I know! I am still waiting for a reply. I will wait until Monday , And then I am going to be sending a follow up email. If for some reason I didnt have that time first (which would be the person arranging its fault) then i will have to settle for the 1pm But I better get a discount or a major room upgrade, Especially sicne the second week we are going to be staying at another Riu in Negril!! At this point im iffy about staying there. But its beautiful and its close to the 7 mie beach which is what i want! AND the price is right. I really hope this nightmare clears itsself up. I even told them. if there is another wedding at 3 they hve 2 different locations. I would be willing to take a nother location and get my own officent but they are not going to charge me the vendor fee. She said she is going to talk to her supervisor to try and get that time. In the end its not my fault the person desginated to assign date and times screwed up and either way I have 2 confirmation emails confirming this. OI!!!! Im trying not to let it stress me out. Thankfully I still have some time for ordering things. I really want to book the photographer and confirm, but I cant until i know the time! thats the only thing thats holding back!!