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Everything posted by rootkl

  1. Dinner with 21 every night is going to be challenging. The specialty restaurants are pretty small and to reserve them, I think it's around $800 dollars...we tried to do dinner with a group of around 30 the 1st night at the Italian place and we split up the tables, it was necessary, into groups of 4, 3, etc. and it still took over 2 hours to get everyone seated. If you really want to eat together with everyone every night, I would plan on the buffet. If not, just have everyone have their own dinners and then meet at the bar afterwards for the nightly entertainment to gather everyone together. There is a discoteca. It is the lobby of the french and asian restaurants, a bit sketchy. The nightly entertainment does feature a DJ some evenings though.
  2. The resort photographer was ok. I am super crazy with pictures though and the package that is included def. wouldn't have been enough for me so thankfully I hired an outside photographer. With the resort photographer, you get 50 printed photos and an album, after that, each photo is $20 bucks. You can choose to use their full services for an extra fee but to be honest, if you are going to do that, I would just do your research and hire someone else that does a better job. They will def. take you to the beach for pictures no matter where you do your ceremony...we were all over the place. If you do a symbolic ceremony, you don't have to be there any specific number of days before your wedding, just enough time to meet with your vendors if you need to and the wedding coordinator.
  3. I just got married on Jan. 28th. Sunset was at 5, we got married at 4, and did some pictures before the ceremony. I thought it worked out perfectly and the sunset in the background of our pictures was breathtaking. We did the ceremony at 4, which is when all the activities at the pool end and people start to clear out, cocktail hour at 5:30, then the reception starting at 6:30.
  4. Is the conference room the same location as the convention center? I just got married on January 28th but we had everything outdoors, we did see some weddings being moved to the Seaside Grill due to rain but there is an extra charge to do so and I think the capacity is 50 max so depending on your numbers, it might not be an option. The prices vary on different options for bouquets and centerpieces, you can check the wedding guide that is online for a summary. I was happy with the bouquets and the centerpieces, they aren't anything spectacular but the views and the atmosphere, flowers were the last thing that people were focused on. They did a great job with matching my colors though, I wanted orange. The tables are for 10 each. I did lighting under the tables and found it necessary, my guest book table didn't have any extra lighting and people ended up not signing it b/c it was too dark. I thought the beach was pretty private, of course you will have people looking on but they aren't anywhere near your ceremony or in your pictures. The dolphin pool isn't private at all, I would look into the rectangular pool instead. It's where we had our reception and clears out much earlier than the dolphin pool (activities pool) and is off to the side instead of in the middle of the resort. I had 44 people and hired DJ Doremixx and it was a great decision. He was incredible and totally worth it. He offers a light up dance floor which may not be something you need for a smaller group but his services were amazing!
  5. We are going with DJ Doremixx. He has really good reviews but I'm not getting married until next month so will have to let you know then
  6. Can someone give me a time frame for a 4pm ceremony?? I am having my pictures done before with my groom so that we can attend the cocktail hour but I'm still not sure how much time to allot afterwards for group pictures...I've seen 30 min which would be perfect but I'm not positive. I have my photog for 5 hours, I'm thinking of having him get there at 2 then be there an hour into the reception...thoughts??
  7. So it looks like we are going to have around 43/44 people which is very frustrating b/c I know the tables seat 10. Did anyone try to squeeze extra chairs at the tables or just had 8-9 people at each table in this type of situation? Also, do they provide a sweetheart table/guest book table etc?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Coolcalcium I'm very confused how much to bring...when I think about it I get completely overwhelmed. I think definitely organza chair ties for the ceremony, and then table decos as I'm not sure how much more I can possibly cram into other people's bags? My goal is to stuff as much as I can onto the plane also. I wanted to do the chair ties, centerpieces, and in memory table stuff for sure. We might end up just checking another bag if we have to
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amanda2 Has anyone hired a DJ through the resort? Or is it better to hire an off-resort DJ and pay the $120 vendor fee? I hired DJ Doremixx. He has amazing reviews and has been very responsive so far and easy to work with. My wedding is in January though so I won't know the final outcome until then
  10. I would def. ask! It seems like a nice middle ground! I think that I will prob. have around the same amount, maybe a little less so I would be interested as to what they allow you to do
  11. Are the pool terraces not an option? Just curious...getting married in Jan. 2014! Will have the same questions I'm sure that you do!
  12. Ahh! I have a January 28, 2014 wedding date and these are the 1st posts that made it all seems real!! Do they at least give you a map or something to help you out when you are picking all of these places??? Also, what did everyone's timeline look like for getting ready/pictures/salon?? I have my photographer for 5 hours right now, I figured an hour in the room with the girls, so I guess I should make my hair appointment before that right?? My ceremony is at 4pm, and we're doing pictures before. So maybe hair appt. at 12:30, then getting ready in the room from 2-3 with photographer, then our couple pictures from 3-4...what does everyone think?
  13. Could you shoot me an email with these attachments? THe site won't let me open them??
  14. Does anyone have a recommendation of a person to use locally for a symbolic ceremony? We would literally just need someone to read through the ceremony that we pick out. Or has anyone just picked a family member to do it? I have read reviews of the person on-site and it seems that he isn't very easy to understand and I just attended a destination wedding and realized that this is something that is really important to me. Ideas welcome?
  15. Has anyone had any experience with the buffet option with part of the Ultimate Wedding Package? Does it cost more? What options are available? Also, has anyone bought the Ultimate Package but gone with the Silver cocktail hour to save on costs? We are ending up with a much bigger crowd that expected so was wondering if this is something they would consider? Thanks!
  16. I went with Juan Navarro. I get married in January so I have no idea how the pictures will turn out but he was great to coordinate with from the beginning, seems really friendly and I really like his portfolio. Take a look. www.juanphotos.com
  17. It's so good to hear that the food was ok! I've read so many mixed reviews on TripAdvisor! I find it very difficult not to have stomach issues on any vacation with the large amounts of alcohol that is being consumed so good to hear that it was nothing serious and that everything turned up okay! Also, yay on Nayeli and the flowers! This makes me feel so much better!! Congrats and welcome home!!
  18. Has anyone worked with Nayeli before? Every time I contact her, she just continues to tell me that planning doesn't start until 2 months out at the resort. Was this standard for everyone else? Also, for those of you that used the in house person to perform the ceremony, did you contact him through your wedding coordinator? How long out did you do so? Did you give him your own ceremony to be performed? Thanks!
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