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Posts posted by cmoreno

  1. thanks for this info! cant wait to hear/see more!

    Hello brides!


    I finally posted my Review - very long and detailed! Our wedding was this past December 7th at the Tequila Beach, Terrace, and we had around 65 guests.  Feel free to email me or private message me if you'd like to know more. 





  2. Hello Now Sapphire brides!


    My husband and I just got back (yesterday!) from our wedding in Now Sapphire.  We had 65 people and we chose the Divine Package. I have a lot of comments, recommendations, tips, etc. to share with you all! I promise I will share my review with you as soon as I have it (I know it will be a long one!).  For now, there are three things I'd like to recommend:


    1) do not worry about the communication issues - The Now Sapphire is basically a Wedding Factory! They have 2-3 weddings every single day!  My recommendation is: grab the phone and call Ramon, he is amazing and his English is PERFECT! Just avoid calling him around 12pm or 3 - 5pm Central Time, given that most weddings happen at that time. DO NOT WORRY! You will be in GREAT hands! Ramon is SIMPLY amazing! And my standards are extremely high, given that I am a control freak! 


    2)  DO NOT HIRE THE PHOTOGRAPHER INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE - Yes, with all Caps because I am yelling! After reading all the poor reviews they get, we decided to hire an outside photographer for our official photos, and just use the included photographer for the reception. I am not kidding when I say my 3 year old nephew could have done a much better job. Do not risk it, photos are forever! 


    3) Also, careful with the make up stylist they have at the Spa - The ladies are very sweet, but she had no idea how to even do the basic cat eye-liner, and I ended up with a horrible eye makeup! No kidding, at least 5mm eyeliner line! - No worries there, I just went to my room and redid the eyeliner.


    4) The Tequila Terrace is the BEST place to have your reception - is WAY more private than the Tequila Beach, which is right next to the pool. I have several photos and many many more tips! I promise I will post something more detailed soon! In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reply or send me a private message. 



  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kylat View Post

    Hi past and future Brides! I'm getting married on January 20th, 2014 and while i know this is in the not too distant future i'm starting to get really frustrated with the response time from Anel and Ramon. I've been their biggest advocate of just give them time to respond because they have so many people they have to deal with on top of doing up to 3 weddings a day. But I have been writing them with the same questions for 2 months now and i'm starting to get a bit pissed off. I've been very patient but have 60 people coming now and need to know things so that i can adjust my budget. So maybe you ladies can help me out! :)

    1) has anyone been waiting this long to hear back from them and has anyone HEARD from them recently?

    2) does anyone know how much it is for a kids menu and the age the child needs to qualify for the kids menu?

    3) does anyone know the number of guest needed to qualify for the buffet? We want to spend more of our 3 hours dancing than waiting for a plated dinner but need to know whether we need a seating chart because if we qualify for the buffet it will save us the headache of making one up ( divorced families...i don't even want to start thinking of that!)

    4) Does anyone know if they have car seats or stollers on the resort that people can use if they want to do a day trip anywhere or do people have to bring their own? On the baby note...does anyone know how people can sterilize bottles while down there?

    I think thats everything that i can ask to you guys right now that you might be able to help with. I appreciate all the help i can get at this point and i hope they write me back soon!! haha

    I would suggest calling them directly - it is way faster and more efficient this way.  


    The phone number is 011 (52) (998) 872-8383 Ext. 8223

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FutureMrsBlaze View Post

    Since I have not heard from Anel in over 2 months as well, I'm looking for some feedback on what people have done or are doing for a rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner? I've thought about booking at one of the restaurants of doing dinner on the beach but can't decide until I've heard from her on options? Also I'm bringing in my own photographer, do any of you know how much that costs? Thanks!!

    We are having a small rehersal dinner at "Las Lloronas" area at the Now Sapphire - we will have to pay $25 pp, and it is a set menu. However, I rather do this than having the rehersal dinner at one of the restaurants. If you are bringing your own photographer, and he/she is staying at the Now Sapphire as a guest, there is NO fee you'd have to pay. However, if it is an external vendor, they usually charge you $350, but they tend to make exceptions for photographers, as it is an important part of the ceremony.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FutureMrsBlaze View Post

    I'm having such a hard time deciding on whether or not to go w/the resort's photographers! I feel like I've read both positive and negative things. Anyone have any recent experience w/them??!! Does anyone knoe the name of the company? Thank you!!!


    I did A LOT of research before choosing our photographer... my blunt recommendation is DO NOT go with the resort's photographers. I have read many reviews about their work being mediocre and sub-pair. I personally rather save money somewhere else, and not on choosing the photographer who will document the most important day of our lives. That's my humble opinion.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riviera Bride14 View Post

    Hi Brides,


    Does any one know the measurements of the round tables and the square tables and about approx how many people each seats?



    Also has anyone opted to purchase and bring a bose sound system instead of renting the resorts hourly. We will be a small group under 25 ppl and dont need an extreme sound system for dancing or anything, just something to connect a mic to so my guests can hear well enough for speaking and for first dance and background music.  Have any past brides used one?


    Thanks for your time ladies, happy planning!!

    Here you go, dear! Ramon said these seat 8 - 10 people. I don't know about the square tables though. 


  7. Originally Posted by mollyes View Post


    Hi - I posted a review from my wedding at NOW Sapphire two weeks ago here - includes some pictures. Happy to answer any questions! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/86945/just-returned-from-now-sapphire-wedding-in-a-word-fabulous

    Molly, your wedding and you looked beautiful! Can you tell me how much they charge you for the chinese lanterns (hanging in the Tequila Terrace?) I love them! Thanks!

  8. Originally Posted by zeman321 View Post



    I agree about the extras...especially center pieces...they are crazy expensive. We are going to try to keep it simple. Sapphire is beautiful and doesn't need a bunch of stuff!


    Originally Posted by niknic456 View Post


    I'm getting married April 26, 2014 at Now Sapphire! I've noticed the thread is slow but I would assume its b/c all of the summer weddings are underway and those brides are too busy for the newbies, I totally get it!!!!! Just pls come back and post pics. :) I'm struggling with paying for all the extras, is it really worth it??? I've noticed whether you go above and beyond or if you keep it simple by sticking to the package ALL the weddings are beautiful and the guests seem happy as well....I'm so cheap so I don't know if I should do all of the extras like cemterpieces for $250 each....I'd rather use the money to take all my guests on an excursion, something they will remember.


    I honestly do not think it's worth it! $250 each! I mean, give me a break! I am from Mexico, but live in NY now, and I know what the prices in pesos are! As a matter of fact, if you look online, some Cancun Flower shops offer beautiful arrangement for around MXN500 (USD$43). It is clear to me the wedding industry takes advantage of the supply/demand and hikes up prices in a ridiculous way.


    For our wedding, I am making some paper crepe flowers wreath centerpieces and adding a lantern; I will have 8 tables, and in total, I am paying less than $100 for all the centerpieces (each lantern costed me less than $6). It's a lot of work, but I am really loving these!



  9. Originally Posted by Rani Dae View Post


    You should let me know what she tells you- I was also wondering about this. The way I took it was that as long as you have some sort of seating chart or way to distinguish who picked what meal ahead of time then you can pick 2.

    Hi Rani, 


    Anel was very specific with me about this: You can definitely offer two entrees to your guests, as long as you give Anel advanced notice and, more importantly, your seating chart and place cards should identify the entree selection of each guest. She suggested color-coding, for example: Vegetarian entress' place cards - Green.  

  10. I agree with jzutz002. While it is not cheap to have a wedding for over 25 guests at the Now Sapphire, it is still WAY cheaper than having a wedding in the US or in Canada. I live in NYC, so having a Manhattan wedding would have been completely unnaffordable. Plus, you are getting the peace of mind that the resort will take care of most of the vendors. 


    Originally, our guests number was 35, and now that number has duplicated! Anel has told me the cost per additional person is approx $99 plus taxes. This price includes the standard setting arrangements for the ceremony, cocktail hour, cake and toast.  Also, remember you might end up paying an additional $65 per person (wedding pass) for those wedding guests that aren't staying at the Now Sapphire. 


    It adds up, that's for sure!  According to my own spreadsheet, for just the basics (ceremony, cocktail and reception) for 70 people, we are hitting 10K.  This does not include travel arrangements, centerpieces for the guests tables (which are not included in the Divine package), wedding favors, photographer, or DJ. Oh, we are also having the Mariachi, so that adds 1K to this estimate.  

  11. Sorry, I clicked sent too soon! 


    So, about the MEAL SELECTIONS: 


    I emailed Anel and asked her about this. She said the following: 

    "Podemos escoger entre carne y un pescado. Con anticipacion. Tomar en cuenta con identificar gente en las mesas. Nombre y estampita de differente color, verde vegetariano."     Now let me translate:    "We can choose between beef and fish - with anticipation! Please take into consideration you will have to assign people to specific tables, along with place cards with the guest name and a stamp in different color, for example: Green for vegetarian, etc.   I hope this helps!  
  12. GORGEOUS dress, gorgeous bride!  Quick question: I am afraid 3 hours might not be enough for the reception. Any tips on this? Did the party continued in some bar at the hotel? I really want to extend the reception to add an extra hour, but my fiance says it is not necessary, since this is an all inclusive hotel, we could just move the party to some other area in the hotel... any thoughts?


    Thank you!


  13. Quite funny, uh? I never dreamed about having a wedding (a happy marriage, yes, but not a wedding). However, it is my fiance the one who is absolutely excited about having a ceremony and reception with our loved ones. Since it is so important for him, I am on board! Since it is a destination wedding, we didn't think we would attract that many people :) Boy, we were wrong. And yes, we are very excited and honored to have this many people coming! But the financial aspect of it is scary.  We have a rough budget for the entire trip: hotel, flight, wedding, photographer, invitations, favors, etc. Our goal is to stay within our 15K goal; if you compare this with the cost of having a wedding in the US (as opposed to in Mexico), we are in a very good place! 

  14. Hello brides! I am in (almost) panic mode... we went from wanting only 40 people  in our guest list, to having 60! My FIL went nuts with the invitations to his friends (without asking us for our permission!, and my fiance and I are the ones paying for our wedding!). Argh! Could any of you share with me the budget sheet for the Divine package? I promise not to tell Ramon or Anel I got it from you! Please please? 




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