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Posts posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Originally Posted by Atrack View Post


    Here is a email i got from keisha about her being away.


    Thank you for your email.

      I am presently out of office until June 17, 2013, for immediate assistance kindly email Patricia Hay at [email protected] or Charmaine Tyndale at [email protected].


    Kind regards,


    Keisha V. Adams

    Operations Manager

    Meetings, Incentives & Social Events     hope this helps

    YUP.. I GOT THE SAME ON.. ill wait unilt the 17th and then try again as my matters arent pressing.

  2. Originally Posted by alyce1101 View Post


    Ok I have to vent :-( It is two weeks before my wedding and Patricia is barely answering my emails. This is very frustrating. At least Keisha answered back.  I have several questions for her but Im assuming I will not have them answered. Sometimes, I just wished that I picked another resort. 

    I know what you mean. Its been 4 weeks now since I emailed them. I sent another email and got a auto response saying keisha is gone until the 17th. So now im confused , is she gone gone? or is she coming back. ILl wait until the 17th and then see. I would try phoning them

  3. Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


    all this talk about travelling! I'm jealous. My FI wants to do Vegas for his Bachelor Party.. I want to go so bad! haha but we def can't afford for both of us to go before the wedding. His best man and him have been talking about Vegas since his best man got married like 7 years ago, so I can't take that away from him lol. I've barely been anywhere.. Pensacola (Marine base), Cuba, and Orlando... I've lived in Ontario my whole life and have not been anywhere else in Canada.. embarassing I know.. My dream is to do a road trip from the east to west coast.. but like you guys have, cost of living and debts these days have made luxuries like that not really possible. I even feel guilty spending the money we intend to on our wedding rather than putting it towards a house or debts.. blah!

    Well you arent missing much in Saskatchewan.. Just drive past that and dont even stop hahaha JK but really.. its pretty boring driving thru there. Even thru manitoba. Not much unless you go to Riding mountain or whiteshell. Alberta and BC are good to go to.. beautiful driving thru the mountains and drinking the fresh water from the mountain is awesome. I love doing that everytime i drive thru there.


    I def want to head east sometime soon.. Damn cost of living. Thankfully we got our house and we are set for that but that was 2 years ago. Now we probably couldnt afford it..

    Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    He still needs North Dakota, Iowa, GA, Louisiana, Hawaii, and Alabama

    Yes they do!!

    He isnt missing much in northdakota! lol We just go down to Grandforks because its a 2 hr drive from where we live so its something to do once in a while instead of driving 8 hrs to minneapolis, But we go there at least once a year.. It use to be more then that! lol

  4. Originally Posted by Jenny2014 View Post



    Where are you from??


    Our parents had the best time to live... things were cheap enough to go do things like cross country trips, go traveling in europe, with or without kids



    now our generation is soooooooo out of luck. We are so broke all the time because the simple cost of living is sooooo expensive! UCK.


    Okay, /end rant about life unfairness

    Im in MB. (winnipeg)


    They did. his long story short was he drove from vancouver to the east coast on 1000.00 in his car( i cant remember what kind) they camped on some slanted rock in ontario, and i cant remember the rest of the story. and they were gone (my mom and dad) for 2 months on the 1000.00 and drove all the way back to vancouver and just when they got home after he said "wow my car made it all the way across canada and back" it died and they had to get it towed lol.


    And I agree about us being out of luck! like gas is 1.35 a litre here! what the hell is that! its almost cheaper to drive to the boarder and fill up and drive back!!! Honestly they better start uping wages.. something has to give.


    ok now im done my rant on it lol

  5. Originally Posted by Jenny2014 View Post



    Me either! I have been through the prairies and out west but never into quebec or out east! Crazy! And forget the north.... my goal it to get to the east coast before I hit 30! a year and a half to do so!

    I know! i havent been past ontario. And just to Kenora, not even to TO lol My dad and I are suppose to do a east coast rd trip. because one night when he had a few rums he was telling me about his cross country trip from BC to the mairtimes and how great it was.. (ill leave out all his details lol ) but it sounded pretty amazing, Me and him are suppose to do the trip together from MB to out east and back. Maybe in the next few years :)

  6. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    My FI's goal is to visit all 50 states before he's 35. So this why why we chose Alaska, also he was orig. going to propose on the cruise! lol. So after we go to seattle and Alaska he will only have 6 states until he reaching his goal.

    WOW! thats so awesome. What other states does he need to go to?


    I have only been to North/south dakota, Minnesota, colorado( airport) nevada, California, Florida , Tennesse(mephis airport) Washington, Oregon.... and I think thats it. I think i have been to more states then I have provinces in canada! lol I havent even been to the eastern part of Canada..

  7. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Try bookit.com I absolutely love that site and they are always doing deals. I use them constantly when we go away or Kayak.com

    Yeah they had a special going that you got the free stuff :) and I liked their pool

    Thats awesome. The flamingo was pretty pricey( we didnt get it for a deal) My friend ( the bride) wanted this hotel because its pink and girly and got 2 rooms and strip view so for our whole stay its 200 each ( thats a lot to me ) because everytime Ive been i have paid 50 bucks for the whole stay! BUT its her bachlorette party so we are gonna live it up! lol


    1 week today, at this time ill be boarding my plane! cant wait :)))))))))))cheer2.gif

  8. Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post



    Flights can be what costs the most for us.  I didn't think you could get a hotel for such a good price either!  They stayed somewhere off the strip (he said it was really low end) and it was about 100$/night.  Honestly the amount he spent last year for 3 days in Vegas was similar to what we spent when we went to Mexico last May for 1 week. 


    Wow really? Where do you live? If you look for cheap flights and go during the week it tends to be cheaper. and Dont book your hotels thru the resorts. Book it thru expedia or travelocity. You can get hotels right on the strip! And you dont have to stay at a fancy one. For example if you stay at what use to be Imperial palace but its now the quad you could use Ceasers palace pool which was right across the street( i only found that out AFTER we left and were on our way home! ) lol

  9. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post



    I was there last may and we stayed at the castle one next to luxor and we got a discount so it was $23 a night LOL and we got free drinks, shows, and buffets


    The excalibur! lol I was going to stay there too! i saw on expedia they had a deal for 24 but I waited and then got the tropicana for 30! which was steal! they have a really nice pool!


    nice that you got free drinks shows and buffetts! hope we get that lucky!

  10. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    I love vegas! Where r u guys staying?

    LOL SO DO I! this will be my 4th time!


    We are staying at the Flamingo. and then Im staying a extra day after the other girls leave and im staying at the Tropicana :)


    1 week to go and i cant wait! hate to see the scale when I get home But ill try and be on my best behaviour ! :)

  11. WOW so much to catch up! Well This weekend was a cheat WEEKEND for me. LOL birthday dinners and what not.. YIKES! suprisingly up only a little but Im not gonna freak. lol


    I started my Burn the fat feed the muslce yesterday. Had baseball yesterday and also did my cardio and my weights. Today is just cardio for me so its going to be a turbo jam or turbo fire. And then cardio and weights tomorrow and friday .


    Vegas next week so workout will be on hold( but walking the strip will account for that lol) just gotta be careful what I eat:) and then when Im back its full out on my new program !


    Hope you all are having a good week!

  12. Originally Posted by alyce1101 View Post


    Ok, now I am confused. Is it $10.50 per person for the ceremony chairs and an additional $10.50 per person for the semi private dinner? Or does the $10.50 include the ceremony chairs and the dinner?

    IM not sure what the 10.50 is really for.. they say its for differnet things each time.. its "free" but u have to pay the 10.50 for any guests over the amt of your pacakge.. there are different packages based on price. so for the free one you are allowed 10 ppl included, any amt over that its 10.50 per person(depending on what you pick semi or private dinner-private dinners have different options and higher prices) they say the 10.50 is for extra cake and champagne. Its really just a made up fee for them to get more money lol ( my opinion) but yeah so for example if you did semi private dinner your first 10 would be free and then if you had 30 guests the other 20 would be x 10.50 so you would have to pay 210 for them.

  13. Originally Posted by SHANNON4 View Post


    hey, has anyone done the poolside reciption? not dinner, just the 15 per person 4 drinks and dancing? i was wondering what the set up looks like, pics would b awesome, or just to know works too, like r there twinkle lights? and tables and chairs? what shape r the tables, and how many people per table. trying to figure out how to decorate, thanks so much! oh and when do we pay 4 the wedding? before or once we r there?


    and who all had a semi private dinner at the mamee steakhouse? im thinking i will have between 20 and 30 people, and thats free right so long as ur under 40 people? whats the set up like and decorations? just want to make sure my budget is right, thanks ladies! im becoming one stressed out bride!

    Its free only to the amt of guests on your pacakge.


    So if you went with the free" package you have up to 10 guests included any amt over that is 10.50 (EVEN for the semi private dinner)


    there are costs to everything =/

  14. Originally Posted by muneera0302 View Post



    Yea unfortunately customer service is not the greatest in Jamaica. We've had communication issues with several vendors, make me so mad but sad part is I still need them! Lol

    I know what you mean. Im going to use real touch flowers for my bridesmaids. And if I can find something I like for myself I am going to use that too. OTherwise I will get my bouquet from the vendor :/ and Ill be doing all my own center pieces  and decorations..

  15. Originally Posted by Yassy View Post



    OMG!!! Keisha is gone now???  Wow, that is a bit disheartening...I REALLY hope the new person is aware of everything and will be on the ball.  I'm so glad I kept all of my correspondence with Keisha!!! Will be printing them all out and bringing them down when I go so there is no issues with pricing, etc.  I also noticed that you mentioned that the Plantation Restaurant booking is an additional $13 pp for open bar + bartender...but I was quoted only $10!  I would check into that if I were you as the $3pp does make a difference once you add it up!

    How am I only seeing this now? lol.


    Um well The impression I was getting it was 10 Dollars per person OVER the 10*in my package* PLUS an additional 13 for the open bar. So were you quoted 13 total for open bar and the dinner? this place is all over the place and its starting to frustrate me! Especially since its been 2 weeks since I emailed them about booking the plantation and still nothing.. And now that I know that things can be negotiated I def will be doing that lol

  16. LOL....I guess Keisha being gone was the last thing I was expecting. Especially since it only 3 weeks from now. That makes me feel better that Patricia was Keisha's assistant and she knows what she is doing. I  also having my TA look into it as well bc I do not want any miscommunication.  I am taking every email that I have with me!
    I know what u mean! And yes take EVERYTHING! Ill prob have a binder lol
  17. Originally Posted by alyce1101 View Post



     Wait Keisha is gone?!? How do you know? That is really scaring me considering my wedding is this month!

    Kerry ( shes on this forum) just got married there, There is a new girl Patricia. Kerry said that this girl knows what she is doing and was keishas assistant and has been there for years. I have emailed a few times and since keisha has been gone i havent been getting responses. Ill wait untill my TA is back and then ill have them find out whats going on. Im trying not to let it stress me lol

  18. Originally Posted by Miss J View Post


    Its a lovely dress Danielle! I've found a few different dresses online, I think I might be brave and order one in a couple of months! In the "process" of losing weight at the moment, but will go and try on a few different dresses at the end of summer just to see if the style I want will actually suit me!

    Did it take long to get it once you placed the order?

    THANK YOU !  :) I am happy with it and the price was great! I figured Id order it a month before The real one needed to be ordered. I was going to use this as the TTD in replace of the original that I was going to buy , but figured id see how this turned out and then go from there. Everyone thinks its great and slight diffeerence from original but genrally the same which Im happy with:)


    I orderd it  end of march and it got here about a week before May, as I told them I needed it before the end of april (had to put the dress order in at the salon if this one was horrible)


    I too am still in the process of losing weight. (or fat I should say) lol just basically toning and what not..


    For me i knew what style I was going for. But just tried on a few to see how they look, I had seen this one online before I even went to try the original on and then realized it was the one i was looking at online :)

  19. Originally Posted by Miss J View Post


    Have any of you brides bought your wedding dress and/or bridesmaids dress online?

    Feedback on quality is appreciated! 

    I have looked at sites like lightinthebox and dinodirect and while the dresses are SO cheap I am concerned about the quality.

    Anyone has any experience?

    There is a thread on here called "knock off dresses" there is ALOT of info on there.


    I bought my dress off someone on ebay. It was an Inspiration of an original. and im planning on buying the bridesmaids dresses online.


    Im very happy with how my dress turned out.. there are pics of it on the thread :)

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