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Everything posted by michysmichy

  1. I dont have the 2013/2014 price listing i only ahve 2012. You can just email the resort....the email was listed a couple posts back and they will send you the price listing
  2. I Didnt even see htis post...it would have been nice to see the cajan resturant from a couple differnet angles as thats where we want to have our dinner. I have seen some pics from your wedding already they look amazing cant wait to read what you have to say when u return
  3. Wow so we are all getting married in the same week. Exciting stuff. . I was also looking at Tia Flowers not the the centre pieces but because i want to see what kinda of flower Selection can be put on the Chuppah. We are also bringing our centre pieces from home. When do you guys arrive at the resort?
  4. Questions...We arent getting married at the Grand...we are getting marreid at the beach but staying at the grand for our honeymoon. We where wondering how much do you tip your butler? any advice on that?
  5. you are bringing frabirc for the arch? where did you get it from? Do they not have it there?
  6. I dont think theres anyway to do a bonfire andsnot smell like smoke after. If you ask one of the photographers for a sample pick of the fire tey will probably show it to you. When did you get your information sheet/send it in? I just emailed the resort a bunch of question asking baout booking hte cajan resturant and the disco and i want to make sure i get it but she said that we will confirm that withthe information sheet one month before but everyone else seems to be saying it would be 3 months before. I want to make sure we get the DISCO as i have heard that if one of the brides from the suites or grand book it before you ..then your out of luck.
  7. If you got to the iberostar brides page on FB the photographers just posted a bunch of bon fire pictures. The smikey smelling dress is probably gonna happen no matter what if you are near Fire.
  8. We where actually planning on using the Cajan Resturant...and havnet entirly decided on everything.
  9. I didnt realize you had posted this when i just submitted my post. I didnt think my frist post posted lol. What do u mean by a details sheet? I confirmed the date and saved it with a credit card and got confirmation that the date was booked. They didnt send me a details sheet i dont think? I got all the inforamtion about pricing. Whats the detail sheet involve? Not sure yet what time we are going to get married we put 4 on the invations just to put something. We are going to talk to our photographer before we figure it out. We have booked Brian Nejedly www.briandesign.com we are having a skyp meeting with him sometime soon thats going to be one of the things we discuss. Im sure he woudl knwo best what time we shoudl get married.
  10. Sorry i didnt see this before i posted the other one..i didnt realize my first post had posted...What do u mean detail sheet? I submited a sheet with my credit card and stuff to confirm the day but thats all i did. I was sent all the inforamtion on what to get and stuff but thats it....IS there a sheet you fill out to pick a bunch of the stuff? ....I had put on our invitations that we are getting married at 4...but i did that just to put a time..i think we are gonna delay it till 4:30 ..i will be discussing that with oru photographer on skype. We have decided to go with Brian Nejedly ...www.briandesign.com... so i will ask him what he thinks is best
  11. Thats awesome im getting married on April 23, 2013...close....Is anyone using the resturant for dancing as well? Im trying to decide if we are gong to do that. My cousin got married at the bahiah....and they just paid to extend the time they got the resturant ...and danced there....Does anyone know if the Cajan resturant would have space for that? Does it sound like a decent idea or would you just go with the Disco? and how much does the Disco cost for the couple hours?
  12. Hi Ladies! I am getting married at the Iberostar Rose hall beach on April 23, 2013 . We are pretty excited. Hoping that we get the 40 people we need to get a private receiption. Any tips or anything?
  13. how do they know you have 40 guest? why dont you just say you have 40 and grab 3 random people off the beach at the resort and let them crash your wedding to make 40 if you have 37? I cant believe that you have to have 40...i hope i get that..right now we have 38...although i might let 2 crash the wedding if it means a private receiption
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