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Everything posted by J1031

  1. PM me your email and if you have a Dropbox account, that would help - files are large
  2. 4 weddings a day?? wow!! No wonder it's impossible to get a hold of them!! How long were you guys given to provide Paloma with a booking number? She confirmed our date yesterday and gave us until the 15th of Feb to provide a booking number and flight details. I responded, asking for more time, since we just sent the invites to the printer (waiting for her to confirm the date for almost a month) so it'll be about 3 weeks before we have them. If we send them out immediately, it puts us at 2nd week of Feb to start booking and we clearly can't ask people to put down a deposit within a couple of days of receipt of the invites. Westjet won't release booking numbers until the minimum of 10 rooms are booked so again, this will take a couple of weeks. I asked her if we could put down a deposit to show that we are serious so she can hold the date longer but nothing back yet.
  3. I could have sworn I posted this earlier but I don't see it so here it is again.. If you haven't ordered your invitations yet, definitely check out Custom Party Place!!! I just got my proofs back for Passport Wedding invites and boarding pass rsvp cards and they are awesome!! Ilene was amazing to work with - quick responses (something I'm not used to haha), very creative and super patient - I must've made 20 changes before I signed off on the final one. Here's the link for her Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Custom-Party-Place/124492324242984?fref=ts Hope this helps, J
  4. Thank you! We are leaning towards a pool reception now - I think it will look nicer too with the pools being lit up
  5. Hi ladies, I just received proofs of our passport invitations and they are AWESOME!! If any of you are looking at getting fun and unique invites, here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Custom-Party-Place/124492324242984?fref=ts They have anything from passport to boarding pass and chocolate bar wrappers - and Ilene is extremely quick with getting any changes done or responding to you all together (which is a breath of fresh air haha)
  6. Woohoo!! Either pigs are flying or it's our lucky day!! Finally heard back from Paloma.. to tell me the other date we picked wasn't available haha! We have been inquiring about a beach reception but she keeps pushing the pool for some reason. So to make things easier for ourselves, we are now leaning towards it. When we were there last year, we saw a party going on under what seemed to be a large palapa around a pool area either in Akumal or Coba and can't remember which it was - it was 100% not Tulum. We are expecting around 40 people and want enough room to dance - anyone know which pool is most private and has the most space to move around?
  7. lgerry - you actually got to talk to her?? I'm jealous haha!! Hopefully they can confirm your date soon - I think it's time I start looking at other resorts
  8. Have any of you had issues getting a hold of the WC lately or is it just me? I have been trying to get a hold of Paloma for over a month now to confirm a date, she finally responded last week (giving me different date options) after I sent a not so pleasant email but we're back to playing the waiting game again. As of this morning I have called the resort 11 times trying to get a hold of someone and nothing. You'd think if you're bringing 50 people to the resort, there would be some sort of urgency in answering questions but it appears that we have to chase them and beg them to give the resort our money. Sorry, just had to vent lol Thanks!
  9. Hi ladies, Looking at booking end of Nov 2013 - got package pricing and services for groups (we want a private reception with buffet dinner) and it lists the Hacienda as one of the location options. Has anyone used it? It would be nice but I'm concerned with privacy. Also, do they have music/shows there every night or just Thursdays? Sorry, not having much luck with responses from the resort. Thank you so much in advance!
  10. Hi ladies, I've been to this resort twice, just came back a couple of weeks ago, we went to quite a few of the a la cartes and took quite a few pictures of the Chill Out lounge for all who are planning to have their reception there but have never been. Send me your email addresses and I can forward what I have. Also, any questions, feel free to ask! I saw a couple of weddings and they all look amazing. From reading these posts, it appears I'm not the only one who's a bit frustrated with the slow responses from the WC. I actually tried to get in touch with the WC while there and received no response.. Hopefully it's all up from here
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