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Everything posted by DANIELLE03

  1. I started that ab challenge too.. and then forgot ;/ lol oops. Yes Il be good so i can be a little pig on the weekend yay for cake.. im such a fat kid.. lol Tonight im going to be running me ass off at soccer so that will be some calories burned and then working again wed and thurs night. booo but its more active then my day job sitting at a desk all day.. lol I love some jamaican food.. plantain.. fried dumplings, festival.. patties.. rotties.. -drool- ahha June 1 goal- start squat challenge again.. gotta get this booty tight and firm ahaha ALSO I am starting to read Burn the fat Feed the muscle. Its a 49 day challenge that burns the fat off your body so your muscles are more prominant ( body builders for example) I know a girl who did it and the results were amazing.. it tells you the right foods to eat for your body and workouts to do..
  2. Thats a smart idea! wish we did that for the grooms men! My bridesmaids all said they were coming, and they all put their deposits down As for HIs guys. Only one has(the best man) the other 2 nothing yet. Im gonna tell him to tell them he has to know by a certain date, because then he doesnt have anyone and would have to ask someone who is going ( which he is thinking about doing now ne ways, and then maybe m y brother) Our due date is May 31 for deposits to be in but we kinda got everyone to do it by last week because our TA is gone this week and wouldnt be there to take the depostis.. right now the total amt confirmed on the group rate including us is about 22. But we have ppl coming from the usa and england and jamaica too so we are expecting about 40 ppl I agree with your FI I say that to mine all the time. It sucks my grandma isnt coming or my other grandparents, but my grandpas is 93 and my grandma on my moms side doesnt leave canada lol So thats shitty but Im doing lots with her to include her I wish i could say May 31 Ill know the exact number but I wont until end of August. I am going to put a deadline on when to tell me if you are coming or not ( for the ppl making their own arrangments) because I need to know for the resort and for gifts and OOT bags and stuff like that and if you tell me last min your coming, thats great,, but NO GIFT FOR YOU
  3. LOL! I hear you on that!!! I KEEP stopping and starting the squat challenge. I lik eit.. I just forget about it! lol But I will try again june 1 It will be My bday gift to me! Hahah this week I have to be very good. So i am taking away all carbs and sugar, except for here and there ( like iced tea) until sunday, because I have my bday dinner then with my friends that will be my cheat day! this weekend however is all full of food Social on Friday and its gonna hve good food. ILl have to just have "tasteS" saturday is my FI grandmas 80th bday more jamaican food. and then sunday My dinner with friends and then Monday is my bday dinner with my fiance.. oh geez
  4. LOl it is a lot of working,but so much to pay for! lol And I have to find some time this week to workout.. even for 20 mins. Im up now 3 ,lbs from my "stablized" weight. Not my ww "goal " weight. LOL had a bridal shower yest for a friend and ate too much.. Now im back on track with my food at work! but no time to work out. Ill try and get up 20 mins earlier on wed and do a quick 20 min work out... hello energy shots! Hope everyone has a good week!
  5. Thats awesome! goood job! I can run 20 mins if I am playing a sport, but not just on a treadmill.. Probably because i get bored! I give you props for that!
  6. dancing def. counts as exercise. lol Today I am babysitting my niece. So Ill try and do a workout after she is asleep lol And tomorrow after my friends bridal shower. Monday, I am working both jobs so no workout. Tuesday a double Baseball game. and then working both jobs wed/thurs and then a workout friday so ill get a few days in this week Hmm I think i have seen those before when I go to Minneapolis. lol ILl have to try them next time
  7. WHAT THE heck is/are pop corners? lol Must be a US thing I dont know what im going to have for supper tonight at job # 2 The salads in the cafeteria are sucking lately and what i would give for a thing of fries BUT i wont do it.. ill have a crappy over priced salad
  8. I like to run in sports, but just running with no purpose(other then to exercise) isnt appealing to me! hahah .. Yeah you do find out who your true friends are once their colors come out! She could be depending on circumstances. Never know. ;/ For lunch today, beacuse i was FREEZIN in my work, I had soup from thai express.. soooooo good. but dont wanna know how bad it was for me. Im thinking not too bad because its just broth and boiled chicken and veggies and some rice noodles.
  9. OMG totally understand how you feel! Thats exactly how my ex best friend was. SMH. constantly complaining she ddidnt have monye, but was out to dinner all the time, and always askin her dad for money to live her "lavish" lifestyle. See in that circumstance its justifiable to be pissed! Im so sorry that is happening to you! I feel like once we get older and have lives and priorites come into play you find out who your "true" friends are. See my ex best friends sister and i are still super close. SHES a true friend , her sister can go to hell. I always knew she was selfish and materilaistic but i looked past it. Oh well! I figure we weed out those ppl to allow better ppl into our lives! On another note. I did that It works wrap last night. I dunno if it "actually" works. They say to allow 72 hours. so Ill see in another couple days, but right now. id say save your money My new plan is 5 days of turbo fire interval training for intense cardio and then add some weights in. No point in doing abs until the fat on my stomach is gone because long as there is fat you wont see the abs anyways! lol CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! and I hate running just for running. Give me a sport , ill run, tell me to run 5kms. not happening. lol and i heard interval training is the best which the turbo fire is. So tomorrow will be day 1
  10. Sorry about your friend. Something similar happened with my ex friend. we had been friends for YEARS like 12 suppose to be "best friends" but you know how girls are. Anyways, she asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding I said yes at the time, and then she decided to do a dest wedding in mexico. At the time I still had a job etc. so i said I would still be down for it in mexico. then I got laid off, had no money, had to go back to school, pay for a mortgage with no job. blah blah blah. At this point I had still planned on figureing it out and going. But then things kept escalating, she lived in another province and barely talked to me as it was, if i called she didnt answer, text same thing. Drove back with her to where she lives when she came in for a few days and finally saw how her FI was in person, didnt like that too much and kinda put him in his place, and then ever since then it got even worse, that and for someone who says we were "sisters" she had me like 4th in her bridal party, ( not a big deal I know) but it hurt a lot because she was putting ppl before me that she hadnt had a 12 year friendship with.. Needless to say feelings were hurt, I was hurt, didnt have money blah blah blah. So I said You know what at this point i dont think i can go for sure, so if you need to ask someone else then go ahead( i said it in a nice way) and then shit hit the fan from then, she sent me some text saying that We havent truely been friends for years since a previous incident( that she never told me about so shes been hating me for years over something I didnt recall saying ) and that she didnt want me as a Bm anyways. and that she no longer wanted my friendship. We havent talked in almost 2 years and her wedding was the august that just past. I hope it doesnt end up that way for you. I told my girls that i understood from the start if something changed, but they are all coming.. yay! Sorry for my story rant, Just dont let it get that far. Im still friends with her sister and the rest of her family, but she doesnt like that too much either, She made me realized that I WAS the one who didnt need HER friendship. I invested way too much into someone who never cared
  11. That sucks about your FI sister. My brother and his FI werent going to come, and at first i was upset, but then realized a lot of ppl that I would want to be there cant come regardless, and i have to be ok because its a lot of money. The ppl that will be able to make it will make it a special day so just focus on that and if she doesnt come you will have the memories to show her that she wasnt a apart of unfortunatly
  12. i DEF WILL! lol Depending on how ugly my before and after pics are I might post them. But then again I might not since my tummy is flabby and gross haha
  13. I started a ab challenge too. And then forgot about it after day 7. ILl just pick it up again next week with day 8, I as well have no abs. like isee definition in my stomach but its not flat and i still have flab. Hence these wrap things. they CLAIM to take it away, so I said wth Ill give it a try for 15 bucks before i spend 100 on four of them! lol I kept hearing a lot about it to so thought id try. Apparently it stays off if you eat healthy and exercise(which we are doing) so ill see after toonight! She said she will measure me before, and then 45 mins after the wrap. But im going to ask if i can keep it on over night, because I hear you get good results if its left on during the night. Ill try anything lol my stomach is def my trouble area!
  14. Hey, Im not sure 100% on that. You would have to for sure pay the 1000.00 or 500 for 2 hours from what I have read. I BELIEVE the 10.50 per person would be any guests over your package amt, But I could be wrong. They arent very clear on their wording And sometimes i think they make up prices as they go. lol All I know is that for mine its 10.50 per person. I THINK she said over the 10 that are included in my package, but ALWAYS double check and KEEP all emails from the resort, that way you have reference to go back if they try and change something last minute. And make sure you bring all correspondnce with them when you go. And then if you want open bar at the reception that costs extra. AND THEN the dj is 300 per hour. So for me personally the first 2 hours is dinner/cake etc visiting. last 2 hours is father daughter dance etc, and partying
  15. I think if you are having a smaller amt of ppl then the bonfire option is a good one. or renting the disco for 2 hours cause it includes dj, open bar and its only like 500 bucks! As for decorations, I am just bringing my own. Im going to order them offline, and anything heavier I will have sent to some of my FI family in jamaica. Everything I plan on bringing is light anyways. The main thing will be the centre peices. I emailed Tai flowers and Jans for estimates and they never got back to me for flowers AND that was 2 months ago. . So I am deciding to do the bridesmaids flowers and groomsmen and parents etc with Real touch flowers. And just upgrade my free boquet at the resort since ill be staying in JA for 2 weeks ILl just bring the flowers with me to the next resort and then by the time we leave they will probably be dead anyways lol Oh and ill just make a toss boquet from some silk flowers here or something like that. Oh those bags sound really cute! If i had less guests I would def buy those too! I have no clue right now what I will put it in, it will have to be cost effective. And for Me I dont think some of the ppl would appreciate a lil tote or beach bag and never use again, so may be a waste lol. Right now I am thinking like just minor things like bandaids, sunscreen, lip stuff. cards. We shall see lol. My bridesmaids are getting their own special little things and same with the moms. Are you doing oot for your parents or siblings? I dont know if I will for them. so many decisions.... If it becomes way too much. I might just scratch the OOT for everyone except bridal party and parents. And for the guests just have a little welcome package with a itinary and some cards or something. We were going to stay, but decided we wanted to go somewhere different in Jamaica as its my first time there, and not sure when Ill be back again so I wanted to def do negril for one week, that and some guests are staying 2 weeks at the resort so we want to go somewhere no one else is at. Wedding favours. I am thinking a starfish shaped cookie ( my SIL(moa) Bakes and makes cakes and designs etc. So I was going to get her to make some cookies with our initials on them, As well as My FI family is from Jamaica, So its traditional to Have Rum cake at weddings. However, im not a fan so our wedding cake wont be that, but a big majority of our guests will be from jamaica or jamaican backround, so she is going to make rum cake and Ill put them in little favour box's for guests. At least food will be eaten where something else will be put in a box somewhere lol As for photographer. If I had one from home that I loved their work I def would do that too! I hope she likes the bear But she might not like it as much as her Ted. LOL
  16. I love the kettle korn (sweet and salty) all in once I didnt get a workout in yesterday, but worked at the hospital. lifting heavy stuff and walking around compared to my day job which is sitting at a computer for 8 hours. so ill consider that exercise. Lol today I am getting one of those "it works" wraps done. Someone offered it to me for 15 bucks so i said sure ILl try it see if it shrinks my stomach any, if it does I might buy a few If it doesnt then I cant say i didnt try. LOL Im gonna try and get a quick work out in before that. Probaly some turbo jam and some weights
  17. Yeah Im the same way. chips and ice cream. I dont buy them for the house because ill be a pig and eat it all. and then some! lol. I like HIIT trainings after. I do that with turbo fire. But i have to re dl that somehow missing off my computer. Thats so awesome about the class! I cant wait to activate my shapes team buy purhcase I got. I can do 20 classes. so im going to do the power class and i think there is a boot camp and kickboxing class too! cant wait!! I keep starting and stopping those challenges just because I forget. I will re start them again IN july once everything slows down. Friends bachlorette party next month. and me working 2 jobs this next week! -sighs- lol I always inhale my food.. dont worry lol
  18. Yeah they def. wait until last minute. The only ppl that were booked before the deadline were my parents. HIs family all booked last week and then everyone else followed lol. Procrastinators .. smh. For the reception, since we are having more ppl now then expected and because my FMIL is insisting. We are doing a private repction at the plantation for 4 hours with a dj for the last 2 hours. That way she gets the private setting that she wants. Lol but I wont be doing the pool side one because its WAY more and with an anticipated 40 ppl or more I am not paying 67.50 a person.. lol For the OOT BAGS i am just going to pick up things from here that i see on sale. I dont think im going to go over board. Its basically just a little something something, but not crazy. For my neice (flower girl) im getting her a build a bear (shes gonna be almost 2 by then) and he is going to have a little tux, ( she has a teddy bear right now T.E.D is his name. lol that she wont let go. So because i didn thave a ring bearer i was going to say Ted can be it because she wont leave him for anything, and iwas going to put a suit on him, but maybe she will like the build a bear more-fingers crossed) We have something simliar like that for the credit, except its every 16th person that books the group pacakge. we have a few booking hotel only, but that doesnt count so right now we just have the one of us paid for 1 week. I am going with brian for Photographer as well he is amazing Well for the second week we are looking at resorts in Negril, We were going to do the Riu-Negril. My cousin got married there a few years ago and said it was nice, but we are thinking we are wanting to try another hotel chain. So we are keeping our options open. Travel agent said the rooms shouldnt change in price too much we are booked for 2 weeks for flight so thats what genrally makes the price go up she said, so a bit more time to deciide on that. I would like a couples only resort but that is asking for big $$$$ lol and even tho its our honey moon I dont want to go over board and over our budget
  19. YEP.. my problem too. and chips.. omg my weekness. put chips infront of me. ill eat it.. like if th ebag is open or its in a bowl. ILl pick at it.
  20. exactly. You dont need added stress! If i got the dress smaller id be stressing, which would make me wanna eat. IM the type of person that eats if im stressed. sad.. etc. lol
  21. Thats awesome! our deposits are due end of this month. So we will have a good idea of who are coming from here which so far is confirmed and deposits are in for 20 including us. We have a bunch of family coming from within Jamaica as well as from the USA so we Are going to tell ppl we need to know by sept 1. So I can order the OOT bags and chair bows and table runners etc. If we had 32 coming from here both our first weeks would be paid for. But one of ours for 1 week is covered now so that helps the budget a bit:) plus upgraded room and whatever else they give So exciting. And only 3 months away until our wedding social!
  22. oh damn! that sucks! I would buy the dress in the size that you are when you go. and just try and maintain or continue to lose after you can eat again. You might be so acustom to not eating as much you might just continue with it. I mean dont starve yourself obviously lol But eat within reason and just keep monitoring everything . OR buy a dress a lil bigger. LIke i said its way easier for them to take in then to let out. Im sure you will be fine though
  23. I personally wouldnt buy the dress too many sizes smaller. I bough tmy dress for the size that I was when I measured it. Its easier to take a dress in then to take it out or to buy a whole new dress all together. I know that its some motivation to keep going But I find my motivation is to have my dress that I have now to be a bit bigger then when i bought it. And have it taken in as well as to stay motivated to eat and work out
  24. WOW! great work ladies. I probably would have drank the milkshake And then regretted it later! More will power then me! lol Depends on my mood how much willpower I have haha. I make a smoothie each morning. This week its frozen Blueberrys with a splash of skim milk and protein powder. Usually I have strawberries in there but I ran out So far this week I have worked out monday( even after I stuffed my face with chinese for mine and bros bday, and let me just say.. trying to do abs while your stomach has a food baby in it.. =fail) Yesturday I had baseball and a soccer game. Today I wont get to work out because I have to work at my second job right after my first job. Tomrorow ILl prob do some weights and a 20 min cardio. Fri working again at both jobs. And then saturday ILl make up for the days i missed this week Lets keep up the good work and progress ladies
  25. Congrats girl!! Glad it worked out great! We are probably going with the private reception and dinner at the plantation. Id like to do the pool but its soooo much more So glad it was amazing and cannot wait to see pics! Enjoy your honeymoon and time as husband and wife:)
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