Daughter #1 mattied in La Romana 2 years ago. Shipped LARGE box with everything by Fed Ex with help from friend who works at FDX. BAD IDEA!!! Fed X Was super.!! 50# @$580.00 arrived perfectly ahead of time. End of good news. Box was emptied,search, confiscated(?) items, repacked as in thrown in... Custom and import fees totalled another $400. based on the forms you have to fill out for shipper. and yes fed ex can trace you for xtra money that has to be paid. BLAH....could have gone down day early and bought same items in DR. Daughter 2 getting married end of 2014 in DR. We will carry,slep,drag everything we need, be searched at airport, but never take our eyes off items, and probably have to pay import fee but no way as much.