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Everything posted by AnaSteele58

  1. What's a Jack and Jill? I apologize in advance if my question sounds a little silly.
  2. No...you're right. If you're in a restaurant music isn't allowed.
  3. No...you're right. If you're in a restaurant music isn't allowed.
  4. Does Now Jade offer something along the lines of a "sneak peek" before booking? Was wondering if we could do this and the money we spend on our room later credited to our wedding invoice. I know there are a few resorts that offer this...wasn't sure if this was one.
  5. Wow. What a bummer. What if you are bringing your own Minister/Priest/Pastor/family member? Probably would be okay if they were guest...I suppose.
  6. I think it's a good idea to include this information. I'd prefer everyone be knowledgeable in case something happens. I think I will do the same! Thanks
  7. Congrats! Let me know how long it takes for you to be able to open the files...please
  8. Melissa14! I see you working hard for the 150! You're almost there...lol
  9. Quote:Originally Posted by NinaO Waaa. I paid the member fee when I first logged on. Only to discover all these templates are not working on my new MAC computer! If any has a MaC and could help me out in LAMENS terms. Please do. I spend hour trying figure them out and am 4 months away with not one project done. Note, buying a new computer to work on wedding...bad idea! I need classes just figure out computer. Lol Oh no! What a bummer...I wish I could help. Try the troubleshooting thread. Maybe there is an answer there. Otherwise I would PM one of the moderators.
  10. I can't wait for my 150! I feel like my post counter goes backward at times...lol. We can do this!
  11. Mairelys, I had the smae thought process as you in the beginning-going somewhere we've never been. To keep stress down, I looked for resorts in new places but used a familiar hotel brand. Now that I think of it, I do that when I travel domestically too! Congrats!
  12. Congrats on your engagement! Welcome!
  13. Charming Charlie! Why didn't I think to look there? I will check them out this weekend
  14. Based of past reviews, it has been suggested that we bring detailed pictures because it's very easy for things to get lost in translation. Apparently they are good at what they do, it's just the language barrier that causes misunderstandings. Hope that helps!
  15. Will definitely look into that app! Thanks for sharing
  16. Thanks ladies for responding! I think I will shoot for the semi private dinner reception and an open bar and dance floor during a private function after.
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