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Everything posted by DiggityDawn

  1. Yeah, its not user friendly at all. But once you get everyone in there I think it'll be great. Its just the work of getting everyone in there... Goodluck with the refund! It can be tortuous working with online companies sometimes. Best of luck to ya!
  2. What program did you use to design your labels? And did you have them professionally printed by Vista print like your cards? They look awesome! You've done a great job!!
  3. Love them, I especially like the if lost please return to __________. Your graphics are great!
  4. They look great! Good job. I can't wait to start all of my DIY stuff too!! Thanks for sharing.
  5. I got an email today the Vista is having a flash sale today starting at noon. Anyone know what a flash sale is??
  6. I went to a DW at the occidental a few years ago. Unfortunately, they did it in November... and there is always that chance for a hurricane in November... and that's what happened. It rained the entire time we were there except for the first night and the last morning. My friend's wedding had to be moved inside because of the weather. It was at the bottom of the grand lobby stairs next to that river/stream thing that runs through the front of the resort. From my understanding, this is the only location they have for inclement weather and while their lobby is beautiful, my friend was heartbroken because there was absolutely NO privacy at this location. And the speakers for the ceremony blasted the minister and their vows all over the lobby. At the end they shuffled the bride and groom into a gondola on the stream and they disappeared around the corner whilst the entire resort was watching and yelling. Keep in mind, the hurricane kept the inside lobby very busy during our stay. I would just keep this in mind, as my friend was very unhappy about the whole thing and having the entire resort be a part of her ceremony. Other than that, from my perspective as a guest was that it was a decent resort. I liked the jungle atmosphere of it, you can tell it's an older resort because of the landscaping being mature. The pool was great, but I never really made it to their beach cove thing cuz of the weather. The nice part about this place is it's right next door to Xcaret which we all loved! Back then you got a free pass to xcaret when staying at the occidental, but they don't do that anymore I've learned. Congratulations and goodluck on your wedding! It's a beautiful resort.
  7. Are you just looking for packages or are you trying to set your date? The different packages and pricing can be found on their website. As for getting in touch with the actual wedding coordinators, they won't book your date until you have booked your rooms. If you are just emailing questions to them without having booked any rooms, that might be why you aren't hearing back. If you are using a travel agent, I'm sure your TA will be able to get a hold of one of them. Ours did. That's how we found out they won't hold or confirm your date until you have booked your block of rooms with the resort.... Hope that helps
  8. My suggestion is always to find a travel agent to work with. There are many that specialize in destination weddings. I was going crazy trying to pick my own resort out of the 100's of them in mexico. My TA helped me narrow down my search to the Riviera Maya region and then (understanding that I'm the kind to do my own research) he helped me by telling me which resorts he would not recommend for a wedding. It took a couple months working with the TA from start to the deposits and booking the rooms, but my TA helped IMMENSELY!! I would still be trying to decide on a resort without him. As for the wedding packages, from what I've learned, most resorts do have packages that have a maximum person count. But that doesn't mean you can have only that amount of people. It just means that is how many people the cocktail hour or the reception covers. If you have a package that has a max of 25 people, but you have 40 attending, then you will just have to pay their charge per person for the extra 15 people. Watch out though and check with the resort about the per person pricing for the packages because some are as high as $92 per person depending on your package.
  9. Hey ladies, this thread seems a little older. Are there any other Barcelo brides still in the planning process on here?
  10. Hi Amity! Could you send me the packet? I tried their website but I don't have a password to look at their pricing... my email is [email protected] Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.!
  11. My Barcelo Maya date is 2/14/2014! Are there any other brides in these forums who have my date? I know there are at least 4 others as I was the 5th bride to book this date here.
  12. Yes, thank you Lynda. I have looked through many, many Barcelo threads. Just trying to find the other brides who have my same date. Appreciate it!
  13. Great pics! Did you use a service for the scrapbook look? Fabulous!
  14. Maybe you could do a unity candle ceremony at the AHR. Not sure if you are doing this during your DW ceremony or if you are doing a sand ceremony there as many brides do... But perhaps at your AHR you can do a unity candle ceremony and have everyone participate by lighting their own candles from the one you and your husband light? The candle that everyone uses during the ceremony could even be their wedding favor as well. There are a lot of scripts available on this site for sand and unity candle ceremonies. Including everyone in it by everyone lighting a candle for themselves would make everyone feel included. And you can say that it was something you wanted to do at your DW but couldn't because of the wind (I've heard it's pointless to do a candle ceremony for a beach wedding because it won't stay lit because of the wind) so you can tell your guests at the AHR that it's the last piece to your vows that you still want to do, and it's perfect to share with the grandparents and everyone who couldn't make it.
  15. Hi everyone! I know there are other threads for the Barcelo Maya resorts on here, but I'm wondering if any other 2014 Barcelo brides are on here... ? Specifically 2/14/2014 Barcelo Maya brides. I know there are 4 others out there as I am the 5th to book this date for next year at Barcelo Maya. Looks like this is a popular date for next year. Thanks and happy planning to all!
  16. Hi there and Congrats! I'm getting married in Mexico myself, and have no idea what the Beaches resorts do for weddings unfortunately... I do know first hand that it is a beautiful resort! We actually got engaged there! My FI proposed to me in the water park there, on the lazy river in a little cove by a waterfall. You and your guests will have a blast at that place!! Good choice!
  17. Will do! I haven't played much with it yet, just started it yesterday, but it did create an excel file for me with the guest addresses that I did get entered in. I would think it will upload from excel if you put it in the same format it uses. Maybe try to enter in a few names, create a report to export to excel like I did, and see what the format is. Then put your existing excel file into that format and try to upload?
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