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Posts posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Sister brides!!!! Tell me to get off my butt and go to kickboxing tonight.....i'm NOT motivated b/c its cold and rainy here and I'm tired......but I know I should go....ugh


    do it ! YOU will be thankfull after you do it!


    I have to meet some ppl right after work tonight, When I get home im going to try and get a quick 20 min work out in!

  2. My brother wasnt going to come to our wedding also, and had a big fit about how we are selfish for having a wedding away. And this and that. They have a little girl too she will be 2 in April next year after the wedding. Finally we explained to him that he just needed the deposit and they can make payments every two weeks., So now they are booked and they are bringing their daughter too. Shes free, free at the resort and free for the flight, so it works out perfectly for them


    I woudlnt see why they woudlnt want to bring their child away. Im not sure if its free for you guys. Id say its a win win lol


    I hope everything works out..

  3. Yo

    Yea I hear what yo say. My fiance was complaining about the fact we are paying for food and drinks EVEN THOUGH it is included in an all inclusive. I guess its the whole "bringing it to your table" thing that they are charging for? I can live with the 10.50 per person but what blows my mind is that if people have more than 40 people you pay so much more. is it still 10.50 for the private dinner? or is it the $67. I think the $67 is for the poolside or beach but I'm not sure at this point!
    The 67 is for the poolside one. What we are going to do is the plantation pay the 1000 and that turns it private. Then ts 10.50 a person. So basically u just pay the 1000 extra for private there. But no drinks. U have to add another 10.50 ppfor the bar. Then 300 a hr for dj I'm totally agreeing with ur FI. But the food is delved to ur table when u go to one of the restaurants. So they are just making random fees in my opinion Therefore I'm leaning to no tip. Lol
  4. hi, sept. 2013 wedding here. so im pretty confused on one thing. so im doing the beach ceromany, and then the semi private dinner, now is the dinner free so long as i have under 40 people? thats the impression i was given when i first booked, but after reading everying info, im second guessing myself. i know its 500 for the 'free' wedding, and i need to pay per chair after 10 4 the ceremony, and then im paying 15pp for a poolside reception. oh, and do i get tables too 4 the poolside reception or only chairs? thanks! feeling stressed with the wedding being so close! oh one more thing, do i tip one large sum 4 our personal bartender at the reception? or just the guests tip as they wish, if i do one big tip, how much should that be?
    Depending on how many ppl are included in your package which I think is ten. You have to pay 10.50 per person over the alotted 10 plus the extras for the reception. The 10.50 is for the dinner As for tipping I don't know what I'm gonna do about that or if I am going to tip much. They are already charging us a stupid amt for stuff that's already included in our stay as we are doing all inclusive. And everyone is staying on the resort. And the same food and drinks would be free any other day. Also if you think about it. They are saying the 15pp is for the bartender fee. So times that by how many ppl u have. The resort is getting a bunch of that money ALSO if I decide to tip an exceptional server I will do it a day after the wedding to them personally because I don't want the resort taking the money. These are just my thoughts of course. I will decide once there lol
  5. Originally Posted by Jessica Correa View Post



    wow 90 lbs?!?! that is fantastic!!!! congrats! that shows so much dedication. I am sure you can lose the 20 lbs with the will and persistence that you have been showing. I use to get disappointed when I got on a scale but we have to remember that as we work out and try to be more healthy, we are also gaining muscle so that keeps our weight constant at a certain point. I am not doing it for the numbers, I just want to look and feel better about my image.

    Thank you :) Yeah it was officially 90lbs 2 weeks ago. Granted I gained about 3 lbs. But weight flucuates in between weigh ins lol . It took a lot of will power not to stop at mcdonalds hahah But i did it. now I just have to continue it! Its hard to lose the last bit! Ive even thought to just lipo the fat out of my stomach as thats the one part I dont like! lol!!!!


    I agree. This week the scale hasnt really moved. But i put that to muscle gain(hopefully) lol And maybe next week it will move.


    I think its great that all you ladies are here supporting eachother. It def Makes the process easier. If you guys dont mind I will chime in on sunday how my progress is going as well :)

  6. I too want to lose a bit more before my wedding! I get Married in january so I have some time. But I am also a bridesmaid for my friends wedding in August and thats a few short months away!!!


    I have lost 90 lbs total. since I started weightwatchers a few years ago. I have been hovreing at my weight now for a bit, At least maintaining and not gaining. But I do want to be down another 20 at least by my wedding. Its doable.... If i fricken start kicking my ass and not slacking! lol . I started my crazy workouts again. HOwever I have also been working a second job WHICH this week has cut into my working out schedule.


    I did a lot of weight training last week, and didnt lose much, Probably gained muscle as I feel more toned, which is good. But we all want those numbers on the scale! lol .


    Next week I think i will dedicate 5 days to kickboxing(cardio) and do a double work out and add weights.


    I also have my friends bachlorette party in Vegas in about a month and a few days. So I want to push myself hard before then too!!!


    SMH. The things we do!

  7. Originally Posted by AshleyD View Post


    Hey ladies,


    An FYI make sure you mention to Keisha when she would like your notarized documents sent for your marriage certificate. She did not contact me for the first time until today and I am getting married in 30 days. I had to send her my documents Fed Ex from VA and it cost $120 to send four pieces of paper to get to her by the 30 day make of the wedding day. I have had a not so great experience with her. My travel agent has been talking to her supervisor, Keisha told her supervisor that she contacted me and had not. The response I got from Keisha was well I assumed that your TA would have fowarded you messages. Whaaa!? This lady better be glad I am nice and that she is responsible for what my wedding is going to look like! Ha

    Thanks for the tip!


    I will for sure be emailing her about that probably around July. Our wedding is in January. So depending on her response time i figure that will be enough time to get everything in!


    I sent her a long email asking about a private reception with a number of questions. All she did was answer yes the private recep is 1000.00.. didnt answer the other 5 questions.. -sighs- oh well So far its been ok, other than a time issue.  Speaking of which I should email my TA about as well

  8. Hi ladies so glad to have found this thread, all of these post are so helpful!! My wedding isnt until June 21st 2014 so I feel like Im so far behind all of you!! My Save the Dates are out and my wedding website is done and that is about it! I have an idea of what I want out of my RIU trip but really want to try to go as "free" as possible. Is there anyone who knows if I can do the free dinner for my guest and then pool reception at the $15pp after?? I would really love the beach ceremony but my fiance is the cheapest man on earth so I dont know if I will get it! Thoughts on how to cut cost and keep things as free as possible? Also at this stage 13 months out what should I be doing?? I feel like I've book my date and now I just wait which is fine I just dont want to be behind.. Thanks for all the info from page 1-66 I've been peaking at all of it in my free time!!
    Hi welcome! And congrats! So for the free wedding its free for up to 10 people. Any Amt over that is 10.50 each person and if you have over 40 they force you to have a private reception. Also you have to pay for the minister/certificate. That's I think 500-525$ You get a semi private reception included in package. And the above fee applies unless u have over the 40 then it's a private reception and u have different options to choose from. There is a post a few post back where we broke down the options. Then of course there are upgrades and what not. My advice is research. A lot. Photographer (if going with someone off resort ) flowers hair etc :) Good luck and let me know if u have any more questions
  9. Originally Posted by AnaSteele58 View Post


    Since all the Riu resorts have the same packages...which package did you choose? Did you select a package that included less than your anticipated guest count?

    I chose the free package. It only includes up to 10 guests. For the Riu im at any amt of guests over 10 is 10.50 per person(for dinner/drinks) plus the minister /document fee 525 or something like that.

  10. Originally Posted by jennMc View Post


    Sorry May 14th 2014 so just over a year away I wish it was sooner


    I started getting quotes from photgraphers here and most said i had to pay for them to travel plus a photo package which is crazy if you ask me...so I then started getting quotes from people in Jamaica and really liked Brians photos etc...but since we are still waiting for our guests to pay their deposit I'm was going to wait to book anyways in the meantime I"ve started getting pricing for our home reception and got in touch with a company about renting their photobooth for the night on the side asked about their pricing for destination weddings and this place we only have to pay for her trip and we get the photos included we are meeting her wednesday to work out all the details....so we'll


    Rum cake and cookies Yummy....I'm thinking personalized Bubbas or fans for favors just not sure yet

    Yeah I am going with Brian as well.


    If i was a photographer I would just be like Ill shoot your pics for free pay for me to go! vacations all the time. Buti guess you arnt making much money then!


    I was thinking something like the bubbas for the welcom packages :)


    It will go fast! may will come soon enough! I got engaged in December and getting married this jan. 2014 And its sorta flying by! Also have my friends wedding in August so lots of events in between to keep me busy and pretty soon ill be in Jamaica!




    I get rum cake all the time so not a big deal to me haha. :P

  11. Originally Posted by jennMc View Post




    Just joined the site and have spent all afternoon reading :) good thing I'm at work LOL


    A lot of great information on here...Thanks Kdoyle


    Wedding is booked for May 14th @ 5pm...hoping for a sunset wedding, semi private dinner and then either the disco or bon fire afterwards.


    Looking to maybe bring a photographer from home as I've found your pricing is actually cheaper then the quotes I've been getting - anyone doing this?


    Also what is everyone doing for welcome packages/wedding favors?



    Are you booked for this may? Or next May?


    So are you paying for your photographer to fly down and stay? I never looked into a photgorapher from here. Figured it cost twice as much, to pay for thier trip, plus pics. etc.


    For welcome packages/favorus. I havent decided yet. I kinda have some idea, but that will be a last minute project probably.


    As a wedding day favour Ill probably have my future SIL Make some cookies, with our initials. AND my future mother in law is making Jamaican rum cake ( they are jamaican and thats traditionally the wedding cake) so we will be giving a little slice of that to eveyrone as well.

  12. Originally Posted by allirose View Post


    Hey Danielle I'm just don't k ow if one of my family members video if they will get the voices? But I guess they should have microphones. I was looking into brian the photographer he seems pretty cool through email n prices are not horrible like some I've checked out n pics look great! When r u getting married

    Thats true about the voices. I think you will for sure need a mic, I think the price for that is 200/hr. or something ridiculous like that. I think ill cross that bridge when the time comes lol.


    Yeah Brian is super nice. Prices are decent and the pics are amazing.


    I am getting married there Jan 16, 2014 :)

  13. Originally Posted by Yassy View Post


    Hey Danielle03, I had my photographer friend look at the pricing and photos done by Brian Nejedly and she thinks for the quality/time he offers, the pricing is pretty good!  So I'm seriously thinking of going with him...I just wanted to thank you for the recommendation as that is how I found out about him to begin with:)  I would have had my photography friend do the photos, but unfortunately, she is one of my bridesmaids..lol.  Just curious...who did you end up going with for your photography? (if you don't mind saying)





    I as well am going with Brian for my photos :) Right now we are just finalizing which package we want to go with! Im thinking the 3 hour packag with TTD the next day and Possibly adding 1 extra hour on.


    Brian is really awesome. We have been emailing back and forth. On his FB page he just added some new pics from 2 weddings he just did at the resort. so far he hasnt disspaointed me ! :)


    I would LOVE to see some of your pics if you decide to go with him for your wedding! I see its a few months away but never the less!

  14. Originally Posted by AshleyD View Post


    Hey ladies,


    Thank you all for the advice and help. I agree, the photographer from the resort is not really my style. Does anyone have any good suggestions on outside photographers?


    So basically for any of the wedding packages what it does not include is a reception? If you want a private or semi private reception you chose which ever? Like I said I know I should have known all of this but haven't been contacted or sent anything until this week.


    I will only have 20 guests so I don't think I want anything over the top for the reception but wow I have a lot of time to fill. With a 1:00pm ( not by choice) ceremony then dinner at 6:30pm.

    Does anyone have suggestions about decor for the dinner table? Is anyone bringing there own center pieces or anything?


    You all have been so helpful! Wish I found this site sooner ha!

    I hear that a lot of ppl use Marcia Roberts. Her packages are pretty good and fair in Price. I am using Brian Nejedly. I love his work.


    The free package includes a semi private dinner, But no reception. You either have to do a private reception OR rent the disco for 2 hours before it opens or Have a bonfire on the beach.


    My wedding is also at 1(not by choice either) and I dont know what we are going to do inbetween time, for us and the wedding party and parents there will be pictures etc. but the guests I am not sure. Probably just have time to get a few drinks at the bar, freshen up. take a nap. Etc.


    I still havent finalized all the details on what is going to happen for dinner yet.


    As for the dinner table. I am going to bring my own table runners as its pretty expensive to rent them for one night, when you can buy them for less, and then sell them after. I will probably decorate it with some petals and misc things that I find :)

  15. We are still debating between the private and the semi private with the reception at the disco.  Fiances family would like private. And if we have over 40 ppl we will have to do it that way. . I am fine with the semi private and the disco reception as it includes everything. We are still in the deciding phase of this. Waiting on a email back from Keisha on more information.


    :) So many decisions

  16. Hi Danielle and Ashley I think I'm going to book an outside photographer too cause the Riu one us soo expensive n pics don't look to good. Did u decide on a videographer? I really only want the ceremony videoed but it's soo expensive n can't see paying the vendor fee for a video guy for 2 hours.
    Hey I agree. The pics of the resort photographer iSnt what I am looking for. We are in the talks right now with a photographer. We know who we are going with just need to make it official. I debated a videographer but decided to just have a family member record the ceremony and reception. It will save us some money. With that being said. Most off site photographers do the videographer as well have have packages for both photo/video. And it would be one vendor fee :)
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