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  1. Hi livelovelaugh. I'm also looking for a small boutique but for 50 guests and share your frustrations. Did you have any luck and if you don't mind sharing, where did you end up? Thanks!!
  2. StevenHill -- your deal sounds awesome. Can you please give me some details? I'm looking into either Mexico or the Caribbean but definitely open to Belize or Honduras. Thanks!!
  3. Hi Jamie -- I'm looking into the same resort for a June wedding this year but am concerned about the extra leg that guests would have to take from Belize intl airport to San pedro and then ferry to las terrazzas. Also would it feel like the caye is isolating? Enough for guests to do? And hear there may be bugs during the June time? Many thanks for any advice! We are also thinking of 50 guests.
  4. Thanks a lot AllieH! Do you know any place that doesn't require all inclusive by any chance? Thank you!
  5. Hi! I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a small and intimate, allows kids, and reasonably priced hotel for a June wedding. We were looking at La Reve in Riveria Maya but think they are fully booked. Anything similar to La Reve? Thank you!!
  6. Hi! I'm looking for a hotel that will allow children, is small and intimate, reasonably priced and outside the hurricane season? Was looking at Le Reve but think they are all booked in June. Anything else similar to Le Reve? Thanks!!
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