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Everything posted by AnaSteele58

  1. MIB stands for "Message In A Bottle". I fell in love with them after seeing this: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/77601/diy-mib-passport-invites-venus909
  2. It was easier than I thought. I would use tge mobile version while in the go. Before I knew it, I was averaging about 10 post a day. When she started this thread I was somewhere around 50. Keep at it and good luck!
  3. This is my 150th post!!!! Of course I had to come back to the place where it all began...lol. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
  4. Congrats! You found the website the day you were engaged. I wasn't so lucky. It took me two months!
  5. Congrats! Costa Rica is beautiful!
  6. Congrats ladies! I'm still deciding but this resort is my top choice. Which package did you choose? We are thinking of going with the "The Classic Wedding".
  7. I agree. Start with a budget then contact a TA. I hear the TAs from this site are phenomenal. There is a link somewhere on the website. I'm using the mobile version so I don't see a link at the moment. Maybe Tammy can swoop in and provide you some assistance. If not, the link should be pretty easy to find. I think it's Wright Travel.
  8. I guess we mm will never know what happened. I hope everything worked out
  9. Good to know. If you have enough miles can you book a flight for someone else too or is it limitedonly to the card holder?
  10. Its funny you mentioned a space bag for the wedding dress. A coworker is getting married tomorrow and she packed her gown I a space bag and packed it. Her resort provides steaming so she should be fine.
  11. What ever happened with this? Recent Gran Caribe brides...can you provide updates on this topic?
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