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Everything posted by Pamela7

  1. Just got home from wedding at Dreams Cancun then AMAZING honeymoon at Secrets Maroma. Other than screw ups with completely messed up bouquets and a few other little odds and ends, it was overall everything i could ever want or imagine. Here is our video. My heart breaks to think Dreams Cancun will no longer be after next year. I want to be back there every year for the rest of my life. http://ahernwedding.dreamsresortcancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/#/slideshow-1/
  2. has anyone had their cocktail party anywhere other than in the garden? we want to have it on the side of the pier so we can catch sunset. we are having our reception dinner on himitsu so want the cocktail party to be somewhere else. if we have it in the garden we will completely miss sunset. any sugestions/ideas? getting married in November!!
  3. Any suggestions...We bought an amplifier with speaker/microphone to bring with us. It is REALLY loud. But i'm so torn as to whether or not it will give that bass sound that makes you want to dance. So i really dont know if should break down and pay for the resorts sounds system or just go with what we have. One girl said an amp/speaker just worked fine, but i'm now second guessing myself. Any thoughts.
  4. Thanks for the info. That is a big help to me I'll definitely get them. Thanks again!
  5. Do lights under the tables matter. I am not sure if i like them or not. Has anyone used them and how did they feel about them? thanks
  6. i checked with one of the wedding coordinators. They dont allow the chinese lanterns.
  7. Did you put out your own centerpieces and ties your own sashes etc. Or did you have them do it? I want to save money, as well, so dont want to have to pay alot for them to set things up. At the same time i dont want to stress myself out by having to do stuff or put the burden on any of my guests. So i'm wondering how much they would charge to set out my centerpieces and put the sashes on (which i already purchased on my own and plant to bring). Thanks.
  8. (this was posted in wrong place. the post was in regards to the person who posted they brought their own all in one amp, speaker and mic that the used for the reception). thanks!!
  9. can you tell me what brand or kind you used. i want to bring something like that that i know will work and isnt too big. thanks
  10. Oh...i THOUGHT you were allowed to choose one appetizer, one main course and one dessert (and could pick and choose from any of the 3 menus if you were ultimate package)...BUT i was under the understanding that those 3 choices you picked were for ALL of your guests. Is that wrong?? If someone could clarify that would be great. Thanks.
  11. Holy crap!! That was AWESOME!! Thank you soooooooooooo much for sharing that with us. I got alot of great ideas and info from you. You were absolutely gorgeous and i am sooo happy for you!! BTW...i think i am going to ask for flowers just like yours. i loved them (though i am at a different Dreams resort - cancun). Best wishes to you!
  12. We looked into booking through the hotel. It seemed like more of a problem than a help to me. They give you a free room if you book 6, but they will only give you money back after you leave and they take out certain fees (or so i have heard). And the price we were quoted by the group discount guy at Dreams was sooo much more than we could find on our own. We found a GREAT deal for our guest with www.bookit.com. We got 7 nights, including flights to and from Boston for $1099. That is a great deal, compared to going through the hotel itself. The prices vary day to day and you have to watch for the best deals. The downside to this is that your guest have to book it themselves if they want to get flights that work best for their schedules. Our guests seem to be fine with this though. Yes, definitely keep in touch...keep me posted on how things are going. (If you email Cecilia she will send you list of bouquets you can choose from, and cakes you can choose from). Congratulations!!!
  13. Hey Courtney, I am so happy for you. I am getting married there Nov 16, so i'm in the same boat as you. I have to let you know that i have scoured this website and others and from what i read it seems you might feel like you cant get in touch with the wedding coordinators much at first and its scary at first, but once you are close to your wedding they will be very much in contact with you....and i have read over and over that they totally take care of everything for you, so dont spend an iota worrying about anything (I also have Cecilia and have the Ultimate package). CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!
  14. I actually bought them on ebay. They were very inexpensive but i got them and tied them around a chair we have at home to see how it looks and i think they are great.
  15. I am getting married on the gazebo. When i vacationed there i saw a few weddings. If you have extra money i am sure the corsages they sell, or flowers on a pedastal would be nice. But to be completely honest, its just so beautiful that you dont need much of anything. I just bought my own sashes online and will tie them around the seats (adding a pretty pink to the setting). But the white gazebo in contrast to the amazing color water is just so gorgeous that i dont feel like i need much more. And remember, people will be looking at you more than anything else. Good luck and i hope you have a perfect day!!!
  16. Thanks, Kelly. Did it cost alot to bring the amp/speaker on the plane? I would think it would. Thanks for your reponse.
  17. Contract is signed. November 16, 2013. Cant wait!!! I dont think i will be able to bring anything for the reception tables due to so many other things i need to bring. Does anyone know what options they offer? And if we dont have a DJ, could we get by without a sound system for the reception? (i read one girl brought an ihome and played her music from her ipod on it). I still want to do speeches and a first dance. I dont know if we can do it on just the basics. Does anyone know if acoustically i could do this? Thanks.
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