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Everything posted by kmmathes

  1. What's the chit chat corner? I'm closing in on 2 months to go and I need to get my numbers up so I can download!
  2. #6 is hilarious! I hope we can caputre something that funny at my wedding
  3. Does anyone have the price list for Norma? I didn't see it on her website... Thanks
  4. Oops, just noticed the original post is quite old. Did this idea ever go anywhere?
  5. This idea is fabulous! I would definitely be interested in hair/make-up services, photography, and excursion groupons.
  6. Beautiful pics! I was originally thinking coral for the BM dresses and dark or light gray for the guys' suits, but I'm really liking the darker color.
  7. @amberduke - thanks so much for the reassurance . With two months to go until we leave for our DW this thread has been really helpful!
  8. Thanks for the price break down EVKnowsitall! And I'm sure you'll have a blast in DR and Cape Cod
  9. Thanks for the info Mikeycelle, that is super helpful! We've booked La Laguna for a cocktail and appetizer reception from 7:30-9:30pm, although I'm still a bit worried about the gap between the 2pm ceremony and the reception. Any suggestions? I guess people can always have a siesta or enjoy the pool For previous GP brides, did you use the make up and hair services at the spa? Any reviews?? Thanks!
  10. Has anyone used Ivan Luckie?? That's who we've narrowed it down to after looking at some sites, but some reviews (good or bad) would be super helpful!
  11. Thanks that's super helpful! You don't happen to remember approximately how much XPLOR was do you? We are thinking of choosing between that and the ATV/jetskiing tour you mentioned +/- Coco Bongos, but want to keep things affordable for everyone joining us.
  12. Thanks ornxoxo. That link is super helpful!
  13. Do you remember the time frame for the Party Bus? Just trying to figure it we can squeeze in a visit to XPLOR or Hidden Worlds and then head to Coco Bongos after dinner. I'm guessing it's a pretty late night?
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