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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. So your doing weight training 6 days a week and then your cardio am/pm twice a week? Or are u doing 4 days and 2 a day cardio? Just trying to up my routine
  2. Well verdict is in! Dress is here. I will post pics later once my sister in law gets here. The beading is great. Actually the dress all and all is great. Only issue is the bust part. Not sure what happened there. But it should be easily fixed I'm hoping . I'd say its pretty identical to the original. But when I post it I'd like honest opinions/critiques! Ill post the original pic. The pic of me in the original at salon and then me in the knock off
  3. I do a lot of home workout videos. I like Turbo Jam, Turbo fire, Zumba. Etc. I also started doing Shaun T hip hop abs.. lol Lame. I know. But it works and its fun. I am def going to try your workout sweet heart aggie. How often during the week do you do this workout? My workouts are good for toning etc. But i need something more cardio to burn the fat lol
  4. Thanks! good news is I actually get it TODAY! so I cant wait to get home from work! its driving me CRAZZZY!!! I will def post pics later
  5. Im so excited yet so nervous at the same time! My dress is out for delievery today! However I am not home to recv it! I have to wait until tomorrow!!! I didnt see any proof pics before they sent it. So its going to be a COMPLETE suprise! I will try and post pics this weekend!!! *crossing fingers* that the dress turned out!!!!
  6. So excited. Just got notification that my dress has been shipped!! Nervous to see how it has turned out ! *crossing my fingers*
  7. So excited. Just got notification that my dress has been shipped!! Nervous to see how it has turned out ! *crossing my fingers*
  8. Thanks for the info! I looked into this, But FI isnt a fan. lol I think I am going to have to just bite the time. and have the wedding at 1 so I can have it at the beach gazebo. They sent me a few pictures of the Lagoon Gazebo AND for me personally it is just not where I want to have my wedding. The lagoon water just looks gross. It looks like the lake water here at home lol If I wanted that i would have goT married here at the lake. I have to send them a email today to advise them what I am going to do. They asked what else can be done to rectify this. I think I am going to mention a few complimentary things that they should be giving us. I feel like them saying Im sorry isnt cutting it. I hope no one else has this problem as its a night mare!
  9. Thanks for the info! I looked into this, But FI isnt a fan. lol I think I am going to have to just bite the time. and have the wedding at 1 so I can have it at the beach gazebo. They sent me a few pictures of the Lagoon Gazebo AND for me personally it is just not where I want to have my wedding. The lagoon water just looks gross. It looks like the lake water here at home lol If I wanted that i would have goT married here at the lake. I have to send them a email today to advise them what I am going to do. They asked what else can be done to rectify this. I think I am going to mention a few complimentary things that they should be giving us. I feel like them saying Im sorry isnt cutting it. I hope no one else has this problem as its a night mare!
  10. Hi there! I was wondering if anyone has recently used Brian for their wedding!! I am trying to find pictures of recent work other then what is on his website and on FB. They obviously are going to post their best work! I absolutly love his work from what I have seen, but I was wondering if someone would be willing to share any experiences and any pictures they have from recently!! That would be great! Thanks!
  11. Hi there! I was wondering if anyone has recently used Brian for their wedding!! I am trying to find pictures of recent work other then what is on his website and on FB. They obviously are going to post their best work! I absolutly love his work from what I have seen, but I was wondering if someone would be willing to share any experiences and any pictures they have from recently!! That would be great! Thanks!
  12. So update on my fiasco. Got a email back today. Telling me I can have 3 pm but have to have it at the lagoon gazebo. My whole reason for going away is because I want it on the beach! Ugh I almost wanted to cry today because I feel like I will have to pick eithe a earlier time for the beach or a later time and have the lagoon gazebo! I'm still holding out for my time and the beach. I'm a little pissed that all they are saying is we are sorry. How about offering a discount or a upgrade. I have my TA working on it now So frustrating !!
  13. I was thinking something like this for my mom, In coral. Its kind of a bridesmaids dress more. But my Bridesmaids are going to be wearing a Turquoise colour and shorter dresses. And My mom said she doesnt want to look like a grandma In one of the recommended MOB dresses/outfits.
  14. I will for sure Il post a pic of the original and then of me wearing it. Im crossing my fingers that it will look close
  15. I know! I am still waiting for a reply. I will wait until Monday , And then I am going to be sending a follow up email. If for some reason I didnt have that time first (which would be the person arranging its fault) then i will have to settle for the 1pm But I better get a discount or a major room upgrade, Especially sicne the second week we are going to be staying at another Riu in Negril!! At this point im iffy about staying there. But its beautiful and its close to the 7 mie beach which is what i want! AND the price is right. I really hope this nightmare clears itsself up. I even told them. if there is another wedding at 3 they hve 2 different locations. I would be willing to take a nother location and get my own officent but they are not going to charge me the vendor fee. She said she is going to talk to her supervisor to try and get that time. In the end its not my fault the person desginated to assign date and times screwed up and either way I have 2 confirmation emails confirming this. OI!!!! Im trying not to let it stress me out. Thankfully I still have some time for ordering things. I really want to book the photographer and confirm, but I cant until i know the time! thats the only thing thats holding back!!
  16. SO am I!!! I think we are suppose to get snow.. Like really? in april? this time last year we had +20.. this weather is nonsense.. It can skip spring and go straight to +30 asap!
  17. TRY WINNIPEG! lol at the rate we are going we are never going to have spring!!!
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