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Everything posted by BeachBumLesley

  1. Can anyone recommend an outside florist? Preferably with good cheap prices lol..
  2. Hi Ladies Just wondering how you all plan on having your tables set up for the reception. I'm only expecting 30-40 people including kids, and just wondering if you plan on having the entourage sit with you and your hubby. We'll be facing 20-25 people, and about 3 tables if we have the entourage sit with us. Thoughts?
  3. I was told to provide yellow and pink place cards on our table,s in order for the waiters to determine which dish goes where. Pink for meat and yellow for fish. What are you ladies doing with the place cards? Putting guests names on them?
  4. How are you ladies going to have your table layout during the reception? Well, mostly asking regarding the head table. Will you be having the entourage sit at the table with you and your hubby or just the two of you??
  5. Yes I was thinking of having them in my carry-on as well. I'm bringing vases for my centre piece and the last thing I need is to have them breaking on me!! Yikes, so nervous.. Good luck with traveling with the wine glasses!!
  6. Question: Are any of you brides traveling with fragiles and breakables? My centrepieces are glass vases and i'm extremely nervous to pack and travel with them. Any suggestions?
  7. When I had asked for buffet option price, I hadn't asked for which specific buffet, as I was unaware of the different buffet options. (She didn't send me the option list until recently). And she had automatically told me the crazy expensive price... hmmm, i'll asked her again. I really want to do the buffet option!
  8. We decided to go with Doremixx also! Waiting to see if he's available!! *keeping fingers crossed*
  9. Did you choose the buffet option? I was told i had to have a minimum of 50 guests, and it would be an additional $30/ per first 30 guests, then $50 for the remaining 20+. I was interested in the buffet as my family and friends are big eaters. Until I heard the price I completely shut that option out. Please advise if you were told addition $10/per person for buffet option.
  10. Hi LADIES, I'm torn between Dj Mannia or Dj Doremixx. Any suggestions? I've heard one of the two had provided cold fireworks, face masks, white balloons etc. I don't remember where I saw this so I don't remember which dj it was that was mentioned. I'm sure both of them are great DJ's and MC's, so at this point, whoever provides the fun service or fireworks and such, gets my vote.
  11. Ladies! I'm having my reception on the terrace. Any ideas or suggestions for decor? Since I can't hang anythiing, I have no ideas for decorations... Also, I have yet to hear any hidden fees from my wc aside from outside vendor fees and the $5 per person for open bar during cocktail hour. Any hidden fees that you all know of or experienced, please please share.. So I'm prepared and not wanting to rip my hair out lol.... Also to clarify, does the open bar fee of $5 per person, apply to the reception too?
  12. Hi!! Why did they still charge you the vendor fee for your photographer if she stayed at the resort? She could have easily been a guest taking pictures!
  13. Has anyone used the resort DJ? Or does anyone know a dj that is cheaper along with the outside vendor fee?
  14. Does anyone know if you still need to pay a $500 fee for the catholic priest if you purchase the royal catholic wedding package or is the priest included in the price? Sorry for these questions that my WC should be answering- unfortunately it takes her weeks to respond...
  15. Hi Gorgeous Brides!! Does anyone know if you choose the wedding chapel for ceremony location, is the package automatically going to be the "Royal Catholic" or can I choose the FREE package?
  16. Hi Ladies! Is there any Canadian brides that got married at the chapel at GCR? If so, was it considered legal here in Canada? I was told by GCR that the catholic wedding is not recognized by their government and only by the roman catholics, but to find out if a catholic ceremony in Mexico would be legal here in Canada.
  17. Hi!! I am in the situation! I am in the process of working on my STD's and wanted to include my TA's info but it wont fit on my STD. I would love to see what you came up with if thats ok... If you don't mind sending me the template as well, I would really appreciate it! [email protected]
  18. Hi Ladies! I'm in the process of choosing a resort! I have a question about Gran Caribe as it is one of my top choices! Does anyone know if there is a set-up fee for outside decorations that you bring from home?
  19. Awesome choice of items! Did you them on a whole sale online or regular local stores?
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