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Everything posted by DiggityDawn

  1. Why do they usually say hurricane season is June - October when there are rarely any hurricanes in June. It is more common for hurricanes to occur in November than in June I have learned. My friend had a wedding in Riviera Maya in November a few years back. Her travel agent MIL used the June-October logic and booked the trip for November swearing it was safe. But hurricane Ida swept through the area THE ENTIRE TRIP. The only day of sunshine for us was the last morning when we were all on our way back to the airport...... I would never recommend planning a wedding during the hurricane months. Yes, its a gamble. Better rates, less crowded, etc seems worth it. But you will be SOOOOO disappointed if you do get a hurricane during your trip. And your guests will probably not appreciate it either. Just my 2 cents after going through the experience of a hurricane wedding.....
  2. I am wondering this too. I have created some things and have left them sitting in my portfolio, hoping that I'll get an email or something with at least a coupon.... Now I'm wondering if the "freebies" start coming once you make your 1st order.... ?
  3. How awesome of you to take the time to take pics of your magnets to show!!! I really appreciate it! I think they are just perfect for what I'm looking for. Thank you so much!!! So nice to see what they are like.
  4. I'm a 2014 bride as well. We have chosen the Riviera Maya. It is a gorgeous area, with excellent beaches! I was there for a different DW a few years back and I fell in love with the area. Now it's my turn! The hardest part so far has been choosing the resort. You ladies are right, there are SOOOO many resorts down there. We are in the process of booking 20 rooms (and ceremony date) at the resort we finally chose, hopefully will hear back from our TA tomorrow. I don't want to say which resort as of yet because I don't want to jinx myself. lol What a relief it will be to have the resort decided on and dates final. Goodluck to all the ladies still looking for a location/resort. Riviera Maya is a wonderful destination and your guests will love you for choosing this area!
  5. Now that I'm trying to use vista print, I remember some ladies mentioning you do your image in power point the way you want it, and then upload it to vistaprint to use on your project. I am wondering if vista will resize the image you make in Power point?
  6. I need to keep posting so I can download these templates!!! errrr. lol Can't wait till I can see some of these things.
  7. Does anyone have experience with Vistaprint for STD magnets? I am debating whether to get the nicer magnets, or the cheaper cheaper business card size... Does anyone know if the quality is decent on the business magnets? Thanks!
  8. Great examples!! Thank you for sharing!!
  9. Thanks ladies!! After playing around with some different choices, I went with wedding wire. I think its easy to set up and I love the beach template with the animated intro!
  10. Hey ladies! I know this thread is older, but I thought I would put in my two cents. ;-) My date is 2/14/2014 in Riviera Maya. I've actually been to a destination wedding down there before. My friend worded everything and totally played off the whole thing like it was a legal ceremony. For the past 3 years up until recently I thought this was the case. But now that I'm planning my own DW and have been researching and realizing what the legal requirements are, I asked her about it, knowing that her husbands best friend did not legally marry them. I asked her if they did a symbolic ceremony and her reply was "yeah, the whole thing down there was fake". Um..... I felt so dumb and dooped. And worst of all, she never mentioned this part 9 months ago when I got engaged and started to talk about A DW down there. Guess she was never going to tell me. lol We thought about doing the legal ceremony, but the costs are so much more. And my FI is Jewish so we really want (and have found) a Rabbi in that area who will do an interfaith ceremony for him AND me. I am using wording such as "We are exchanging our vows on...." and "join us for the celebration of our marriage". Those close to us already know and are fine with it. I think many of you will find that most of your guests won't care and will of course still go. I would have still gone to my friends wedding if I had known. But now I almost feel deceived by the way hers was handled. Just wanted to give an insight from someone who has been on the other end of this situation. Your guests will feel most likely feel deceived as I do if you aren't upfront about things. I know my view is not the norm on this thread, but again, I have been on the receiving end of a hush hush situation.
  11. Thanks! I have started a couple different sites, and am playing around with them. ;-) mywedding.com is one. It is very user friendly.
  12. Congrats to you! How exciting for you to be going down to visit next month! The wedding packages did look nice to me in the beginning too. But for the Dreams of Love and Ultimate packages, the charge per person over the 20 max is too steep for us... Dreams is $80 and Ultimate is $92 per person extra, which adds up quick. We have 30 people going for sure and it looks like we are now estimating 40. We have a set budget and can't afford another $1,600-$1,840 or even more if our person count goes up. ;( I did like this resort a lot though! It's gorgeous! Thanks!
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