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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Does anyone have any pictures of the Semi private reception at marmee? Or any pictures of the Private reception. Also for the ones that have had the semi private reception, did you do speeches? As well as did you do the first dance and all that "traditional wedding" things if you only had the semi private reception and no private reception? My FI mom and dad were asking and for me im fine with out the "formalities" but they are more into that. any pics that you can send to me that would be great! my email is [email protected]
  2. Hi, congrats! From what I understand. Any amount of guests OVER your package amount is 10.50 per person and any guests that are locals that are not staying on the resort is 75 per person. I dont know if the 10.50 applies on TOP of the 75 per person for the resort fee. I would double check that with keisha the resort coordinator. I think if you are having a private reception it would be in the same place but I am not 100 on that as I am just having the semi private reception. If you email the resort coordinatore she can send you the price list for 2013, they dont have it yet for 2014 -Danielle
  3. Yeah she has been responding to me pretty quickly! I would send her another email and just let her know that you are still waiting to her from her. I find she answers what she wants to answer. Some of my questions werent answered in my email She just answerd the ones she wanted lol
  4. You can probably just have your wedding all together at a off site location for less then what you will have to pay for the guests to come to the resort. I think their rule is a bit ridiculous as My fi has family in Jamiaca too. Thankfully I dont think there will be too much of a issue. They also have the option Of gtting a room at the resort, I think 4 to a room and they could split it. That way no day pass, and they can stay the night and have fun AND be apart of that 80 %. But you could always just try and find somewhere off site all together to have the whole thing. ;/
  5. You can probably just have your wedding all together at a off site location for less then what you will have to pay for the guests to come to the resort. I think their rule is a bit ridiculous as My fi has family in Jamiaca too. Thankfully I dont think there will be too much of a issue. They also have the option Of gtting a room at the resort, I think 4 to a room and they could split it. That way no day pass, and they can stay the night and have fun AND be apart of that 80 %. But you could always just try and find somewhere off site all together to have the whole thing. ;/
  7. I believe this is the newer one. There is a lot of useful information within the 48 pages. Just read a little bit at a time. You will usually find anything you are thinking of asking
  8. We have encountered the same thing. We have always said we are doing a destination wedding from the start. Soon as we got engaged his aunt asked whens the wedding and where. We both said it will be a destination wedding in Jamaica and probably Jan 2014. Then they go welllllllllllllllllll blah blah blah. so and so cant go, This person cant go. Why would you go away, do it at home. Funny thing is half his family LIVES in Jamiaca so we thought it was perfect. Then it was " well there is a resort fee for them to come" um. HELLOOOOO its 75 dollars compared to how much they would spend to FLY to canada? My parents are all for it, and they have less money then his family. And they are going to make it work. Unforutunately my Grandparents are in their 90's and wont be able to come and my Grandma wont travel anywhere outside of canada. And my brother and his fiance are planning their own wedding and cannot afford it. Some friends have made a comment on it but I mean its about Me and my Fiance. Ppl think we are selfish for going away. Its not like im FORCING you to come to our wedding. You have a choice. You either want to spend the money, come to our wedding and have a week vacation in a beautiful place or stay home. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone forcing them to come. If you think about having a wedding here . What do they run these days 25-30 k? for ONE DAY and you pay for your guests to eat and drink so they can celebrate with you? Id rather spend half or less then that and have a week long party rather than one day. I think the ppl that want you to have your wedding date to a convient time for their vacation preference is ridiculous. Its not about them. Its about you. Guests need to realize that. I have decided to let whatever happens happens. And if ppl cant come, so be it. Long as my mom dad and his parents are there. Im ok with that.
  9. Hey all . Any winnipeg brides for 2013/2014? We are getting married at the Riu Ocho Rios Jan 2014
  10. SO, Keisha sent me a email in regards to the cake and decorations. From What I gather, they dont really decorate the Beach Gazebo with anything, this is what im gathering from the picture she sent me. And as for the cake its just a plain 3 tier cake with white icing, IM thinking for that to dress it up with some flower petals and what not. Thankfully my Sister In law is excellent with cake making, So maybe she can make something to go on it while we are there. The chairs for the Gazebo are just plain white chairs, so I will be getting some chair ties/bows for that. Ill probably get some tule in our colour or long satin sashes made or something To put on the gazebo. What have some of you past brides done? Also do you have any pictures of the gazebo with your decor?
  11. I would like to keep our budget at about 10k for everything. I believe our hotel ( 1 week at the hotel we are marrying at and 1 week honey moon at a alternate location) will cost us about 2500 each so 5k right there. and the rest of the budge basically is going to rings, wedding dress, tux, and photography.
  12. If you want the disco just for you and your guests for that 2 hours then I know that they do charge for it, But if you are just wanting to go to the disco when it opens, there isnt a charge for it. From what I read about the deco for the dinner is the tables are decorated with whatever the resturant normally does. Im planning on bringing my own little things to add to the tables when we are there. I believe they will move your chair covers/sashs to the dinner for you.
  13. OH I wish our agent was like that! for every 16 ppl booked we get one person free. So at least one of us will be free for one week! lol We are getting a group rate, ours is all inclusive, flight hotel food booze drink etc. All included in the rate that the guests pay. Our package is free but the extras like the minister etc or if we want to upgrade flowers or a steel drum band would be extra! Which sucks but I dont really need that. That would be great if you can send me any info you have. Even though we are at different resorts Im sure they are relatively the same.
  14. I debated doing this, but I want it to be a "real" wedding in the sense. I thought of doing it like that here in canada so my grand parents could be present but then I felt bad that Im having my guests fly all that way for a "fake " wedding. Its something I would discuss again with my FI, but my cousin had his wedding in Jamaica and had a legal one there and they didtn seem to have any issues. Its just a matter of sending the papers, But if you do it with plenty of time, I dont see a issue with it really. I tend to be pretty on point with things like that, Id probably send them even before they requested the deadline to be lol. Im just that kind of person when it comes to that. Its definitaly something I have to do more research on Thanks for the info
  15. Thanks. Yeah I finally got a email back sayin its 525 for it. Which isnt bad. You would have to pay there at home also so thats all good. Was just thinking if it was the same as one of the "other " packages, that you get a couple shirts with and the minsiter/cert I would of went with that. Have you got any information for flowers and what not? I know i have a while to go but I like to look and decide so that way I have time to change my mind LOL. I read some ppl go with Jans flowers but Im sure you hve to pay some fee to use those instead of TAI flowers. Just wondering what the options are for boquets. etc. Are you going to have your bridesmaids have boquets? IM tryin to think of alternatives for them, and just keep the boquet for me. Any thoughts?
  16. Thanks, I guess we wont have confirmation for that for a little bit longer!! Just waiting on our invites now that we confirmed our date
  17. YAY got my date confirmed yesturday and the Day and Time I wanted! I am one happy bride to be! Now i can finally put the deposits down for the flight and hotel, and get my invites printed! Even though its a year a way, im still excited As for the resturants where the dinner is had, do you have to reserve that or do they just give you whatever they want that day?
  18. Having a mini freak out. Was told the date i wanted was available, Send her my rquest and they completly changed the process. Now the date isnt availble. minimal days and times available for time we are to be there, and might have to compltely change EVERYTHING! Thankfully havent put deposits for trip down, but now that might change there fore costing more money!!! Im so pissed right now and annoyed at their reservation system its ridiculous!!!!!!!
  19. Hey guys, Just a quick question. IN regards to the Free package at the Riu. You have to pay for your minister and certificate correct? Does anyone know how much that would be and how you go about getting that? Thanks!
  20. Each at the wedding linens direct. I as well am going to be using the aqua Sasha and table runner I haven't ordered anything yet. Not until we officially put our deposits in
  21. The centre pieces sound nice! I was thinking of something other then the gazebo on a different part of resort cuz do t want it to be windy. But I will prob stick with the beach gazebo
  22. I responded to your other post but its waiting to be approved for some reason. For favours I think I'm just going to do a welcome package with a few things. And just some cookies with our initials on them in our colors and maybe bubbles
  23. Thanks! yeah I was thinking about doing that for the dinner And bringing the chair covers and the sashs over as well. I plan on buying the sashes and table runner online, Found a really cheap site, cant think of the site right now, its in my Many notes scattered everywhere! (I havent got around to organizing them). Im not sure how big the tables are, I guess that depends on many ppl come! I was thinking to order a few cause they were so cheap. Bringing them with me and then seeing the set up for the dinner and how long the table is. And then from there sew them together if it needed to be longer! lol But im sure once i have a idea on how many ppl are coming then I can email the planner and try and get a idea of how long the table would be and then do that at home. I just figure its not hard to sew two peices together and then i can put like petals over the seam so its not so noticeable. We get there on the monday and ceremony is planned for the Thursday. So I would have a few days to get that done with . Bed time project Also maybe throw some seashells on there if i can find any nice ones on the beach, Or pick some manufactured ones from Micheals or a craft store for cheap, or dollarama. Give it that "beach" feeling
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