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Everything posted by RacerBride

  1. I wrote a full review but in case you all do not check the resort reviews, I'm happy to provide any insight on wedding planning. I actually felt bad giving the resort such a low review (especially compared to previous brides who raved about it)--like I was high maintenance brat or something, but I had a very identical experience to MayFlowers2014 (I got married May 8, 2014--so we were probably there at the same time). My issue was not so much with the "hiccups" that occur, but with how the management handles it. The service was genuinely horrible. Also, in my review I stated that no one got sick--apparently my guests were just being nice because they could see how stressed out I was about all of the other things going wrong. About half of my 54 person group got sick (a lot of them when they would not come out at night told me they were tired and those who missed daytime activities told me they had too much sun...in fact, they were all sick to their stomachs and unable to be more than 10 feet from a bathroom but didn't want me to know)...six of my people had to get antibiotics upon returning to the US. I had the same issue with overbooking and the NOW Jade asking guests to go to the NOW Sapphire, as well as having the bride and groom be moved several times, despite paying for an oceanfront (and receiving double beds). About 20 of my guests did not get what they paid for (including the bride and groom), and management made it clear that you pay for "room requests" not "reservations"...basically they don't guarantee anything so they don't have to comp you a dime.
  2. Great! This makes me so excited!! Some of the reviews make the place sound so secluded and boring, but now that I think of it, that may have been people traveling as a couple of two people. I can't believe how soon we'll all be there!
  3. That is super helpful and makes me feel so much, better! Thank you:)
  4. Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Lori and I'm getting married at the Now Jade on May 8, 2014 (Eek! So soon!!). I read this forum often, but I'm such a procrastinator that it started giving me heart palpitations because brides getting married a year after me were so much further in their planning that I was haha. I am now all caught up and was hoping to hear from some of the brides who will be there from May 3rd-10th. I have a group of 53 people joining me. The majority of the group is in their 30s. My biggest concern about the Now Jade from the inception of booking was the lack of liveliness during the day (that was not catered towards families and children) as well as the lack of nightlife. My group is no by means looking for a Spring Break in Cancun atmosphere, but can certainly be a fun and boisterous crowd. I'm sure between 50 of us, we'll be able to create our own fun, but would love to hear from previous brides regarding the atmosphere at the main pool during the day and the sports bar/disco at night or brides or brides who will be down there with me with a similar concern. I would just hate for my guests to pay all of this money to be kind of bored (but nonetheless bored in paradise!). While the TripAdvisor reviews all speak to the activities at the main pool, none really talk about music playing or fun at the pool bar or the dancing at night or anything.
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