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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. OH great. That doesnt sound fun. Yeah they told me I have to go for 2 apts. The first one is 30 mins. and then the second one a week later. Mine is one of my molars on my side bottom. All because a dentist before f'd my tooth up with a filling and made my tooth super sensitve to EVERYTHING like breathing hurt! lol. And then I had to get a root canal. and now this.. and yeah I want to punch jillian in the face .. lol or throw the remote at her! Maybe ILl DL that supreme 90 day challenge. I keep switching everything up. After a few weeks i get bored of it and stop. Right now IM doing a monthly ab challenge.. an dI hate abs..Im on day 7 and want to quit.. haha . I died in the warm up of insanity! lol Right now I play soccer once a week, bootcamp one day. granny class one day. then inbetween ill do some weights days, roller blading or turbo jam. and I just bought a 20 class shapes pass so Ill be going to those mon-wed-fri .. My bootcamp and granny class ends in 2 weeks so ill have to find something to replace that lol. wish I had my FI problem. Hes trying to gain weight for the wedding.. I told him i will gladly give him some
  2. LOl yes granny work out. Actually it made me less sore from my previous intense work outs so I guess it worked. LOl. Yeah i did the 30 day shred and some other ones. But her voice drives me crazy. so I stopped doing them Or i turned the TV down and just watched and listened to music while I did them. I wanted to kill her.. "dont phone it in" stfu!!! LOL Oh wow that sucks about the crown! now im nervous about getting mine. I dont even know what a damn crown is. Maybe I should google this. oi. My cheat day will def be monday.. MMMMM chinese food.. -drools- there is always going to be a fat person inside of me
  3. Oh yes. I frequent his FB page. Im kinda a stalker of it! lol I absolutly love his work. I was thinking the EXACT same thing as you are doing. Except Im adding a TTD the next day so mine will be closer to 2000.00. Im splitting it up too because ceremony is at 1pm and then dinner and private reception at 630. So Ill have some of ceremony and after pics. and then some at the reception and cake cutting and Id like some sunset pics. But Ill have to figure it out with him for that. He lives In ocho rios so he can leave and come back he said win win win! I agree. I am going to get a family member to record ours as well. With all the Iphones and camcorders ppl have . it will be fine. Its not like im going to watch it everyday anyways lol. Just for the family members back here who cant come
  4. Sometimes I find falling off the wagon for one day is actually good. Ive read alot that if you allow your self 1 day a week to have the foods you want you are more then likely to stick with it.. My day will be monday. Its my brothers bday so my dad suggested chinese food( i love chinese food so im all for that) so my plan is to be very good this weekend get a few workouts in, and enjoy the chinese food. Its also kinda for my bday since mine is 2 weeks after my brothers. Lets all have a great weekend! my weigh in is tomrorow for weight watchers so see what I am tomorrow right now im 3 lbs up from my last weigh in with them but still under goal by 4 lbs so I am ok with that.. for now lol
  5. LOL! I would but I have my Granny work out" as I like to call it.. Its all older ppl and its really lame its 20/20/20. I think its suppose to be 20 mins cardio 20 mins weight 20 min stretchin.. but its 60 mins of boring ness !!!! lol I have to get a crown put on in june.. booo..Damn you root canal.! lol yay for insurance!
  6. LOL i hear you about the long weekend. Its my cousins sons bday party this weekend. Ill have to try and limit myself! and i love cake! oh how i Love cake! i been working out hard core everyday this week. My body is def sore.I walk like I have been beatn up. lol But it is so worth it! Im sure my monthly friend is right around the corner...I hope! now im paranoid about getting pregnant lmao! Because its not the fact that id be pregnant and fat in my dress its the if i was pregnant now id be 7 months in Jan and they might not let me fly! haha oh prioroties! So flo can come anytime! haha
  7. Congrats yassy! Im going to be booking with him shortly. Whcih package did you end up going with? That is what we are still debating. I have been working out hard core lately. my body is hurting bad lol
  8. Oh no! sorry to hear this! Ok so I use to work for CanadaPost So I know all about mail going missing. Sometimes the tracking says delvd and it hasnt been and sometimes it says Missent and its just been wrongly scanned. Unfortunately the agents really dont know nothing the scanning is all they can go by. HOPEFULLY they just show up tomorrow in perfect condition If they dont . Def follow up with USPS however if their claims are anything like ours it would have to be done by the sender, and by the time they reimburse or find it it will be like 90days. Thats how it was here. So best that the sender just resend it if it comes to that.. If you have the tracking number you can PM it to me and I can kinda help you out and see what is going on and pass on my previous postal knowledge I hope they just show up
  9. thats awesome! i wish I was able to go there first and check out the resorts.. Def an advantage! Im sure the tips will be flowing As for the jamiacan food. I get that at home. My FI family is originally from Jamaica. The kids were born here But mom grandma dad aunt etc.. all From Jamaica so I get that at like every family event. Easter, xmas, you name it. lol Its good but id def be a cow if i ate it all the time. HOwever I cant get enough of the fried dumplings or festival. my faves
  10. Yep I am getting married at the ROR which one are you getting married at? Thats good to hear its nice! hard to know other then by looking at pics because I havent been there yet. My cousing got married at the Riu in NEgril and he said it was awesome. But it was a bit more Pricier. So we went with OCHI and we are going to do our honey moon in Negril. Possibly at the Riu! lol
  11. I also think Sunday, I am going to start a measurements book/log and measure weekly or monthly and see if anything there is changing
  12. No i havent heard. I never even thought about fire works! lol.. that would be pretty neat. .
  13. Yeah the dates are weird on my card. Like I weighed in but the stamp says May31. I might just go weigh in this week or next weeklong as i am under goal and get it over with. I might have a 4+ gain but will still be under goal. so thats ok. lol Wow I didnt realize our weddings were a month apart! Im sure you will look great! I sit in "candy corner" at work, they always have candy and cheeseballs. Im not too much of a fan of cheese balls so i can resist that. but the candy.. FML. ahha Ive only had a mint today so im being good. Its helping curb my hunger til i can get home for dinner. 6/7 months to go ! we can do this hehe
  14. im thinking its from this frozen chicken breast. its bonelss but i said to my FI "these are really salty" IM THINKING it was from that. So i said im gonna buy fresh ones and see the diff. . IM hoping its water weight and TOM weight lol
  15. oh. I was fully ready to pay full price for the original of my dress. well my parents were going to pay half. But then I found this one and thought id order it before the original needed to be ordered and if it looked good then excellent. If not then Id pay for the original! We only get married once! But I wouldnt of felt bad spending the money
  16. I know. I havent gone for my may weigh in either!!! Well It says it is good until May 31, so does that mean I dont have to weigh in til June? If so then I have more time lol I ususally weigh in on Saturdays. But I might go friday at lunch too if IM below my goal. My last weigh in i was 164. So id like to be there. But right now Im over my goal weight which was 170. Im thinking its the TOM or water retention or something. Its pissing me off!!! lol . Id like to be at 150 by the wedding but i dont think my body will let me get there! Right now im just trying to get back to 164.. I know its bad but usually the day before weigh in Ill only drink water and eat a couple veggies. and then ill be back to the last weigh in weight. I hope tomorrow the stuipd scale is back to normal. Lets keep pushing though right? lol
  17. IT COULD be coming close to that time. Im gonna say its that. I have changed them lol. I joined a soccer team. And instead of turbo jam I did a P90x interval training thing for 50 mins. And I do a boot camp tuesdays. And a lame work out on ThursdaY(the class sucks but i paid for it) Plus i add some extra squats and abs in each day. . Im hoping its the TOM
  18. ugh REALLY frustrated this week. Last week I was still under my goal weight for weight watchers.. Today i weigh myself. I been working out, eating right this week and im up a lb! so freaking frustrated! I really dont think I will be where I want to be by Vegas. OR by my friends wedding in August. My body just keeps gaining and losing the same 3-5 lbs. when Im below my "goal" i feel good i think I look good. Soon as I go over a 1lb i feel like a big cow lol See where Im at by Saturday =/ Hope the rest of you ladies are having a good week!
  19. thanks! i have to agree! the price was excellent your dresses need to hurry up so i can see!
  20. PS.. DONT MIND my bitchy look and paleness hahaha My moms friend took the pictures but didnt tell me she was taking them at that moment.. I really am happy. And not sure why im clenching my fists like im going to punch someone lol
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