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Posts posted by TealMarie

  1. Originally Posted by cccharming View Post


    I'm just wondering if anyone else is going though the same thing with trying to book group packages- we get the group pricing from our TA then all our guests are expected to pay in full within a couple of weeks (before that special pricing expires). They can't put a deposit and pay on a few months. Our wedding isn't for 7 months. If we want to hold seats we can't use the discounted rates. And then all payment has to be in within 6 weeks. Any advice/suggestions-or is this the same experience everyone else is having?

    Hmmm that seems odd to have to pay in full. Our TA (who is actually from Calgary) arranged a group package for us back in January and everyone had until this week I think to put down a deposit. The deposit is only $100 pp and then they have to pay in full by 60 or 80 days prior to the trip. Maybe you should try a new TA? If you're interested in the contact details for my TA, PM me and I'll give you her info.

  2. Originally Posted by natalieblev View Post


    That is so awful!! What a B! Dont let it get you down! I had a similar experience although my dress was (and still is) way too big and I think the lady convinced me to order it that way so I would HAVE to pay for alterations. When I went to try on the dress for the first time the manager was such a B! I was so uncomfortable with how big it was (mainly how LONG it was...made for a freggin Top Model) and I shared my concerns and wanted to start alterations right away but she refused. She was just like its not that big, it will get done, stop freaking out YOU ORDERED THIS DRESS...etc. Really pissed me off and then they wouldnt let me get an alterations appt started until May. My wedding is in June so Im still freaking out that they will actually get it done, but nothing I do convinces them to start my appts now. 

    I really hope it all works out for you. Is it too late to take it to an independent seamstress? She might be more willing to actually do what you ask and work hard to keep you as a return customer.


    I've heard about some places putting off ordering your dress (ie: keeping the money from your deposit to buy more dresses for their store and ordering yours later on) or putting off doing alterations because your wedding isn't until such and such a date. Because of this whenever I had appointments I told them my wedding was a month earlier so that I got everything done in more than enough time. It was funny to see my Mom's reaction the first time I said the wrong date to the lady. She looked like I had two heads!

  3. Originally Posted by Lydia1120 View Post


    OMG Tealmarie...that just made me realize it's 7 months today for me!!! Awwwwwww how exciting!!!!

    Yay! Very exciting! You're so prepared, you could probably get married tomorrow and you'd have everything you needed!

  4. Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post


    TealMarie!  We have the same wedding date!  So exciting!


    Oh my gosh - fun!! Now I have someone to bond with over the fact I realized it's 7 months until the day. For some reason I thought it was less. I was also considering Now Saphire. We must be related, lol!

  5. Originally Posted by mizpriya View Post


    We leave for Mexico in 2 days ladies! Getting really excited! Hope all goes well and we get good weather the day of the wedding!


    Good luck to all of you that are getting married soon!

    How exciting! You're going to have such a great time!

  6. Originally Posted by hortonk View Post


    I just ordered my bags from discountmugs.com. I got 60 bags with a custom logo printed on them for $130.00!! I had to get them shipped to our house in Arizona as shipping is free within the states and REALLY expensive to ship to Canada. Here is a picture of them! Cant wait to start filling them :)



    Those look great! Can you add the link to the specific bag or give the product number? I've been hoping to find something like this for the same price.

  7. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    Well I knew that this was a possibility, if you "book" before the flight schedule comes out (usually June) there is a possibility that they could change the flights, anything before the flight schedule is considered a Pre-Registration and it can happen! Apperently if you are booked with AirCanada or WestJet the chances are smaller.


    I just can't see booking for this big of a group with less than 6 months to go so we took a chance on the flights being changed, luckily when I spoke to the WC she said not to worry it happens all the time and they are usually very good at accomidating this happening! We had a few guests that had already booked holidays at work but luckily for them this works a little better since we now leave on Rememberance Day it isnt so bad!


    Oh well crisis averted and we can carry on waiting for the days to pass!

    Whoa. Good for you for taking it in stride. What airline did you book with? I really hope this doesn't happen to us as I don't think everyone would take it so well if our trip changed by several days.

  8. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    Well I knew that this was a possibility, if you "book" before the flight schedule comes out (usually June) there is a possibility that they could change the flights, anything before the flight schedule is considered a Pre-Registration and it can happen! Apperently if you are booked with AirCanada or WestJet the chances are smaller.


    I just can't see booking for this big of a group with less than 6 months to go so we took a chance on the flights being changed, luckily when I spoke to the WC she said not to worry it happens all the time and they are usually very good at accomidating this happening! We had a few guests that had already booked holidays at work but luckily for them this works a little better since we now leave on Rememberance Day it isnt so bad!


    Oh well crisis averted and we can carry on waiting for the days to pass!

    Whoa. Good for you for taking it in stride. What airline did you book with? I really hope this doesn't happen to us as I don't think everyone would take it so well if our trip changed by several days.

  9. Originally Posted by Mayerlis View Post


    I also had to remind them to not charge me! They got back to me within a week.

    My ceremony is at 3pm so I made my appointment for 10am. They scheduled 2 people at a time so I believe the last person who will be getting their hair done is at 12:30.  That should give us time for pictures and just relax before the ceremony. 


    Do any of you ladies know how the alcohol works for the reception? I'm having my reception in Barcelona and I was wondering if they have a bar set up or how that works.

    My ceremony is at 2pm and they scheduled me in at 9am, so we have similar timelines (two people scheduled at a time). My only concern was for the girls going after me at 10:30am. It says hair takes 2 hrs and make up 1hr so that feels like it's cutting it close. But maybe it doesn't actually take 2 hrs to do their hair?


    Good question about the bar set up. I also want to figure out if they'd be able to do a few signature drinks for us.

  10. Originally Posted by Mayerlis View Post


    I also had to remind them to not charge me! They got back to me within a week.

    My ceremony is at 3pm so I made my appointment for 10am. They scheduled 2 people at a time so I believe the last person who will be getting their hair done is at 12:30.  That should give us time for pictures and just relax before the ceremony. 


    Do any of you ladies know how the alcohol works for the reception? I'm having my reception in Barcelona and I was wondering if they have a bar set up or how that works.

    My ceremony is at 2pm and they scheduled me in at 9am, so we have similar timelines (two people scheduled at a time). My only concern was for the girls going after me at 10:30am. It says hair takes 2 hrs and make up 1hr so that feels like it's cutting it close. But maybe it doesn't actually take 2 hrs to do their hair?


    Good question about the bar set up. I also want to figure out if they'd be able to do a few signature drinks for us.

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