 7 more, all the way down to 0. It's pretty ridiculous! Lol!

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