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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Ill post my dress in here for u. This is the original And here is my dress that I bought and he most recent pic Back
  2. Yep .. It was made in china! even the designer wedding dresses are made there according to the bridal shop.. That made my decision to go with the dress I did. Which was a replica of the original and cost me 1100 less and looks great and weighs less!
  3. There is a thread on here called "knock off dresses" there is ALOT of info on there. I bought my dress off someone on ebay. It was an Inspiration of an original. and im planning on buying the bridesmaids dresses online. Im very happy with how my dress turned out.. there are pics of it on the thread
  4. Its called Burn the fat feed the muscle. a girl I know did it ( i posted her before and after pic earlier) and she got those results in 49 days. You can buy it online I was doing the whole no carb thing, But after reading this wow.. I shouldnt have been doing that! You just need to restrict your refined carbs..(processed) carbs or refined sugars. Example Oatmeal-good carb. Rice cakes(not as good but still better choice) ORANGE- good (60 cal) Orange juice- not good (200 cal) and sugar. Dont worry I have no clue about the complex/fibrous carb thing is. its all in the book so ill be going back and forth to it. My friend that is going to start it wtih me, is more knowledgeable in that dept! Maybe once I find out ffrom here ill post the info so we all can be knowledgeable!
  5. OH forgot to mention in the last rant( sorry guys if im boring you ) lol that you should eat your complex carbs with every meal NEVER seperate because then the body stores it.. so you should have like a lean steak, broccoli and for example Mashed potatoes or Yams. It also says an effective way to keep the body fueld and burning is to have 5-6 small meals a day divided between your daily calorie intake so if say your body was to have to eat 1500 CALORIES for the day that would be 300cal/meal. also says to ZIG zag your days. So 2 days lower cal, but above your total daily expenditure (TDe) so 2 days at like 1700 1 day at 2000 cal then back to 1700 (just for example purposes) that way your body gets confused and keeps burning. Also mentions you can taper your calories for example. meal 1-500 cal meal 2-300 meal 3-300 meal 4-200 meal 5-200 again.. just a example. But EVERY meal needs to have a complex or fibrous carb a protein and a fat .
  6. lol well thats a good thing they are muscular.. I have big calves from basektball and baseball in highschool Hard to get rid of those, but if I can lose whatever fat is on them that will be A OK ! lol
  7. Well from what I have read it is basically saying that we should follow 50-30-20. 50 % of our calories should be from carbs( complex fibroous carbs, like whole wheat pasta, green veggies etc) 30 % of our daily calories should be from Lean protein (chicken turkey, fish. etc) 20 % of the calories should be from fat ( nuts walnuts peanuts etc) and of course some fruit in ther but limited. Its actually very interesting. I would of NEVER ate that many carbs. BUT it says we have to incorperate the fat because the good fat breaks down the carbs isntead of storing the carbs or something like that. It def says to stay away from white stuff ( white bread etc) but does say that potatoes are ok, but would steer you more towards yams. I am almost done reading the book and then me and my friend are getting together to devise our food/workout plan. The book says this is the MOST effective way to burn fat and gain lean muscle ( which we want so that we can burn fat all day) I am going to have to put out my mind the number on the scale because if i am the same weight in 49 days( the time of the program-you can go longer) but my body fat is down and I see the difference I will be FINE with that lol This book is kinda like a mini nutrition course.. its very interesting.. confusing but interesting lol
  8. I hear you on the fat clothes. I have only kept the pants and shirt that I started my weight loss journey in. Other then that I have got rid of everything. I need to do a clean of my closet again because nothing fits. I went and bought 2 new tank tops tuesday and a sheer shirt, I bought the sheer shirt in a lg, I could easily fit a medium or small but I liked how it looked a bit loose, with how i envision it with shorts ( even tho i have thunder thighs) lol But my bf likes em I think? ahahah I drink a lot of water some days and sometimes Ill driink only 1L @hezmshaw losing half a lb to a lb a week is goo dbecause you are losing pure fat, and not lean body mass. Sorry guys this is my new obsession so im going to be a wealth of information soon. Im almost done reading the book!
  9. I am THINKING its anything over your package amt 40 ppl so I would think its 10.50 per person over the 40. BUT id check and get confirmation from the resort. apparently keisha isnt there any more and its a new person who took over. Im still waiting to hear back on my questions. Make sure you keep ALL correspondence from them and bring it with you to the resort, soemone else had posted that and i think its great advice! that way you have it all documented..
  10. Yep. I did have a little issue with mine. I have the same date Just not the time I wanted.. But ill make it work.. ONce you know for sure if you can have your date and time and its available.. BOOOK IT!! AND CONFIRM! though confirming didnt help me much as i did it twice, and look what happened lol BUT i still have the date so I guess its ok.. Im trying to be positive about it lol!! its a new thing im trying! Good luck!! and congrats!
  11. I understand how you feel. IM the same way. this week im working my two jobs so leave at 7 am get home at 12. no time to work out other then my soccer game last night,, and thats it. My stomach is my problem too. Right now im reading up on a plan called Burn the fat feed the muscle. I know a girl that did great on it.. see a few posts back, i posted a pic with it. You might need to switch up your exercise or the intensity, more cardio or more weight training. muscle burns fat faster.. But try looking up the burn the fat feed the muslce.. reading it now and it all makes sense..
  12. if you book the plantation. its 1000.00 intial fee and then 10.50 per person. or if you want open bar with it add another 13 bucks to the 10.50
  13. I think I am going to hide my scale expect for the once a week weigh ins to follow this program and just go by results in pics/measurements etc. I will start the squat challenge ( again) june 1 lol ill even try and do it while im in vegas in june hahahah base on what you see and feel not so much by scale.. learning so much from this book lol
  14. THATS so awseome! congrats! yay! I know what you mean lightest clothes. I wear my lightest bra ( if I wear one to the weigh in lol) i wear tights and a light tank top ahaha the things we do. I dont eat the day before or drink water after 6pm. so basically fasting until weigh in.. which isnt my true weight but it makes me feel better lol A treat is ok here and there! from what Im reading in my book right now:) keep up the good work
  15. TELL me about it! When i started weight watchers I was losing 1-2 lbs a week.. after losing 90lbs its hard to lose any more and its just been the lean body mass. But i still have the fat around my stomach.. Im about a size 7/8/9 depending on clothes /brands and im like 5'7'' so its proportional just wanna burn that fat!~
  16. i think you just asked this on FB didnt you? haha I just replied. anyways that is for the minister and marriage cert
  17. A girl I know did it a while ago. she is actually one of the "banner' girls on their webpage or if you google "burn the fat feed the muscle" shes on there with her before and after in a blue bikini.. Its basically just eating properly for your "body" type and then donig cardio and weight training. and the goal is to lose pure body fat and not lean muscle which if you lose more then 1-2 lbs per week your generally losing lean body muscle which slows down your metabolisim. Its pretty interesting now that I am ACTUALLY reading the book rather then read only the parts I thought were important. LOL I just downloaded it online and am reading it on my phone. Basically tells you different body types like metomorphs ectomorphs etc. And it makes snese while im reading it. But no clue how to go and get my total body fat measured and lean body mass and how to get these skin fold calipers for cheap haha So far what I read is on goal setting and about the lean body mass etc. So you might not lose "weight" but when you measure the other stuff you should see results in the body fat lowering and the lean body mass staying the same or gaining which is what you want because muscles burn fat faster.. Hence the burn the fat feed the muscle:) Let me know if you can see the pic,.. shes the one on the right.. obviously hahaha lol
  18. Right now I just have the"free' package, But I am going to be looking at the others to see if I can offset some of the costs by going with one of those Or if it will make a difference.
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