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Everything posted by Jenn963

  1. ummm i have a (maybe stupid) question lol....i hired a DJ company to play at our beach party.....Do i need a song list for him?? i mean, isn't that what he does....mix and play songs to hype up the party?? i do realize i need to put my CEREMONY song list in order on a USB....but that should be easy as it's only 3-4 songs...and it's only parts of the song that will be playing... but other than that....Would I really need to make a song list and have them on a usb? Wouldn't the dj already kinda know what to play or what not (and I'm sure he'll take requests)?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TealMarie This is happening to me too. I keep wondering if I "need" this or that. After reading a lot of forums, tips and advice from past brides, most of them wish they hadn't purchased cake knives and unnecessary things like that. You won't remember it and more than likely your resort has one or two floating around that you can use. I talked myself out of aisle decor a long time ago. What I liked the most is the view of the beach and the water, it's already beautiful enough. No sense stressing yourself out and lugging more stuff down there. Just try and think of what's most important for the day: you, the groom, the marriage licence, officiant, vows, guests, food, drinks and good music. These are the things I remember from other people's weddings and just the general vibe from the wedding. I was in my brother's wedding last summer and the day after I couldn't even remember if they a cake at all! I had an absolute blast at it though. Your guests are there for you, not for elaborate decor, so don't stress over it. TEALMARIE!! You couldn't have said it better.....I needed to read this lol....i think i've become so super stressed and bridezilla ish with this wedding...i'm 24 days away from departure.....i have things like "oh my god i have to cut my aisle runner down from 100ft to 30 ft!!" running through my brain at like 2am...and i immediately get up and write it in my iphone as a reminder so i wont forget...lol. we chose a destination wedding BECAUSE it was supposed to NOT be stressful...but i'm such a control freak that i've made an obsession out of this wedding! I have guests that say they're coming and have YET to book...which irritates the crap out of me because I don't want to bring too many OOT bags (if they dont show) and i also don't want to not have an OOT bag for them (if they decide to come last minute).
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsHK Hey Jenn! I'm not sure where Lydia got hers, but we did a message in a bottle type thing as well, but didn't use them for seating assignments. We printed out a bunch of different drinking quotes, tea stained them and tied them up, and then had the bottles placed on everyone's tables. They were kind of like a message in a bottle fortune cookies! We got ours at Dollar Tree in Vancouver, and I'm sure most locations across Canada would have them. They were in the craft section, and they had two of the same size for a dollar (2 larger ones), or four different sizes for a dollar (2 larger ones, a medium and a small). wowwwww!! this is SUCH a fab idea!!! might have to reconsider thank you
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by csho Its a tough one...I don't think you're being bridezilla, but I think our weddings are important to us and even if someone is in your wedding its not as important to them unfortunately. But maybe you can buy them for him if she is unwilling to budge on her decision? That way you get the look you want and she has no reason to say no. If she still says no then maybe there is something she doesn't feel safe about him wearing them or something? Yah....i spoke with her yesterday....i knew this was gonna blow over...it's just a bump....she was not saying "no i wont buy those"...she was simply giving me her opinion on them but she meant to say that she was going to buy the shoes if they were my choice. I just don't know why that couldn't have been said from the get-go lol would have avoided this whole issue. either way, I bought the shoes and he will be wearing them. Problem solved. ahhhhh 26 days left.....perhaps i need to start taking chill pills LOL
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lydia1120 I am using Martha Stewart's idea as we sent Msg in A Bottle for the invitations...very adorable :-) hi Lydia!! where did you get the glass (or plastic) little bottles with cork lids? this is such a neat idea...i dont have many guests so it would be great.
  6. Getting people to book was stressful...and it's lagged on as well. We have most of our guests booked thankfully but there are still about 8-9 guests who have said "i'm 100% coming....we just haven't booked yet...we will soon".......Something inside me just doesn't believe it lol......One of them actually is one of the groomsmen...who at this point, I could care less if he's there or not!!! We have 3 weeks till the wedding....I figure, if they have not booked by NOW, then they are not coming at all. I am going to do one final run down 1.5 weeks ahead and hopefully I get more real answers. My problem is that I don't want to take more OOT bags than I have to..... *sigh*..... Also, videography prices.....can't believe how much they charge at the resorts ...for cookie cutter type videos!!! and that damn vendor fee....I had to protest about that to my coordinator a couple times lol I bet she cannot wait to meet meeee!!
  7. read all 3 and was sooooo hooked!! I cannot wait till the movie comes out next summer!!! Disappointed in the actors they chose but meh....lol
  8. Perhaps I have it all wrong... I'm a month away from the wedding....I got 2 bridesmaids!! TWO...thinking it was gonna be easy. One of them is my sister. The other one is a friend....I thought it was goin to be easy because my sister I can handle, but my friend...she's always been very opinionated. Helpful, but opinionated and thinks she's ALWAYS right.... Her son is our ring bearer....we have yet to find his pants and shoes. I am looking for a specific look. The shoes I want are canvas style walking shoes. All white. It has been extremely hard to find them in the middle of Fall in Canada. So as i always do (lol), I turn to eBay. Found some....of course in the UK. Shipping time 1-2 weeks..AWESOME! how much ? $25 including shipping...AWESOME...I dont think i am asking for TOO much. The shirt we bought for him was almost FREE thanks to an amazing sale at H&M. HER bridesmaid dress was a STEAL!! in comparison to other bridesmaids dresses i've heard of and read in the forums. Her shoes...ALSO a bargain. So what is the problem? She doesn't like the shoes for her son. She wants bulky runners with velcro straps because she wants shoes for him that he can wear till next summer. She wants to pay more money for shoes that will look RIDICULOUS with dress pants simply because he will be able to wear them longer. I understand that it's her money....but i dont think i have asked for much these past 9 months. She really hasn't helped me (because I've done it all myself and haven't asked for much help) with my wedding things....we have gone shopping ONCE and it was for these damn shoes. I told her...look....I don't want any passive aggressiveness so I'll be completely honest. If this was your wedding, I'd be obliged to do what you say. IT"S YOUR WEDDING. your look, your vision, your day, you choose. NOT ME. That's why you ASK someone to be a bridesmaid. As a bridesmaid, You know you MAY have to spend hundreds on a dress you will never wear again...happens all the time. Difference here is, i HAVENT made them spend hundreds on their dress...i let them choose their own shoes and jewellery, i do not care about her make up or hair style...i've left it all up to them. BECAUSE i KNOW they are spending over a grand to come to our wedding. So i BELIEVE i'm being flexible. that being said, AM I ASKING FOR TOO MUCH?? am I being a bridezilla here? I will not take offense if you think I am......I just want an honest opinion on this. She is "offended" she says to me....OFFENDED. because I'm asking her to buy inexpensive shoes that will go with the look I WANT for the ring bearer at MY wedding.... perhaps it's blown out of proportion...i'm sure this will just go away....but I am in awe. I am so frustrateddddddd!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TealMarie I've spent the summer carefully deciding and researching everything for the wedding so that I know I've found the best items for our wedding and the best deals. Now that we're less than 2 months out I feel like I'm just throwing money at people because I'm on a buying binge now, lol. My fiance is shocked at how many packages arrive per week and sometimes per day! Am I the only one? It's exciting though. I just ordered some of those beautiful wedding handkerchiefs for our parents and little gifts for them too (cufflinks with photos, locket necklace with photo and engraved and photo bracelet). After saying I wouldn't do programs, I found the most awesome infographic wedding programs on etsy and now I am super excited to get them! Anyone make any last minute purchases they thought they wouldn't or found something really cool in the last few weeks? I'm also happy to say I've started working on our music playlist and the pre-wedding flyer. These are the two things I think will take the most time. We gave the bridesmaids money for their dresses, we're paying for hair and makeup and for a day at the spa for them. Should I get them anything else? Like a little ring or something to remember the day by? Same situation for the guys. We gave them money for their attire and my fiance is taking them on a deep sea fishing day. Should we still get them something like a flask or...I don't know. I find so much humor in this because I am the same way ....currently i have windows on my comp open for etsy, and eBay...and VistaPrint lol.....my aunt works for Canada Post here and delivers the mail in my area., and she's always delivering me stuff every day. It's so exciting! So far i haven't been to disappointed in the stuff i buy except for one bathing suit which was too small...but it was cheap so its ok. I think i will order the last of it this week and be done with it cuz i'd be cutting it too close to our departure date for my bridesmaids....i gave them personalized hangers, and i'm getting these pretty bracelets from etsy with charms...and perhaps some clutch purses to go with some earrings (if i find the perfect ones)......once we're in Punta Cana i may do some more stuff... groomsmen....FI hasn't even began to think about it :| *no comment* lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DinaQtobe I have made foot jewelry for my bridesmaids. I have now moved onto some for myself, but I can't decide which ones I like more.... Anyone have any opinions?? Please ignore my very broken toe nails.. i personally like the ones on the right...the ones that do not have the blue stone on them.... were these hard to make? I've been itchy to buy online but i hear so many people just go the DIY way. How much do you think u spent on each set?? how long did you take to make 1 pair? thank you
  11. Originally Posted by Lydia1120 I got my playing cards from Oriental Trading for $7.00 per dozen...they are cute with hearts and I just put stickers on one side "Two of Kind" with our names and date marriage. Here is the link for the cards: http://www.orientaltrading.com/love-wedding-playing-cards-a2-47_687-12-1.fltr?Ntt=playing cards hearts Hi Lydia!! wow! those are some NICE boudoir pics!!! your hubby will LOVE them for the deck of cards....i went on the site..i love the flip flop style deck...it's also $7 per deck...are they good quality?? and do you remember how much it is for shipping that you paid?? (i'm in toronto area)
  12. i forgot to add that i also have hand sanitiziers and key/tip holders with lanyards as well (see! i knew i was forgetting things)..... hmmmm.....i'm considering gettin a deck of cards PER room......what kind of prices should I be looking at for decks?? I'm sure Dollarama sells them at a dollar or so.....any cheaper?? please let me know @Jess878
  13. i ordered an aisle runner and i didn't even think about that lol it looks like a hard surface so i went with it. and i did 30 feet. (although my aisle runner is super long -100ft - gotta cut it)...... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I usually get so excited when I see an email from Carolina in my inbox but it's even MORE exciting when she's sending an email and it's NOT because I asked her questions (for once)!! today she sent me THE FINAL checklist for our wedding confirming all the details of our day One month to gooooo ....time flewwww by!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jypsejenny I am on the fence about my oot bags :-/ what are you putting in yours? I have : tumblers (which i'm scared of them cracking if they throw my luggage around like crazy), embroidered face towels, first aid kits, "just married" flip flop key chains, aloe vera, hand lotion, lip balm, nail file, nail clippers, small (2"x3") frames, and i believe theres more i just cannot remember right now. lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess878 Hello November Brides, I cant believe Im about a month and a week away from leaving! The time has gone by so fast girls. Im feeling like Im somewhat on track but still have some things to do. -Finish the barefoot sandals for female guests- still need 5 to do -Get intimate wear for under dress as well as honeymoon -Complete our reception playlist for DJ -Finish small projects (tags for pashminas, place personalized labels on fans, place stickers on some of the last minute items purchased for OOT Bags) -BIG ITEM- my dress still isnt in but once it comes in I need to get fitted for wedding dress -get fitted for second dress(reception dress) -bridal party personalized gifts -need to take back hubby's ring for resizing(purchased too big) -Pick up my wedding band- lost ticket the store gave me which is why I have been putting this off!... EEKKKK -Get flower girl shoes/sandals (my daughters) -pick hair style for myself and the 2 flower girls -Vows Ok so looking at this list it still looks like I have some stuff to do... i plan to get alot done this week. I hope.... Is everyone putting their OOT bags together here? I want to begin packing next week sometime once I have all the small projects completed to just get things out of the way and also to see if I am going to need more luggages. Is everyone packing their wedding stuff in luggages or bringing down in a seperate box? How are you guys bringing your stuff down? I feel like I have a lot to bring down... Well Good Luck to everyone with their last bit of planning!!! I am wondering this myself. Ideally, I'd like to give our guests their OOT bags when we check in at airport...but I'm sure they will have their own carry ons and i'd be adding to their stuff...and besides, i got nail clippers and bottles of aloe vera and lotion in the oot bags and i'm pretty sure it's not allowed on as a carry on. So i think i will just have to put them all in one luggage and assemble everything at the hotel...hopefully the luggage handlers are nice and wont BREAK MY STUFF!! lol I hope that everything fits. Good luck to you...you do have quite the list! But i'm sure you will get it all done in time
  16. Just over a month left till we depart...I've crossed out alot of major things in my list since my last "to-do" list so for that, i'm happy. Now i have smaller things to worry about: - buy make up and any hair accessories i will be wearing - buy my bra - buy me some flat sandals in white (HARD to do in the middle of fall in Canada ) - put our song list in order on a USB - put together OOT bags ...which are ready finally - buy groomsmen gifts and parents gifts - hubby to be still has to get his suit "fitted" which takes a couple days. i'm getting so excited as the days pass but stress myself over what i could be missing..... I think this week i will start packing....I know....so early right? but I have to because whatever I am buying and have to take should be thrown in a luggage and not in my closet where it could get LOST! lol ahhh good luck november brides the time has gone by so quickly!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by sun surf sand These are my finished tinny OOT Bags, they contain: Advil 2 pack Imodium 2 pack 4 (sun) burn relief gel packs - ebay Personalized spf lip balm Hand sanitizer– bath and body works Emergen-C 2 packs Bug spray wipes 2 Packs Nail file Key and money tip holder And silicon waterproof watch– Aliexpress Hi there! love your thread!! you seem to be SO organized i love it!! May I ask where you bought your Advil and Imodium packs from? cannot find anywhere! please and thank you!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by eberry Just wondering if anyone else has experienced significant price drops since they booked and if they had any success in getting a bit of a refund? We reserved a block of 20 rooms/40 seats last October or November, with deposits being due in January and payment in full due in April. I've been checking online, and the price has dropped from $1495 (what we paid) to $1181. We understand that it's just kind of the way the travel industry works, but it's so frustrating, especially since our "group rate" was pretty much the same as the rates that were posted online, so we never even really got a "deal". sorry... just needed to vent! yes I am going through this as well Although our group rate was cheap...it is still cheaper now than ever before...I spoke to my agent a couple weeks ago and I UNDERSTOOD that we could get the price drop within 60 days of departure date....so if we leave Nov 4, the price had to have dropped between SEP 4 - NOV 4 but i was WRONG ....i was looking religiously every day from Sept 4 and then I discovered it was the other way around. The price drop is from the date of booking till 60 days...so I had to have been looking for a price drop from February (when we booked) till Sept 4....and unfortunately, there never was a price drop. But if i look now, there's a slight price drop of $75 per person. But there's nothing that can be done now i guess. It sucks because if your guests that have booked looked online right now, they'd feel ripped off as I'm sure you do right now....sucks....makes me think we were better off just booking last minute! but then we run into other risk factors i suppose. (i.e not enough seats, not grouped together at hotel)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica1005 Cant remember what it was called but I had my semi private at the Brazilian and I highly recommend it! And it's the only one that you don't have a set menu everyone says the Brazilian is the way to go.....will have to request that to Carolina for our semi private dinner. thank you
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lianne Morie Lee 1813. I wore it without the sleeves. wow....soooo beautiful...such a romantic feel....you looked fabulous!
  21. here's my list: DONE: dress and heels bridesmaids dresses reception/ceremony decor oot bags guestbook ring bearer pillow pretravel brochures sent luggage tags sent cake topper NOT DONE (arrrggh) RINGS!!! (currently in priority) hire a pastor hire a videographer (leaning more towards NOT having one actually :S) my sandals flower girl dress and shoes (1) ring bearer outfit (1) groomsmen outfits (not suits...blame this on Mr.Procrastination AKA MY FUTURE HUSBAND :S) bridal party gifts! song list (have the list..just have to put them on a usb and in order) choose a hairstyle for me write vows probably a gazillion other things that i cannot think of right now *sigh* i feel i am so behind!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by ryork13 Hi Jenn- that email is correct. Send me your email and I will contact him for you. I am in the US until January but we have been emailing recently. Rick [email protected] any word from Pastor Torribio?? please let me know. thank you so much
  23. hi ladies Carolina sent me an email with pics for the options for the SEMI private restaurants....it's either La Cantina (mexican), El Quijote, or Mare Nostrum..... i've read through the forums here and i've heard of the mexican restaurant (which is a no)...and el quijote (which is possibly what I'm goin to end up choosing)...but i've never heard or seen the name "MARE NOSTRUM" restaurant.....if anyone is familiar with it, can you please let me know if it's a nice restaurant?....which, in your opinion, is the best restaurant for dinner? we have about 25 ppl coming down with us. thank you so much!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Katryne I wore allure 8950 in white. This is the best pic I could find, my bouquet seems always in the way! lol That TRAIN is gorrrgeous!!! beautiful dress u looked fabulous!
  25. I actually had put a deposit down of $100 with AbsoluteWedsite.com....but quickly realized they are the AbsoluteWORST.... LOL...I thankfully did not send out any std's or invites to my guests yet...then I found my current agent who's with marlin travel...and he's the best! I initially booked our trip to be from a Wed. to a Wed and I sent out (electronically) our save-the-dates with that week. Soon after, we changed our date to be a Mon-Mon trip and then ordered our invitations....so ppl were a tad confused at first but it was cleared up. We only invited about 50-60 people and i knew who was for sure coming so I just called those people personally and told them the changes. I'm sure your guests will understand...you are planning months if not a year ahead and many things can change. they say to consider 30% of your total invited guests as "coming" to your wedding..... we invited less than 60 ppl to our wedding and we have a total of 24 booked so that sounds about right....that's not including ppl that are planning on coming and booking on their own (last minute).
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