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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Ok here are the new pics of it. don't mind my hair an lack of make up I don't know If these are gonna show up :/
  2. Well actually i didnt need any alterations! just some minor things on the side just so can see the "bling" I will post one from my phone in a second
  3. well I look forward to seeing it on! I posted mine on here. But i should post a new one. Because I had someone do the dress up properly and it fits much better now Im just wondering if i should get a petti coat underneath or just leave it as is.. hmm lol
  4. Well My body can stop fighting me anytime! lol. Honestly. id be fine at the weight I am. If i was more tone and my little "stomach" was gone but as a girl ill never be happy even if my stomach was gone. then it will be my legs then my calves lol. Maybe I am not ment to be 150 lol But i will fight to try and get there haha
  5. Hey! Well Overall I think the workmanship looks good! For the first one. I agree that perhaps the petti coat and crinoline will make this dress look better. The flowers def do not match the original picture. it looks like they just put one flower in the middle under the bust and didnt do the rest. For the second one I actually really like it. I think it looks great=, however very different than the original picture posted. the last one Kind of looks like the original. Except for the ruffles for sure. They arent big enough. The front isnt too bad. But in the end I think they all look good ! However you have to be happy with what you are wearing
  6. I am doing ok so far this week. Im staying within my points and doing my workouts each day. Starting soccer Sunday, so that will get some more cardio in. But i keep losing and gaining the same few lbs. I know that I am "toning" but its just frustrating not seeing the scale go down. Also with weight watches I have to weigh in once a month to keep my lifetime membership. I am under my goal weight, but above my last weigh in, and I hate seeing a "gain" in my book. ITs a mental thing I know. But it just makes me mad. My last weigh in was 164 and right now im around 168 So 4lbs above that. I want to be at 160 before vegas which is June 13, and By wedding Id like to be 150 ish This week coming up I am gonna cut all carbs and sugar out and see what happens so that I can go weigh in at weight watches next saturday. (or friday depending on my weight that morning lol) Im waiting for shapes to have a special with no enrollment fee so i can buy a pass for 3 months and not have to pay their stupid 60 dollars to enroll fee. And then i might get a trainer. I dunno what IM doing wrong when im following my points and working out !!
  7. I agree! I think its a cute Idea! And especially if your mom was your only parental or genrally the only one that was a parent figure to you then I think its great! Me and my dad didnt have the "best" relationship growing up. But we are close now. ( Now that I have moved out and we arent around eachother and fighting all the time lol) So I want to have "one " thing with him being the dance, And I figured Id have both my parents walk me down the aisle. I asked my mom if its something she would want to do. Because I didnt know if she just wanted to watch me come down the aisle with my dad or if she wanted to be a part of it. At first she said to ask my dad, But then she thought about it more and decided she wished she had her mom and dad both walk her down the aisle at her wedding. So I will have them both walk me. Thankfully my parents still get along even though they are seperated. They still love eachother and im sure would still be together if they could get a long for more then short periods of time. But it is what it is. My dads "friend" or "gf" is coming to the wedding. And she is a great lady. I really like her, i feel bad though Because my mom is coming alone. I just hope drama doesnt unleash its self lol
  8. My parents are seperated as well. I never heard of a mother daughter dance! thats cute! I decided to have both my mom and my dad walk me down the aisle and Ill do the traditional Father/Daughter dance.
  9. I wish we had hiking trails here in Winnipeg. Have to go out to the lake for that and its 2.5 hours away Damn Flat prairies
  10. do it ! YOU will be thankfull after you do it! I have to meet some ppl right after work tonight, When I get home im going to try and get a quick 20 min work out in!
  11. My brother wasnt going to come to our wedding also, and had a big fit about how we are selfish for having a wedding away. And this and that. They have a little girl too she will be 2 in April next year after the wedding. Finally we explained to him that he just needed the deposit and they can make payments every two weeks., So now they are booked and they are bringing their daughter too. Shes free, free at the resort and free for the flight, so it works out perfectly for them I woudlnt see why they woudlnt want to bring their child away. Im not sure if its free for you guys. Id say its a win win lol I hope everything works out..
  12. I'm Danielle. From Winnipeg Manitoba Canada And I'm down a pound today and completed my workout Hope everyone has a good day/week! The weather is finally above 0 here yay for summer finally. Snow on may 1-2 was not cool :@
  13. Yo The 67 is for the poolside one. What we are going to do is the plantation pay the 1000 and that turns it private. Then ts 10.50 a person. So basically u just pay the 1000 extra for private there. But no drinks. U have to add another 10.50 ppfor the bar. Then 300 a hr for dj I'm totally agreeing with ur FI. But the food is delved to ur table when u go to one of the restaurants. So they are just making random fees in my opinion Therefore I'm leaning to no tip. Lol
  14. Depending on how many ppl are included in your package which I think is ten. You have to pay 10.50 per person over the alotted 10 plus the extras for the reception. The 10.50 is for the dinner As for tipping I don't know what I'm gonna do about that or if I am going to tip much. They are already charging us a stupid amt for stuff that's already included in our stay as we are doing all inclusive. And everyone is staying on the resort. And the same food and drinks would be free any other day. Also if you think about it. They are saying the 15pp is for the bartender fee. So times that by how many ppl u have. The resort is getting a bunch of that money ALSO if I decide to tip an exceptional server I will do it a day after the wedding to them personally because I don't want the resort taking the money. These are just my thoughts of course. I will decide once there lol
  15. Thank you Yeah it was officially 90lbs 2 weeks ago. Granted I gained about 3 lbs. But weight flucuates in between weigh ins lol . It took a lot of will power not to stop at mcdonalds hahah But i did it. now I just have to continue it! Its hard to lose the last bit! Ive even thought to just lipo the fat out of my stomach as thats the one part I dont like! lol!!!! I agree. This week the scale hasnt really moved. But i put that to muscle gain(hopefully) lol And maybe next week it will move. I think its great that all you ladies are here supporting eachother. It def Makes the process easier. If you guys dont mind I will chime in on sunday how my progress is going as well
  16. I too want to lose a bit more before my wedding! I get Married in january so I have some time. But I am also a bridesmaid for my friends wedding in August and thats a few short months away!!! I have lost 90 lbs total. since I started weightwatchers a few years ago. I have been hovreing at my weight now for a bit, At least maintaining and not gaining. But I do want to be down another 20 at least by my wedding. Its doable.... If i fricken start kicking my ass and not slacking! lol . I started my crazy workouts again. HOwever I have also been working a second job WHICH this week has cut into my working out schedule. I did a lot of weight training last week, and didnt lose much, Probably gained muscle as I feel more toned, which is good. But we all want those numbers on the scale! lol . Next week I think i will dedicate 5 days to kickboxing(cardio) and do a double work out and add weights. I also have my friends bachlorette party in Vegas in about a month and a few days. So I want to push myself hard before then too!!! SMH. The things we do!
  17. I'm at I'm still working on ours. When we have it figured out ill post it
  18. Thanks for the tip! I will for sure be emailing her about that probably around July. Our wedding is in January. So depending on her response time i figure that will be enough time to get everything in! I sent her a long email asking about a private reception with a number of questions. All she did was answer yes the private recep is 1000.00.. didnt answer the other 5 questions.. -sighs- oh well So far its been ok, other than a time issue. Speaking of which I should email my TA about as well
  19. Hi welcome! And congrats! So for the free wedding its free for up to 10 people. Any Amt over that is 10.50 each person and if you have over 40 they force you to have a private reception. Also you have to pay for the minister/certificate. That's I think 500-525$ You get a semi private reception included in package. And the above fee applies unless u have over the 40 then it's a private reception and u have different options to choose from. There is a post a few post back where we broke down the options. Then of course there are upgrades and what not. My advice is research. A lot. Photographer (if going with someone off resort ) flowers hair etc Good luck and let me know if u have any more questions
  20. I chose the free package. It only includes up to 10 guests. For the Riu im at any amt of guests over 10 is 10.50 per person(for dinner/drinks) plus the minister /document fee 525 or something like that.
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