Hello My Fellow Majestic Brides! Newbie here... just joined this website to get some ideas and stumbled upon this thread...Yippee!!! I'm looking to get some add'l ideas, share my ideas, and meet some other brides in the process. To be honest, I'm feeling overwelmed with everything...so much to do with such little time Here's what's going on so far for my big day... I'm getting married on Saturday, 4/27/13 at 3pm at the Majestic Elegance Gazebo; Pastor York will be performing the Ceremony Semi-Private Dinner at See & Sea followed by a Reception at the Wet Bar with DJ Mannia. Phil Steingard is our Photographer and Core Films is our Videographer. We just booked the Dominican Trio for the Ceremony. Our color is Claret (Deep Red) with accents of varying shades of Pinks and Purples. We've booked the Elegance Club Swim-Up Suite We have 40 people officially booked/confirmed...and after my calculations, we secured the FREE Wedding Package with 105 nights booked as of today!! Woohoo!!! I'm planning on taking with me...red chair sashes, red table runners, and red linen napkins (www.weddinglinensdirect.com); Centrepieces, which consist of square mirrors with cylinder vases, pearlized rocks, floating candles, flower petals, votive candles with glass votive holders. Basically, the vision is vases with the pearlized rocks filled with water and a floating candle; vase on top of mirror to reflect light with scattered red/purple rose petals and crystal pieces around the vase. Everything is super light weight for my luggage and I have 3 close friends doing the decor set up for me the day of the wedding : ) Also taking an aisle runner, the OOT bags, items for OOT bags, fans/programs, place cards with DIY place card holders (3 wine corks tied with red ribbon), bridesmaid/groomsmen gifts, cake topper (haven't picked one yet), and who knows what else, haha! What is everyone else planning on bringing with them? Any ideas, tips, or suggestions that you've discovered that you'd like to share? Where is the best place to purchase OOT/Welcome bag items? Thanks so much!! And, happy planning!