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Posts posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    No polar bears there sad.gif saw whales, seals, sheep, sled dogs, a shark, and bears. Traveled into canada twice. One in carcross in the yukon terr and one in victoria BC

    THATS AWESOME!  polar bears must have been hiding :( lol.


    Bc is my home province too! love it there. Its so beautiful but so expensive to live :( One day ill be back there haha prob not. I think we will eventually move to the states :P  how was the yukon. Ive never been there. Close to it but never to it

  2. Originally Posted by Jessica Correa View Post


    Just to get this straight, if I have over 40 people at my wedding I would have to pay

     THE PLANTATION RESTAURANT $500 FOR 2 HOURS /  $1000 FOR 4 HOURS – plus $55 per person


    or I can do this


    BALL ROOM $500 FOR 2 HOURS $1000 FOR 4 HOURS + THE COST OF A DANCE FLOOR $1000, plus US$55 per person include menu and open bar

    the plantation is 10.50 per person. the pool reception is 68 or somethin per person. The plantation is the cheaper way.

  3. Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


    I'm not going to lie, I feel like I have been slacking. I am still trying to eat healthy and portion control, but the gym has not seen my ass all week long. I am feeling quite stressed about a lot of things and therefore making excuses to not workout. I finish my job today and will start my new job July 15. I have a 2 week period where I am going camping with my FI and his son and spend some quality time with family so who knows what will happen. I am changing locations for work, so I will not have access to the gym. i'm thinking of joining the gym with some friends, but can't justify the money even though it's cheaper than going to a big name gym. blah. The weather also isn't helping to motivate me.. it's so shitty here. I need motivation!!

    I got into a slump like that for a few months! I was deligent on working out at least 5 times a week, and then I hurt my leg and was like F it lol and didnt work out for months. Thankfully I didnt gain anything. I maintained. But i noticed my muslce that I had kinda deminished, and it was just skin. Its just a a matter of getting motivated again. Sometimes Its hard, but it will happen, Just say  I WILL do 30 mins of cardio today. I will lift my weights or hit the gym.


    I honestly dont go to a gym. I have free weights in my basement that I use for my strength. and I download workout videos Ex turbo jam, turbo fire, p90 x etc. Or i go roller blading with the dog, or for walks with her.


    Im going camping this weekend, so weights and roller blades arent accessable, but i am going to go for long walks around the campground, go for hikes, walk to the cliffs instead of drive. Maybe use the water and do some body resistance training in there like squats and tricep dips. Its easier but still works. Long as you are moving you are burning ! :)


    You will get out of the slump :)

  4. Originally Posted by ironman View Post


    Finally back home from the trip. The weather was pretty good, and the scenery was beautiful. But I still hopped on the scale when I got home and was not pleased with what I've been seeing. I haven't gone to Weight Watchers for my June weigh-in, and tomorrow is the last possible day I can go. I'm certain I've gained a few pounds, so that's disappointing. I'm ready to seriously crack down.


    How have you all been doing?

    Well I personally have been good. Enjoying my new routine now that I too am back from my trip.  Long as its only a few lbs you are ok. when I came back from Floriday after 2 weeks, ( we went to the bahamas-cruise, and then stayed at my FI aunt for the last 1.5 weeks. I came back about10 lbs heavier.. ) -slaps head- I have managed to lose that But still! lol a few lbs are ok !

  5. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Well ladies, i leave for alaska today!!! Be back july 1st xoxo

    HAVE AN AMAZING TRIP!! and take lots of pics! preferably of a polar bear :) you think living in canada id see one. BUT contrary to what americans believe, we dont live in igloos year round and have polar bears in our back yard.. unless you are in churchill :P


    IM sure its going to be amazing!

  6. Originally Posted by Loreal30 View Post


    hmm...my colours are coral and aqua and I haven't had a difficult time finding things coral....it is getting to be a very popular destination wedding colour so more and more things are coming in the colour coral.

    Well i have found some things coral. Really the only coral i want is for my parents beacuse I want them matching like my moms dress and my dads shirt. I figure I will go and check out stores again soon and see if I can find a shrit for my dad and then work on the dress for my mom.

  7. Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


    I'm glad Vegas was awesome! I'm uber jealous you went and good job on only going up .5 pounds! That's the hardest thing while on vacation.. the drinking and the indulging.. congrats :) what is BFFM?

    THANKS! im pretty impressed with myself. That and i walked everywhere as best as i could! lol a lot of walking was done :)


    BFFM is burn the fat feed the muslce. Its a competition I joined with a friend of mine. Basicaly eating and working out to burn the fat off your body and gain lean muscle etc.


    eating the right amount of carbs protein and fats and enough calories that your body isnt starving

  8. Originally Posted by MsFaszion View Post


    Ok do you have a theme?

    Right now my theme is turqoise blue with sugar starfish and seashells with white calla lilles For the bridesmaids boquet, AND I was origiinally going to go with coral for my mom and dad to wear and interpuret some of those colors in but its hard to find coral so now thinkin of a second color.. My mom hates pink and purple , and I want to keep it tropical looking. its kinda a white and turqoise theme but cant have my mom in white lol

  9. Originally Posted by MsFaszion View Post


    Pink, Green, Orange, there are so many options for that color.  Accent colors can be either gold or silver.  I would say to search pintrest.

    I have searched pinterest but cant find antyhing that wows me. I was thinkin coral but its hard to find something I like. My mom wont wear pink or fuscia. I was just wanting an additional color for my parents to wear  I was also thinking orange.

  10. OI! i leave for 5 days and I miss so much! lol


    Well I am back from Vegas baby!!! Got a pretty sweet tan :) I weighed myself this morning and im only up about half a pound from before leaving for vegas so for me thats a WIN! I really made concious efforts to watch what I was eating while I was there, plus walking for miles on end helped alot :)


    Now on to my BFFM plan as I signed up for that competition and I would like to succeed at it!!!


    Hope you all are doing good :P

  11. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post




    Me in the dress, found it at david bridal and i had the same excitement and love for this dress as i did with my engagement ring. It was orig $1,200 and i got it for $750

    CONGRATS GIRL! on finding the dress! and omg you are soo tiny! lol the dress looks beautiful on you :) yay!!!!!

  12. Originally Posted by KDoyle View Post




    I was so glad I did not go with the covers...the white chairs are very nice and with the chair tie they look fantasitc...here's a pic from my photographer of chairs/sashes. I got mine from Jan's florist at $2 piece...Ive heard some negotiated as low as $1 piece but either way --really was no big deal _I liked that they came set it all up and then moved the chair ties and chairs to my reception for me --it was worth the $2 chair tie LOL --it was less hassle before for me and during the day. of the wedding.  My 2 cents worth anyway ;) 700





    yup i agree it turned out great!


    Im thinking I wouldnt be able to get the chair ties from them that cheap... lol because I wont be using any of their services except maybe a bridal boquet. I would pay the 2 $chair tie fee if i was going to use their other services for sure :)


    The pics were great :)

  13. Originally Posted by lorcas View Post


    I'm going to try working out in the morning before work from now on. I have a 20 minute turbo jam workout that I really enjoy and I feel like I can fit that into my morning routine without having to get up that much earlier. I might even consider going for a quick run of a mile or two instead of that workout if it gets too mundane every day. Hopefully I can stick to it! 

    I LOVE THAT 20 min turbo jam workout. I wish I could add it into my am. I already have to get up at 615 and even then I can barely get up. Pretty sure im still half asleep when i get to work lol My hair is never done the way I like it. ! Im not a morning person

  14. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    So I went running and than kickboxing class on saturday and did a 2hr hike on sunday!!! woot2.gif And going wedding dress shopping this saturday!!! Can't wait

    AWESOME GIRL!!! This weekend I had a baseball tournament. So Im considering that my "cardio" even though it wasnt that much runing But I had no time to add anything else in.  I got my weights in both days today is my "rest" day for weights, but I should get some cardio in today. I hope I can get enough energy!!!! I am so freaking tired right now so its not looking promising unless I have a nap first lol ( old woman problems) ahahaha


    Im gonna try and do some workouts still when im in Vegas. If i wake up earlier then everyone else Ill go get a quick workout in and then gamble on the way bck to the room.  hahaha

  15. Originally Posted by Lucy79 View Post


    Hey everyone! Glad I found this forum.  Lots of interesting information, situations and suggestions.  I can`t believe someone tried to fake their own death eek.gif.


    I got engaged a few weeks ago and decided on Dec. 6th as our wedding date.  I would like to lose 20-25 lbs by the wedding day....hopefully lol. it is doable right!!!

    I started the Jillian Michael's Body revolution about a month ago and prior to getting engaged cause I was frustrated with the holiday weight gain and I was back to my heaviest weight ever.  Now i have a huge motivator to actually stick to it. I lost about 4 lbs so far (hard to tell right now due to mother nature). I am going to weigh myself and take my measurements on Monday to check in and see the progress.  I do see changes in my body.  There is less cellulite in the legs and butt, my legs are firmer and I feel like I see the biggest changes in my mid section but then again, that is my biggest problem. I can not tell you how motivating it is to work out when you remind yourself that all your friends and families will be seeing you in a bathing suit soon.  LOL!


    Anywho, I really like the program so far.  It is a 90 day program and the workouts are 30 mins.  It is set up that you work out 6 times a week. You work out the front of your body in one workout, then your back in another and there is a cardio workout.  You do each one twice a week rotating through them.  I have not been able to work out 6 days a week because I play baseball one night a week.  I had every intention of baseball being my rest day and still working out 6 days but I have found so far that I do need a day to actually rest.  So I have been rotating the DVDs over 5 days.   


    Now I wish that I had taken a picture of myself when I started but at the time I was too embarrassed by the way I looked and could not bring myself to take a picture of myself. I try hard to make smart food choices but I find that this is my weakness.  I am of Italian descent....carbs and sweets are engraved into our DNA. hahaha!


    Hi and welcome! This thread has gone from working out to everything! So feel free to talk about anything!


    Im not itatlian but I do love my carbs and sweets! lol


    for this Competeition/program I joined i have TO take before pics,,and post them on the forum in order to win prizes... lol And I am not ready to do that! haha but I have to.


    Good luck!!!

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