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Posts posted by TealMarie

  1. Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post


    Five months, TealMarie!!!!

    I can't believe time is going by so fast!  I better get my butt in gear!!!! 


    How far are you ladies through the process?  What do you have left to do?

    Ha! I was just thinking that yesterday. You know what? That last month did go by fast, so maybe people are right and it'll whiz by!


    I'm still at the same point I was a month ago, except I picked up my dress last week (yay!). Next on the list I think will be the music I keep procrastinating on. Also:


    ceremony script


    order small vases and votives for the reception

    order our wedding rings 

    order gifts for our parents

    get dress altered

    purchase jewelry and sparkly sandals

    order FI's suit

    maybe add something to our sad wedding website?

    order boutonnieres

    order welcome bags so I can paint them


    Most of the 'order' items I already know which ones I want but I'm waiting to see if something better pops up. Anyone else? How about you Dina?

  2. Originally Posted by Billandstina View Post


    It honestly doesn't sound like you need much more!! I'm on the flight right now heading home from my wedding and I can tell you that lugging all my decor down was a pain (although worth it financially) and at the end of the day nobody is going to remember my decor and the man in a speedo helped steal the show when he decided to stand behind us crying! Don't stress the small stuff...the scenery will be so beautiful and the simple petals will have an impact!

    Thanks for that tip. I keep seeing past brides say something similar and it's now getting through my head, so I'm not going to worry about too much decor, especially for the ceremony.


    Now...PLEASE tell us more about the man in the speedo crying?? (When you're back home and settled of course)

  3. Originally Posted by TrishaJ34 View Post


    Congrats Rhiannon! So excited to hear that things are going well! I just sent Gloria dinner choices and flower choices.

    Also, instead of a big cool OOT bag, we decided to do personalized (with the guests initials) insulated tumblers for all the guests. We'll still put them in gift bags and may add a wine/bottle opener or something else small. I'm also making all the ladies barefoot jewelry, as there will only be about 12 women attending.  Hope they like them!!


    Oooooh nice! Where did you get the tumblers and the stickers? I love it!

  4. Originally Posted by rhiham View Post


    Hola from Mexico! The wedding was INCREDIBLE! KayLynn, we had no problem getting OOT bag stuff through customs - we had receipts and were ready to get searched/questioned about all the stuff we were bringing, but we literally just walked through customs. They asked why we were coming to Mexico, we said we were getting married, and they said "congratulations!" and we walked through. It was a breeze!


    I have a LOT more to say, but please rest assured that everything was beyond lovely and there were absolutely NO problems. Gloria is a literal angel sent from the heavens. I'm planning to post a longggg review as soon as we're back in the US, but for now here's a teeny tiny sneak peek of our wedding on our photographer's website: http://www.schwagerandhanks.com/2013/06/fort-worth-wedding-photographer-rhiannon-shaun-excellence-riviera-cancun/

    Congrats Rhiham! You look DIVINE and so happy! Enjoy your honeymoon :)

  5. Originally Posted by rileyjl View Post


    November 9, 2013 bride here! Didn't even know this thread existed :) so happy to connect with fellow brides. Im having my wedding in Playa del Carmen and live in Washington state. Does anyone have suggestions on when to send out invitations?

    We sent out save the date emails in January and then invitations in March or April. I can't remember. We already had a pretty good idea of who was coming or not after the emails. We just wanted everyone to have as much time to plan it out as they could.

  6. Thanks ladies! I really love it so much. When I first put the dress on I loved it but when my consultant said, "Wait until you see the second dress," I started looking around in confusion. I had no idea it came apart, so that sold me for sure. 

  7. This is the beautiful lace back.




    Without the lace overlay. I'll wear this with a similar crystal belt (but without the veil) for the reception.




    And the low back, which I love!




    I'm thinking I'll wear earrings and a bracelet with the lace for the ceremony but no necklace because of the beautiful neckline. When I change for the reception I'll put on a pretty necklace and maybe keep the bracelet and just be super sparkly! More cocktail hour-ish.

  8. slstriednig and FutureMrsSingh - Welcome! This site really is my favourite for wedding planning, everyone here is so super friendly. I'm not sure if it's because DW brides are more relaxed, but whatever it is, it's awesome!


    So girls, I picked up my dress today and I'm going to post a lot of photos because I haven't been able to share it with anyone yet and I'm too darned excited! 


    This is with the lace overlay that I'll wear for the ceremony with this belt and my veil. I kind of want to wear it for the first part of the reception, so I can get pictures with people in it, but haven't decided yet.



  9. Originally Posted by rhiham View Post


    SEVEN DAYS TILL WEDDING DAY! I am so excited! I'm running around like a maniac for the next week (flying to Texas from Colorado tomorrow, doing my final appointments and errands, then going to Mexico on Wednesday) but I really am intending to be back on the forum to update you ladies about how everything went and to answer anyone's questions. This forum has been a HUGE help to me. BUT, in case I forget and don't log back in, please feel free to email me: [email protected]. Wedding day is Saturday the 15th and we'll be back stateside on Thursday the 20th. Happy planning ladies! It's been real!



    Oh my goodness, that is so exciting! I hope everything is as you hope it to be and more. Have the very very best day!

  10. Nellie - thanks for the recap, it was really helpful. Looks like your wedding was everything you wanted it to be! I will also be one of the people with zebra arms, lol. But we really want to get married on the beach, so I'm cool with that.


    Jessica - good to know about all the shows they have, I had no idea. I think we'll probably end up doing what you did and go to the performing ones but maybe not the cover band ones. Anyone go to the MJ or Beatles one - thoughts?


    Trisha - I plan to take our wedding rings down as well. I'm not taking my engagement ring off and I'll just bring ring cleaning solution with me. I have thought about getting a 'dummy ring' for the future for vacations though. 

  11. Originally Posted by nbateman View Post



    So I'm officially done looking for these totes and just ordered 30 from cheaptotes.com. ingreetings.com has great ones which I orderedsome samples of a while back. The one I likes there was 5oz. And cheaptotes'bags were 6oz and a little cheaper (.88 ea).

    I'm giving up as well. *cue sad music* Wah wah wahhhh... I'm going to find some online too. I'm glad yours have worked out. What colours did you end up getting?

  12. Originally Posted by kirab22 View Post


    Thanks that helps! :) I think the resort we are looking at will charge for a break in events :(

    Oh no, that's too bad! I didn't know some resorts did that. The alternative that we had considered was taking 'first look' photos before the wedding ceremony so that we had good light, so maybe that would work for you? 

  13. Thanks for all of your encouragement ladies. I can't wait to see pics of everyone in their altered dresses!


    Kirab22 - my timeline for the day is: 2pm ceremony, 5pm cocktail hour and 6pm dinner. At first we had the ceremony at 4pm but moved it to 2pm on the advise of our photographer because the sun sets at 5pm in November. Hope that helps!

  14. ERMAHGERD! I just a call that my dress is in! Holy crap holy crap holy crap. I've been so nervous that I might not like it anymore and wishing that I could try it on again and then Poof! Wish granted. Hopefully it's everything I hope it is!

  15. Originally Posted by MOrdonez View Post


    lol....That's what I meant....."What I would and wouldn't do again?"......can you tell that my brain is all over the place with the wedding...lol    :)

    I assumed it was an iphone/ipad/techno error, but bride brain works too ;) We've definitely all been there and apparently it only gets worse!  Oy vey.

  16. Originally Posted by KayLynn Oliver View Post


    Thanks for all the info everyone! This is so helpful! Does anyone know if they do spray tans at the resort? I would get one before we leave but we are gonna be there 5 days before our ceremony so I think it will wear off.

    That's a good point! I was planning to get one before we leave, but our wedding is also 5 days after we arrive. If they don't have it there I may have to research the best tanning lotion. Eeep! Let me know if you find out about it.

  17. Originally Posted by MOrdonez View Post


    6 months to go!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!


    Just a side note, I found a really great thread on here that I am glad I came across now when I still have time to plan and make changes. It's called "Things of would of and wouldn't of done...." or something like that. It's chuck full of great tips, ideas, and things not to forget! Worth checking out.

    'What I would and wouldn't do again?' That is a really great thread. I have to read through the whole thing and take notes. 


    Yay for your 6 month mark!

  18. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post



    I have to otherwise I will lose it!! 6 months still seems like a while, but like I said to my FI we have already been engaged over a year so this will fly by to!

    It does seem like SO long to me. Everyone keeps saying "Oh your engagement will fly by!" I haven't really felt that way but maybe it's because as destination brides we don't have as many things to tick off our to-do lists. I'm guessing other brides feel overwhelmed with meeting with different caterers, venues, florists, going to tastings, bridal shows, etc. So I guess in the end I should be happy (once again) that we chose a DW!


    I'm still trying to stop procrastinating on making the dance playlist. Maybe this weekend?...or maybe I'll go play outside in the sunshine instead, lol.

  19. Originally Posted by Pucca View Post



    We got married in November at 4:30 pm. Hubby wore a black suit with faint grey pinstripes. I thought he might be hot but he wanted to wear it and actually kept his suit jacket on until the dancing. I don't remember it being that hot. So I guess it all depends on when you're getting married and the time of day.

    My husband was like this. But then realistically he realized that he couldn't keep it a total secret because he needed me to help shop for his clothes since he was busy with work. Plus my mom bought his suit. But I let him keep his tie choice a secret although I had some idea. Haha. But he resented the fact that he couldn't keep everything a secret when my dress was a secret. Haha.

    FH is planning on wearing a suit, while the groomsmen will be in dress pants and white shirts, so he's the only one really at risk of heat stroke. We're getting married in November and I was hoping it wouldn't be as crazy hot during the day as it is in the summer down there. So happy to hear that your husband wasn't overheated in his suit :)

  20. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post



    Oh I know most people would be so excited I think that she just likes to try to make it difficult just for fun!! But hopefully youre right and she lightens up about it and realizes that its going to be fun and we arent trying to punish her by making her come to Cuba lol! Either way I am not going to let it bother me she will be there or she wont!

    Good for you. It sounds like you have the right attitude about it!


    Also ladies, yesterday was our 6 month mark before the wedding day! Ok, I will stop counting down now ;)

  21. Originally Posted by jolene028 View Post


    I started bare barefoot sandals like 3 months ago and did 2 pairs LOL I have to get back at it!


    I hear you my mother in law says shes coming one minute and then the next she isnt, and we are paying for her trip so it is really annoying, luckily my TA has dealt with this before, so we have until September 13 to say yay or no for her and out TA will transfer the money onto our trip minus the deposit which we will loose but we are giving her until the 10 to pick either way, so annoying be supportive or dont just make up your mind!!!

    Awww really? Why wouldn't she come if you're paying? Is it a problem getting time off work for her? We're paying for my MIL and she is over the moon excited. Your MIL will probably change her mind as it gets closer to the date and she gets more excited.


    Thanks for reminding me girls. We leave in 6 months today - woot!


    I have taken a break from wedding planning to focus on work related stuff, so nothing new to report....other than a very full pinterest board, lol.

  22. Originally Posted by CarolynSD View Post



    You may be right that they didn't put in the effort but I did tell him I would buy the rest if I liked them. He still left after 20 mins when he was supposed to be there the whole hour. He claimed he got pics of everyone but he only got about 1/4 of the guests. He also took about 4 of the same picture for everything so one in black and white, one close up, one far away, ext so really we only got like 6 photos in the free 25. We did pay $50 extra to take home the other pictures just to have them. All in all I think we got about 15 pictures for the free 25 plus $50. Honestly if its not too late I would really hire outside.

    It doesn't sound like he put any effort in at all! We have hired an outside photographer. I'm not sure if we're doing a rehearsal dinner so we may not end up using the free 25 at all. It sounds like a waste of time in the end. Good advice for future brides though.

  23. Originally Posted by CarolynSD View Post



    Yes I got the pictures a few day later from the resort photographer. They were basic pictures where couples posed and he took a picture. It's something you could do yourself. He didn't take any candid pictures at all. It was all posed pictures of couples. The pictures were good as they were taken with a good camera but again you could have a cousin take the same pictures. Also he didn't even bother to tell people the "wet floor" sign we behind them or next to them so that's in the pictures. I mean come on your professional you should know better. 400




    You can see the yellow marker in both. I just think that's ridiculous. Higher out! Also, I won't say who as I don't want to get them in trouble but during my site visit someone who works at the resort told me not to use the hotel photographers as they went very good. That's why I never even bothered with them and just took the free ones for the welcome cocktail hour.

    Your pictures are nice - because your guests are beautiful, but I can see what you mean. They're nice photos but in terms of paying a professional to take them, I think most people would be disappointed. That yellow sign would bother me too. They don't look any different than what someone else's photos from a party would look like if they had a Canon D50 or something like it. Perhaps they don't put in the effort for the people who use the 24 photos included in the package? But, that doesn't seem like good business sense, because then no one will spread the word that they're good photographers and recommend people use them for their wedding. Hmmm, well good thing you didn't have to pay for them I guess. 


    On a positive note - the resort looks beautiful and so do your guests!

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